Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

True, true.

It was a PR stunt that didn’t last long. I have noticed that discords with theorycrafters are being ignored now as well.

Dark times ahead indeed.

Circle the wagons.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


They served their purpose. They were a PR stunt when Blizzard was facing the most scrutiny about not listening to their players, and now they’re useless just like the rest of us lol



Welcome to the club I guess.

But I think it is worse for the discord communities. They have been shut out completely.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Most of the green posters are barely active these days. That they haven’t been refreshed in basically a decade says about how valuable they are.


They’re pretty valuable to Blizzard though. Free labor that has as much of an anti-customer attitude as Blizz does.


BlizZard is moved to discord communities for feedback. But now are ignoring them too.

It looks like this expansion is going for the record books given how fast it is being pushed out and how buggy it is.

I am not sure they have the numbers to fix issues with PVP queues at this point. Even if they had the will power the lack of attention to fix so many issues with the game will be overwhelming.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

They don’t even have the resources to make Glaives scale in isle. One little fix to make that BG playable.


The expansion will be fine. I’m not really worried about the expansion. But the rest of the game will continue to languish because Blizzard doesn’t care to work on the parts of the game that don’t service their three pillar (now four pillar) endgame.


Well they used to do hot fixes with every new patch but they threw in the towel.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


I’d honestly be surprised if they even know it’s an issue. Legitimately. It’s an unbelievably tiny fix. They keep pushing new content rather than keeping the existing content, the content most of us enjoy, working.

It’s just weird to me. There is an entire world that we barely touch. They just keep dividing up the player base.


Yeah this is a big issue with Blizzard since Day 1 and it’s stupid. They refuse to fix bugs in “old” content . It’s a total joke that we can still have bugs that are 10+ years old just because they weren’t fixed before they became “old.”



It’s why I hate classic. I get why they brought it back, but why not make that content overlap? Instead we have two completely different player bases and lots of players still wanting to enjoy the old content.

Same thing is happening in PvP.

Regular BGs
Epic BGs

It’s too much.

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Agreed, but it is simply an ROI issue. They see new content as making money and glitches/bad design as non money related issues. Very typical of corporations nowadays. Cut customer service to get better net returns and push players to fan crowd sourced help instead of doing their due diligence.

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Yea, do agree. Some new content is good, but this complete overhaul every other expansion if not every expansion is tiring at this point. Making the game more accessible would keep people engaged. Now we have so many layers to get through. Either get rid of content or fix what you have. Make the content you do have great. Instead we have tons of content now that’s just mediocre.

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Which would be literally 2 lines of code.


In a hotfix patch.

You can argue the ROI isn’t worth it but honestly if it keeps more people playing maybe it is worth fixing?

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Premades have been around since Vanilla and you people are still crying about it? Unbelievable. How much tissue do yall go through?

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so back a few years in classic you could get around the 5 limit b/c it listed all the games going on so it was super easy to get premades in. then they eventually removed the list and made adjustments to the queue to stop them and it worked. at least last time i played. blizz stated it was not intended to get 30+ premades into ebgs in that version but for some reason they haven’t done the same to retail. blah.

Which sets a bad precedent, showing the player-base that you can continue with the bad behavior and get away with it.


This really kind of annoys me. You are taking an issue people have with the current state of the game…something that has nothing to do with blue posts or responses and making it as if the issue doesn’t exist. That is pretty rude given the length of this forum thread and the number of people expressing a problem

Blizzard being ok with something that degrades fun…ie longer queue wait times, bgs that start with half of one team empty, and premades that roflstomp are the issues. Pedantic arguments don’t help that.

The issues stand regardless of Blizzrds past stances. The issues stand regardless of expressly stated rules. Acting like people saying things have sucked for them for months or years in a section of the game because they don’t have a blue post that says it is against the rules.

It’s like saying well it’s legal so just deal with it. That’s not the point at all. As a vip you should have a more accepting and understanding outlook on this, not telling people to just deal with it because we don’t have an exact rule to point to…while also ignoring several blue posts saying it is in fact unfair.

Just a horrible response all around from a VIP. Makes this whole communication process going to pot much more clear.