Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

It’s pretty crazy to me how many people are hinging their entire argument on something a blue post said when this forum is notorious for pushing back against blue posts all the time.

Rest assured, the issue in question is undoubtedly an exploit and should, by all means, be punishable. Blizzard won’t do anything about it, however, for two reasons alone:

  1. They can’t implement anything without it impacting the broader playerbase.
  2. Blizzard doesn’t care about their game unless it’s relating to their three endgame pillars.

It’s really as simple as that, unfortunate as that may be. Anyone trying to explain away why it’s not an exploit is just being disingenuous lol


Agree! Just take the word for what it means. It’s unfair. That’s the aim of these premade groups. To be unfair. Nothing more needs to be debated than that.

I do think they have ways to fix it fairly easily though. I don’t think they need to stop it outright either.

First, just make an announcement that it’s not intended and breaks the game’s CoC.

Second, target how players are doing it. Dropping queues or dropping games that are already active. These players do this at a much high frequency than your average player. Constantly dropping queues and active matches should be more harshly punished.

Third, they could just make regular and epic bgs cross faction. From there, just sort players/groups based on ilvl. This would allow 5 mans groups to still play together while evenly distributing ilvl on both teams. While there might be some ways to manipulate this, it is creating a much higher barrier of entry for this type of play and will reduce the numbers we’re seeing now.

You mean, as an MVP for explaining Blizzard’s stance? According to Blizzard, it’s not currently considered cheating. People can dislike that all they want, but I’m not responsible for Blizzard’s decisions.

Thinking that I am, would be “insane”.

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It’s also not the same thing.

If it was intended, they would have continued to allow raids to queue for bgs. They removed that ages ago.

If it’s unintended, why haven’t they broken it yet? It’s only been what, twelve years?

There are lots of things in the game that are broken and remain broken across multiple expansions. That they exist does’t mean it’s right.

This boils down to is it fair or not. The entire points of premades is to create an unfair advantage over solo players. It’s not debatable whether that’s good for the game or not.

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Yeah, it’s exactly the same as multi-boxing. You’re allowed to do it manually, but no automation to assist the process is allowed.

Okay, so again… if Blizzard didn’t intend for it to be this way, and it’s so unfair, why haven’t they broken it yet? If they really believed it constituted an unfair advantage, and didn’t want people to do it, they would have done something to break the ability to do it, right?

Why do you guys keep skipping what I said? I don’t get it.

Why did they remove the ability for people to queue as a raid? Why can’t you address that?

They haven’t fixed it because it hasn’t been a big problem until recently. Speaking from personal experience, in the past, I might see one of these groups every couple weeks at the most. Now I’m seeing them multiple times in a night. The occasional run in wasn’t bad. Also, deserter wasn’t a thing in the past, so leaving a bg wasn’t as big a deal. Now if you’re forced to leave a bg, your losing anything else your queued for AND getting hit with a penalty.

A lot has changed over the years.

that post you keep referencing wasnt referencing epics btw . Theres a difference between only a couple groups and or multiple groups that decline qs so it starts 13 v 40. IF it was allowed blizz would have raids q able for epics . clearly thats not the case .

Do you even play the game or do you just sit on this alt account all day ?


I sit on this main all day. It’s my forum main and as an MVP, I e been asked by Blizzard to stick to this posting character.

I do t know where you got my reply as having anything to do with what you’re talking about though.

I was replying regarding the counting down and joining a queue. That’s not currently against any rules.

People in this thread have decided otherwise and that’s okay because it is still up to Blizz to enforce Blizzard rules.

Have a swell day.


Is there a rule for organized mass leaving bgs? Just curious. Or is it safe to say that the CoC covers that?

I’d say the CoC covers that and would also cover this topic.

anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.

No one can argue its not degrading the experience of other players.

Blizzard has never been one to punish people for leaving any sort of queue that I’m aware of nor is it against any rules (or the EULA).

And no, that part of the EULA does not cover leaving queues. That’s not what that means. It means finding ways to literally degrade, as in the games performance on a hardware or software level, not making people wait longer.

If you can find me a blue post that says leaving queues is against the rules or that counting down to join a queue is cheating, I’d love to see it :wink:


Get some social skills and make your own premades OP.


Blizzard broke the addon premade raids were using to get into random bgs.

Blizzard added more countermeasures to Ashran when premade raids were circumventing restrictions to get in there too.

This isn’t a simple fix. Serious countermeasures against premade raids in random bgs would have repercussions for all PvPers.

Blizzard allocates few resources to PvP and very little goes towards random bgs.

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I can’t tell if you’re being intentionally obtuse or you don’t understand the issue at hand.

  • I didn’t cite the EULA. That’s the CoC. They’re different. The EULA does reference the CoC.
  • This has nothing todo with wait times.

But since you want to talk EULA.

Disruption / Harassment: Engage in any conduct intended to disrupt or diminish the game experience for other players

Harassment, “griefing,” abusive behavior or chat, conduct intended to unreasonably undermine or disrupt the Game experiences of others, deliberate inactivity or disconnecting, and/or any other activity which violates Blizzard’s Codes of Conduct or In-Game Policies.

It’s not just about coordinating ques, it’s also about dropping BGs that they don’t get their entire group into which results in a guaranteed loss for the players that remain. Mass leaving BGs falls into the above.

The CoC specifically talks about player experience. NOT hardware or software abuses.

Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.

It’s ridiculous this has to be argued at all. This premades exist to have an unfair advantage over solo queue.

If Blizzard wanted this to be how BGs functioned, they wouldn’t have removed queuing as a raid. You can continue to ignore that, but the sensible players see it for what it is.


CoC = Code of Conduct
EULA = End User License Agreement (often referred to as the TOU or Terms of Use).

The CoC simply explains in more detail the rules of the game while the EULA is the supporting legal document.

At the end of the day, Blizzard still does not see people joining a queue together as a violation. Feel free to go ask in the CS forums or find a Blue post stating the opposite of what Vrak stated.

I’ve not ever seen anything from Blizzard that references queueing as a group as being an exploit. Only that doing so is not considered cheating.

I know you won’t accept that from anyone (probably not even a blue) so I’m going to go ahead and mute this thread. Unfortunately, even when a Blizz employee tells you it’s okay, that’s still not enough.

I get why you want the change and who knows, maybe someday it will indeed change. As it currently stands, Blizzard does not see that as cheating and that’s why nobody is ever actioned for it.

Best of luck with your suggestion(s).


Correct. That’s why I cited it. It’s more specific.

Understood. Again, they removed the ability to queue as a raid for a reason. Why does this continued to be ignored?

I didn’t say queueing as a group is an issue.

Because you guys continue to ignore the reality of raids being unable to queue. Even if for just the sake of discussion. That players are circumventing something doesn’t make it okay.


he doesn’t even play battlegrounds

I am guessing any team showing any kind of coordination must be a premade. Sure, that will lessen the sting of being beaten badly.