Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

I already addressed this.
Just because you don’t like that this is intended doesn’t make it an exploit. Call it dubious because one can call it that, but nothing about this indicates that it is an exploit as it is just using intended systems that has remained in the game for a very long time.

And now you are quoting me where I addressed it.

This is why it is dubious but… for all intents and purposes it is clearly intentional.
And trying to fight against it would be effectively impossible. So if it is at best a dubious action, using all intended mechanics, with a nearly impossible way of combatting it …


Welcome to PvP Soloqueue - glad to have you here. This is how matchmaking typically works in PvP games, and I have no reason to not imagine that it works the same way in WoW.

So unless you have some real evidence that WoW’s matchmaking uses a non-typical matchmaking system, this is intended and not an exploit.

They allow multiple premade groups into one epic BG. That is literally what you are calling an exploit.

Is it dubious what players are doing? Eh, sure. But is it allowed? 100%.
This isn’t an exploit.

Both yes and no.
In retail, no.

In remix, yes.
Because when they made MoP the intention wasn’t for the frogs to have a near 100% droprate of something that increased your character’s power.

Again though, just read what I pointed out to Adroi of what you are actually calling an exploit. The existence of multiple premades in a single epic BG. That’s literally what you are calling an exploit.

Neither one of you two are going to accept this though, so… hopefully you have better luck to not run into players participating in a group activity as a group. Since apparently that’s an exploit in the world of random soloqueue epic BGs.

But they all belong to the same broader premade. Just because they split in groups of 5 because blizzard doesn’t allow raids. You see what’s happening? This little exception here is what makes it unfair to pugs.

Real 5 man premades would get spread out in multiple battlegrounds.

I mean it is pretty easy to stop. Just don’t allow groups to queue into random battle grounds. Even if people tried to do premades it would split them up across teams. It isn’t effectively impossible to stop. It is pretty easy to stop.

Oh this old topic.

As a member of both premade comms and as a pug, I’ve been on both sides of this debate. Obviously sync queueing 30-40 players is most definitely gaming the intended system set down by Blizz. I don’t know necessarily if you can call it an exploit. But it’s definitely taking advantage of the way the system works to gain an unfair advantage. Else blizz would have allowed raids to queue by default. There’s really no way to argue against that.

That being said, these premades aren’t leveraging a bug or anything. They’re just leveraging their knowledge of how the game works to get what they want.

Premades can be an amazingly fun community. They’re effectively a cross sever guild.

You also need to account for the fact that EBGs have been completely abandoned by Blizz as dead content for multiple expacs now. So it’s somewhat understandable that groups of people are trying to wring the last vestiges of fun out of them as they steadily reach the point where you will never have a queue pop due to lack of players.

Unfortunately for the premades however, rolfstomp farming a bunch of pugs will only hasten the game modes demise. Especially when certain premades use farming behavior to prolong matches (deliberately not completing objectives to infinitely farm backfills), utilizing actual exploits to win games like the door bomb exploit in wg etc. These types of behaviors by premades are far more problematic than the premade existing itself. I know of a couple premade comm leads that practice this behavior and its definitely a bannable offense.

Ultimately I have no clear solution here. Perhaps a new game mode for ranked EBG premades that allows for 40 man teams?


Do you understand the issue? This isn’t intended. If it was intended, blizzard would allow raids to join bgs. They don’t.

It’s the very literal definition of the word exploit.

That is exploiting the system.

People can queue with groups of 5. Nothing wrong with that. If people want to repeatedly drop queue, that is the issue.

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WTB Cross-Faction BG’s and that would solve a big chunk of premades and might actually balance the teams by sprinkling 2-3 party of 5 on each side.

True, I’ve had some fun doing wargames with the communities. but eventually left to go back on horde and solo-Q. So I know what they do, and most of the time, it wasn’t fun to face pugs as there was no resistance and no pvp happening.

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They are never going to penalize people playing in groups in a group based game because some people without friends got mad.

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Try applying this logic to any group activity and you’ll realize how ridiculous this take is. Sorry but no, this isn’t a solution - this is just another really effective way of pissing off actual players. Not folks who complain about issues that whilst can be annoying have no actual real issue related to them.

This is what makes it effectively impossible to stop, because you’d have to punish a huge swath of players … to fix what isn’t an issue to begin with.

And they would Sync-Solo-Q… same result. Cross-Faction is really only possibility.

This is what you are calling an exploit:

It isn’t one.
No matter how much you frame it as one big group regardless of whether it is a big group or not. Because this is what you are calling an exploit, and it very clearly isn’t.

Yeah, I don’t quite remember exactly how much PvP he’s done, but for someone who’s been playing the game since the start honor level 5 or whatever is super super low… it’s clear ion almost never PvPs

Probably plays like 2 BGs per year if I had to guess :laughing:

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Cross faction queueing may not necessarily solve the problem. But it would make it harder to sync queue due to the larger pool of players the system can pull from to pop. It wouldn’t surprise me if blizz does end up doing just that as a band aid solution that isn’t directed specifically at premades but does end up diluting the problem for a while.

It would help queue times, and remove the need for Merc Mode. Plus if they do in fact have a premade vs premade system in place, then it would have more parties to match against each other.

Adroi, stick to the arena forums. I promise you nothing is worth discussing here with GD players.


That a thing?

these type of honor farmers do not want a fair fun game, they want instant honor handed to them at any cost , they will not go play premade vrs premade


Who’s the new lead dev?
Holinka left ages ago(saw the sinking ship), he wasn’t the best, but at least had some experience with the game.

They did for prot pallies selling carries in solo rated arena. Yes it isn’t the same thing but they will address people abusing the queue. I am not saying this is the same thing but yes… they could very easily disable groups for entry pvp.

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He probably means Ion.

It’s clearly an exploit. This is debatable. If it was intended, they would let raids queue. They don’t.


But I want this fixed!

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