Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

It’s not.

I don’t. I just work a lot.

I haven’t insulted anyone.

Happily married actually.

You’re really bad at assuming things.

I’m going to guess that you haven’t been reading your own posts. I don’t have a pony in this thread, but goodness are you ever coming across as angry! You’ve done nothing BUT name calling and trolling for an hour.

Who even uses the term “touch grass” anymore? Teens? Has it been around long enough that kids think it’s cool again?

Like this sort of tired nonsense. Is that supposed to be a sweet comeback? What would their relationship status have to do with anything?

Anywho…have fun peeps. This thread is going places.


All because I won’t duel him lol

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I have not seen a reasonable reason against two simple solutions.
A queue drop penalty after the first 2 or 3 in a day, that goes up from 15 minutes to a full day.
A game quite penalty that does the same.

I don’t think it would hurt regular players, and it would directly target the ability for these type of premades to be created. It is also something that exists in other Blizzard games in different forms.

Why not just do this?

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Honor levels aren’t a reflection of skill but they do reflect a minimum bar.

In theory.

An exploit is anything you can do to circumvent game systems and intended functionality. I’ll repeat myself but Blizzard ACTUALLY said that two people winding up in the same BG isn’t a reportable offense. Not that circumventing the restriction on queueing for epic BG’s as a raid and getting 20-ish people in the same EBG is allowed.

World of Warcraft isn’t balanced around 1v1.

Not really. It’s just HKs which anyone can get.

Actually it said two groups of people in the same bg and quing together using voice comms isn’t an exploit


The blue post that’s been posted multiple times in this thread.

I’ve gone through this entire thread and not seen that statement. Quote them or link your source.

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No you haven’t. It’s been linked three or four times.

Because these people actually believe it’s perfectly fine that games are starting with 15/40 due to them constantly dropping queues to avoid other premades and ensure they get as many of their team members in one game as possible to pub stomp. It’s wild.


As been explained….

They are terrible ideas.

I haven’t seen any blue post in this Thread, that said what you claim.

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Then get your eyes checked. There’s a blue post from 2019 that’s been linked multiple times.

I don’t even think you know what you’re saying at this point. How is a post from 2019 a post from a blue in this thread? This thread was not started in 2019.

I said a blue post from 2019 was linked. I never said there was a blue post in this thread.

Try actually reading what’s said.

Maybe you can’t write or maybe I can’t see numbers. Show me where it says 2019 in this post that you replied to me with. In this thread…

I am not even talking to them, I am talking to people who think this is an issue.

That won’t stop premade raids from sync queuing.

In fact, they’ll continue to sync queue specifically to avoid getting matched against other premade raids.

I agree. Blizzard should make it a hidden MMR so people don’t stress about it and it also makes it harder to game the matchmaking system.

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You just can’t read.

I clearly don’t say there was a blue post.

I clearly say the “the blue post that was posted”