Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Really? I see people saying soloing in regular BGs isn’t fun either because of the premades. I also thought horde have a lot fewer premades in regular BGs than alliance do, but horde can’t merc so they’re stuck.

I think people in communities want to play together for the same reasons people in 5-mans for regular BGs want to play together. Especially in the sense that they want to play with others who want to play the maps well and how they’re supposed to be played, rather than rolling the dice with solos who expect to get easy wins in under 10 minutes.

Anyway, like I’ve said before I don’t think syncing is the issue. The issue is the matchmaking. And that’s on blizz not the players.

Oh I know how it works, and communities do it just like the blue said: a count down. And it’s not full premades of 40 people…

I would like blizz to make a current detailed statement. But that 2019 quote mostly clears it up for me that they don’t consider syncing to be a problem.


At least IOC has the hangar option.

There are worse things. they won’t fix cata wintergrasp rides to scale to cata level 85. They die a to gentle breeze really.

Offence there doesn’t get a plan B. Loss is most likely coming. Unless you happen to get a 80 on 20 match. I"ve seen them. We roll in as most of defence is getting that tower kill honor. Its all they are getting, I can’t blame them.

ALso I like my mash fights. All fighting for hangar is good for nice fights to me.

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Prove intent.

Again, prove intent.

Is this you saying that if one player suffers catastrophic internet issues, and their disconnection results in their team’s loss, they should be receive ‘harsh penalties’ for degrading the experience of the rest of the team?

If Blizzard didn’t want this to be how BGs functioned, they would have also removed queuing as a party. You can continue to ignore that, but the sensible players see it for what it is.

On this at least we can agree.

Last few days have been plagued with 3 5 man groups farming people at graveyards while spamming emotes and stuff, and these players usually don’t perform very well when they queue outside of a premade.

I think a 3 man group should be the limit for 10 man bgs, they did stop HK achievements bc it suposedly promoted “toxic” behavior, well these 5 man groups camping graveyards in 10 man bgs are far worse imho.


They close every thread there without responding or clarifying. It’s been tried. Also people use addons to do this. No one is saying ‘1-2-3- queue’ and then accepting the queue. They’re doing it, making sure everyone popped at the same time (Usually an addon stating the BG popped at x time for each group) and leaving queue if they didn’t leaving entire battlegrounds unbalanced by numbers

That’s so MVP of you. Very not helpful


Yea, there is no purpose to really asking CS anything… they don’t care, they take 24-72 hours to answer tickets, with something automated and telling you the ticket is closed with no resolution or explanation, just to leave you reopening it and then responding 3 days later with them just sending a similar automated response. Then we got the forum CS? LOL.

I also never understood the point of MVPs and they don’t really serve much purpose here either… while there are some that will answer your questions and try to help you understand, a lot of them just quote a blue post and move on…

A Most Valuable Poster (or “Most Valued Forum Poster”; aka MVP) is a player who has answered players’ questions consistently and accurately in the past that Blizzard gives a note of credibility to what they post .

What I’m talking about is from personal experience and nothing to do with this thread in particular.


This needs to be reported as using addons to automate the process is not allowed.

Please report to

If nobody reports it, and these threads just continue, then nothing will be done. The addons does need to be reported so Blizzard deal with it.

It fall under a gray area which is why it is not simple.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


what would that addon be called?

which addon sites are hosting it?

It is almost like the full context of what Perl said … is the same thing folks have been saying for weeks at this point: it HAS been said, but the folks who keep posting these threads refuse to acknowledge objective reality in favour of their interpretation of reality.

What’s the point in attempting to engage in good faith when OP and their lot flatly refuses to listen to anything or anyone? Blue posts are ignored, logic is ignored, deductive reasoning is ignored, and literally all that happens is that folks refer to personal insults and attacks because they cannot argue their position.

Let’s say that change was necessary … do you really think that someone who refuses to accept objective reality, civil discourse, logic, or deductive reasoning can provide anything in terms of a convincing argument…?

This thread, and any like it, is devoid of a reason to be taken seriously because of wilful intentional ignorance.

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Objective reality is recognizing that Blizzard has taken action on this issue in the past, and that hinging your argument on a single blue post is a really, really awful stance to make lol

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Yes, on people using addons to automatically do it.

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People love getting caught up in the arbitrary details when they have no argument lol

It’s okay, I get it.

That doesn’t make logical sense because

Precisely based on past precedent that is the reality. There has been action taken against full premades in the past.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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So, in otherwords, you can’t back up your own argument so now you’re resorting to other means because you can’t get your own way…


BlizZard has taken actions against full premades in the past.

This is common knowledge.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

They have taken action on the addons that allowed to people to do it.

Otherwise, where is the source to suggest they have taken action on people doing it?

Full premades has been a no no even without the use of addons. Like I said before you can’t report for addon automation because technically it isn’t per se and falls into a gray area.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Where is the source to say Blizzard has taken action against full premade groups.

Also, that is not true. They have always been allowed.