Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Full premades have never been allowed. Five man groups are the official limit.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

My argument’s already been backed up. Blizzard took action on automated queueing for the same reasons people are asking them to do something about manual queueing: Because it impacts the game and make the experience worse for everyone involved. They explicitly stated as much in the post addressing the automated queueing issue.

They also took action on raid groups, making it impossible for people to queue into battlegrounds with groups larger than 5; Something largely ignored by several people in this thread because it makes your stance on the matter look extremely bad.

They also recently took action on premades in classic not too long ago. Did you know that? Because I sure didn’t.

Like, you exist solely in this thread to be contrarian. You don’t actually have any feasible argument other than what a blue post said. It’s actually kind of pathetic lmao

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If you know how to look, it’s clear that this is what the actual 5.1 change was.

Them tweaking the addon API to disallow automation of joining BG queue and accepting the invite.

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That is correct.

You can not officially queue into a BG with a group larger than five players. Also, currently the use of manual timing queue hopping is the issue. And while it falls into a gray area there are those in the thread saying that BlizZard should look into that as well.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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On automated queuing. They break addons that does this. There is no rules against manual queuing.


Right it falls into a gray area so that is what is being discussed right now.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

It’s like talking to a broken record lol

It is like, you don’t even know how to read:

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Then if it’s obvious that sync queue is obviously exploiting and against the rules, why has nothing been done about it in the 12 years since the addon was broken?


Talking about exploiting is also against the Forum Code of Conduct, why is people not banned for it?

They can’t answer it, because every answer they have recieved, they don’t like it, so they’ll continue.

You are allowed to discuss the issue and provide feedback which is what the WoW Gms instruct us to do.

No one has provided an in depth detailed description how it is done so no one has violated any forum policy.

Either you are interested in the topic at hand or you are just derailing the thread for no logical reason.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Because as people have pointed out in this thread several times, manual queueing wasn’t a major issue with the game up until recently.

And in 2024, Blizzard doesn’t actually care to fix things about their game that are broken/being exploited unless it harms the endgame.

Sweetheart, repeating the same thing over and over again isn’t making your argument look any better lol

You’re focused on what they actioned and not on the why, and we all know why that is: Because doing so would erode any validation your argument has lol

Keep chirping, though. I’m sure you think you’re meaningfully contributing to the conversation lmao


Ok, here is how it is done:

  1. Form a party of 5.
  2. Have a friend form a seperate party of 5.
  3. Both get on discord or any other voice communication platform.
  4. Both count to 3.
  5. 1, 2, 3, both hit queue at the same time

You know why I won’t get actioned for how it is done? Because I know very well is not exploiting or cheating. Manual queue-syncing is not exploiting the game, it is not considered cheating, because it is allowed. Only time that something can happen is if there is an addon that is being used to automate the queue systems, which then yes, should be reported.

Because it’s very clearly allowed.


Yeah, because Blizzard has certainly never been wrong lol

Are you even capable of explaining to me why manual queueing should be allowed and not automated queueing if the intent and impact are the same?

Here is the specific action they took, as preserved by the internet archive:
“In patch 5.1, we resolved some issues regarding how Addons interact with the Battleground queue system. It is no longer possible to automate queuing for standard or random Battlegrounds in groups larger than 5.“

People choose not to quote the rest of this because doing so would actually require them to recognize that their argument is garbage lmao

They make the rules for WoW. By definition, the rules are what they say they are.

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On people automating it with addons, and they have clearly stated that queuing together with another premade group is completely fine.

Objective reality is that Blizzard is fine on this, they have ruled on it, and these people (including you it seems like) refuse to acknowledge this because it torpedos your entire argument and at this point… worldview.

“This truth is inconvenient to me so I’m going to pretend that it isn’t what they ruled on and I’m going to continue to pretend this because I dislike reality.”
To paraphrase what you said here.

Yes, they explicitly stated that some community managers and developers at Blizzard aren’t fond of premades. At all. Any kind of premades. Playing with your friends? Provides an unfair advantage.

That’s quite literally all you have. Some folks dislike that other people have friends or otherwise socialize, therefore you want it banned.

That’s from 2007 mate. Folks have been doing this for a very, VERY long time. No one cares. And it has been explained, in this thread and others, what happens during lulls in an expansion’s lifecycle.

No, this isn’t an issue and absolutely no one cares. What people do care about is for ya’ll to quit saying you want to ban people for doing stuff that isn’t an exploit.

Well, as with this thread, it devolves to Blizzard bashing and name calling to anyone with a different point of view. That’s why they close it.