Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Premade communities are also bringing Duelist and above in the Epics. Some of them are not playing around on alts for some casual “lol”.

Your lack of experience in the current state of Epic battleground is showing.

It is meant to be casual, that is the whole point, they became competitive because of premade, now everyone has to try hard or get stomped by gladiators.

Don’t take the word competitive literally as per Blizzard “Rated content”. It just means playing Epics is much harder BECAUSE of premades.

You can’t say “It’s random, it’s casual” when that is just plain false now.

I love epic BG’s and that they are meaningful entertainment. I don’t play them for any sort of rewards other than fun. All I want for them is TEAM BALANCE. Give an equal amount of party(5) to each team. Balance the healers on each team. Then we can have a really good fight.

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Where did I say that’s a problem?

O wait I didn’t.

It’s not an exploit.

Because randoms have always been a shot show. Blaming premades is a joke bad players do.

Not my fault you can’t actually refute points and got your argument shredded

Ah there you go, so you don’t even believe the premade stuff.

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If it was intended, blizzard would allow raids to queue, they don’t. Therefore it’s an exploit.

Bro, you are the bad player here.


Ok and? Epics aren’t limited to only bad players.

I don’t lack anything. Premade discords have been a thing since Cata. It’s nothing new. Good players just don’t cry about them.

Most people are so bad they get stomped against non premade teams.

You lose you reque.

Nothing in randoms is hard.

Then play rateds because that’s the only place where balance is going to be.

Real battles aren’t always fair.

I like to think players like this Dwarf Warlock are why we’re getting solo-queue Battleground Blitz in TWW, and why Shuffle already exists as of DF.

Nobody wants to traverse an elitist cesspit just to play some PvP.

Or be judged, or whatever.


Believe what premade stuff? That they happen? I know they happen. Been communities doing them since Cata. It’s nothing new.

The last time I was in one was Oasis PvP. I don’t even know what the current discords are.

Yet this has been going on since Cata and Blizz hasn’t done anything.

Rofl even pushing mogs gives me a higher achievement than the DH.

Keep coping.

I mean shuffle prettt much destroyed pvp imo.

I’m sorry peoples egos can’t handle criticism or the truth.

Yeah let’s prevent people from playing with friends.

Every PVP season since the Dawn of time had complaints at how it was the worst thing in the world and would destroy PVP in wow.

And every season something else comes again or if you’re really lucky the same class is still OP.

I just did 1… 1 BG in 6 years…

with a random group.

and then the most perfect and coordinate group delete my entire group without any mercy.

and then one of my team mates start to flaming me like it was my fault.

BG ruined pvp experience.


Do people just not read the second half of the comment or something lol?

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In the current state, there’s almost always a premade on either side. Not enough player remaining therefor the massive communities are a lot more visible now.

There’s no more “lose and requeue” for the majority of players (I still stick it out until the end). The Meta right now is leave if you notice a premade leader, or 60% of the team leaves after the first fight and go fishing for a win on an alt.

I was referring to the existence of competitive players in non-competitive area which requires a similar effort from you than if you were playing rated. These BG’s are not a walk in the park.

I know you said you just AFK epics and collect your loot, but there’s real people out there who do this as their main content. Just for the fun and just for the PVP battles.

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To my defense I was adding on to your entire comment :+1:

Don’t think anyone is saying that…just limit/balance the advantage you gain from being a premade.

Ok and? I still don’t care.

That’s their choice. I tend to just afk.

I’m sorry but good players have just as much of a right to play epics if they want too.

Ok and?

Of course, but that’s also what makes them competitive… because it’s filled with competitive players decked out in rated gear and gladiator mounts.

Random BG’s are competitive.

Why are you here then? You had an opinion so you cared enough to pick a side. (the wrong side).

Well, just go then, we don’t need your opinion if all you’re doing is trolling.

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Not doing anything doesn’t change the fact of what it is. If it was intended, they would allow raids to queue. They don’t.


They spend more resources banning lewd images of their game characters from fan artists than moderating any of their games.

If players are botting/cheating/abusing things, they will never get banned.
Can’t beat them, join them.