Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Yea, the whole fruit bowl thing made that apparent. They do some policing, but yes, it’s rare.

i mean, if we had a separate queue for “solo only RBG” (solo players who are placed in groups with other players who queue solo too) and “premade/group only RBG” or even a “gearscore equivalent rate queue”, it would be great.

However, I imagine it would be more problematic than the situation the OP is bringing up, in terms of queue time.

If now, with everyone together (solo and premades), it sometimes takes more than 10 minutes, imagine with separate queues.

That’s usually what happens. Making the problem even bigger. Cross-Faction BG’s would alleviate this issue.

Yeah… I say bring low level BGs back. Twinking and fix the high end/end game PVP.

Unsurprisingly, this is yet another thread on the forums full of people who don’t PvP at all trying to give their 2 cents, or people who engage in this behavior. No other reason anybody would disagree with the OP.


It should be quicker… the time is from getting roles somewhat balanced before it gives up and doesn’t assign a healer to one team

No they arent.

Random BGs have never been competitive.

I picked the right side. Im not on the side of the whiners.

SO because I have a different opinion you cant refute im a troll


Your opinion is “I don’t care” “So what?” and using the word competitive literally as in “rated content”.


I fail to see how this is a “two sides” issue.
On one “side” you have someone, or a group of people, upset that people participate in group content. And on the other you have … someone pointing out that group content is done as a group?

I fail to see how pointing out that being upset that folks participating in group content as a group is “the wrong side.”

I had to look up what you are calling an exploit and… it isn’t. By definition Blizzard can’t do anything against this because it isn’t against the ToS. Effectively it is pseudorandom to “sync up” (I think that’s what ya’ll are calling it) and what folks are doing is literally just asking “hey, did you queue pop” when someone’s queue did.

You are talking about the queue system working as intended and players utilizing that to play in larger groups. All of these things individually is working as intended and folks who want to farm honor, judging by what folks are saying is the reason to do it in this thread, is completely intentional.
And we know this because Blizzard added the supply system into AV and because of how Isle of Conquest, Ashran, and Wintergrasp works well… you can’t realistically farm honor in those.

So… no.
It isn’t an exploit, it is working as intended, and there’s no way to punish players who are quite simply just playing as a group. Sorry but you can dislike it all you want, but that’s just how it works.

You do. One side saying it’s exploiting, and the other saying it isn’t.

Getting 30 players in a BG intended to be grouped as 5, is exploiting. Anything else is trolling.

But that’s not what happens. They do a count-down and make sure they all pop at the same time. If they don’t they repeat the process until they get enough simultaneous pops.

The BG’s they all dropped were all started with unfair matchup (10v40). And that’s a direct consequence of them trying to Q-Sync.

I would argue it isn’t working as intended for people in mostly pve gear trying to break into pvp being dropped into a coordinated team that should be at roughly 2100 if they entered rated.

Its working, it isn’t against ToS but I doubt its the desired outcome

Been years since I’ve done any BGs and this is still going on?

Wouldn’t ilvl brackets solve this? But like I said, gave up on PvP years ago.


I’m using exploit in the very literal sense. The actual definition.

Exploit: use (a situation or person) in an unfair or selfish way.

This is exactly that.

If it was intended, blizzard would have allowed raids to queue, they don’t.


Another example of Exploit : Hyperspawn farmers. Technically legal, but not intended.

Or rated pvp people giving their two cents on random bgs. It’s odd how people who do higher tier stuff seem to think that they understand lower tier stuff more than people who only do that. Doesn’t totally make sense.

Anyway, let’s hope they add grouping into power level matching. Would go a long way to level it out. or at least talk to us about it.


Nah, my opinion is if you want competitive play then play rated. Dont cry about randoms not being competitive.

That was my thinking as well. It only allows one group per side per instance id. Sure it would hurt que times, but it would definitely alleviate the problem.

bgs are doomed in Warcraft as long as the people currently running the show stay in power, our lead dev last time I checked had 5 levels of honor, ridiculous.


If its legal then its not an exploit.

Do you guys even look at word definitions before you use them.

The system should pit premades up against other premades. If a group of 5 queues after another group of 5, they should be placed on the opposite team and so forth until the game fills. So, 30 man premades will be split down the middle with 15 on one side and 15 on the other. Regular, non-exploitative groups of 5 friends would not be affected by this.