Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Blizzard is just being lazy at this point.


Yea, it seems like player outcry is the only way to get something fixed.


Just did an epic bg.

0 premade or GY camping

I thought it was EVERY single epic bg?

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you play alliance so ofc you will rarely see a premade. like 1-2 tops run like 3 hours a night or something. try mercing horde if you wanna see non stop premades: most of them are alliance.


My DK is an orc.

Try making an actual point.

Indeed anything is possible.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Blitz is very different from regular BGs.

I currently have 9,552 BGs played. The number is actually higher than that because stats from BC aren’t there. That’s about… 2 bgs per day since the launch of Wrath.

If you’re going to troll, at least put some effort into it.

Who argued that?

Yea, like Bloomsday, this guy is another one to keep on ignore. That these forever trolls are allowed to keep posting is frustrating.

u need a lesson on sample sizes n another on logical fallacies


They just don’t care about PVP…

“I don’t agree therefore troll!”

Some people can’t grasp simple concepts like that. :person_shrugging:

If BG and epic BG just, at random, staggered the section process in which the teams are populated, over maybe a minute to two, wouldn’t that basically solve the issue and make it much harder to exploit?

You need to learn what sarcasm is

Yep. :slight_smile:

Would help, but would need a multi pronged approach.

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I see nothing wrong with this tbh

The alternative (long, drawn-out loss) just wastes everyone’s time

Why though? That’s half of a 10-man BG.

Why is there a double standard for the reasons they do it and that’s fine in regular BGs, but for the same reasons somehow it’s not fine for epic BGs?

Have not had anyone seriously answer yet.

Much truth in this. Main chances to encounter horde premades are during prime time - the same time alliance premades are running. Apart from that horde pugs are usually better than alliance pugs; but alliance still think horde pugs or horde teams with small non-synced groups or two are ‘premades.’ lol

Thanks for that source link!

The quoted part above I don’t understand… I’m guessing he means some kind of absolutely automated queuing, i.e. the press of one button by one person to queue himself and, say, 39 other individuals?

There isn’t a double standard.

The ability to queue for raids once existed. That was removed. On account of that it would be safe to assume that playing with a group of greater than 6 in an epic BG isn’t intended. So by Blizzard’s own standards its easy to say the premades in epics, at the very least, aren’t intended.

Second, there isn’t any coordination you need todo to get a 5 man group going. You’re not having to hop on a disc, be a part of a community, look for 30-40 other players, etc.

5 man groups are also much more numerous. The chances of a 5 man facing another 5 man are magnitudes higher than an epic premade facing another epic premade. Even for a solo player like me, I’m pretty unfazed but 5 man groups. I can still do what I need to and possibly get a win. That’s not happening with an epic premade.

While I do wish there were tools in place on Blizzards end to balance BGs, for now I’d e happy with just fixing the outlier issue.

That’s also not how premades work. It’s 8 group leaders of 5 man groups all queueing.

To this, the Blue response doesn’t really speak to the issue. Two players queuing for a match at the same time happens, organized or not. This is very different from 8 people doing it.

fr its wild to me

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as an mvp for saying this ur wild .
it is cheating tho , its exploiting to get 39 ppl into an epic bg when blizzard only intended 5 man to be qued into a single bg . Like thats insane .


They’re probably doing it. :laughing: