Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Do you have some reason to believe this beyond “I hate them therefore they’ll do what I hate”?

Because let me tell you, there is evidence that OP’s idea doesn’t stop them - and he knows it, which is why he said it won’t stop them. It just makes it more of a pain on them.

You clearly just can’t admit that you made a mistake is what I’m seeing. You said read the blue post in this thread. And later you said that you told me it was 2019. If you could link any of your sources you would.

Still waiting on that link for your blizzard sources, by the way.

Search this thread for “Vrakthris”.

It’s been linked several times. Blizzard does not consider counting down and joining a queue together to be cheating.

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We saw it happen when Ashran was first launched and Blizzard gave premade raids another shot. Premade raids would avoid other premade raids and seek out instances against pugs.

Blizzard was quickly reminded that premade raids vs. pugs is a very poor PvP experience. So Blizzard disabled premade raids.

Holinka tweeted:

(FYI, Holinka deleted all of his old tweets.)

The sad reality is that many premade raids are built on the promise of easy, roflstomping wins against pugs.


I imagine you will find this unfair, but I can’t really find Ashran to be comparable to epic BGs. It certainly isn’t comparable to having two separate queues for raids and small groups/solo, though.

I will grant; under the same premise I’m not sure I find AV all that comparable, either.

Premade raiders don’t respect the spirit of fair play.

History has shown they avoid other premade raids and seek out games against pugs.

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In a mode frequented by PvEers. Which is why I don’t find AV all that comparable, either.

I’m not the one that made the mistake.

Nope. I said read the blue post that was POSTED in the thread.

The post that was linked is from 2019.

I’m actually not able to post links in the forums hence why I said read the ones that have already been posted multiple times.

This ^

Thanks for dropping by!


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That is not the issue Perl. The issue is that this idea conflicts with other Blizzard statements…which has been stated on this thread literally hundreds of times. You can’t bot say 5 people in a group is what we want and more than that together in a bg is unfair…and have queue timing be ok. Also queue timing being ok doesn’t make it ok to mass quit queues and rinse and repeat.

The issue still stands even if Blizzard says it is not cheating. If it creates and unfair, unfun environment there is a problem and there are a lot of ways to fix it.

I think the in between of 1 2 3 click is ok, but coordinated queue dropping is not makes the most sense right now. So they should put a barrier in place to tamp down if not outright stop the queue dropping.

More than anything blizzard needs to re-engage on the topic and many others with the pvp community. The lack of communication is the biggest issue. no PVP q and a’s stuff like that.

This is the crux of the issue and the rest is just noise.

I was answering a specific person, not the thread as a whole.

I saved you the trouble. :slight_smile:

Is this what you was looking for?

If blizzard says it’s not an issue then it is in fact not an issue.

If you want fair gameplay go play rated.

But we all know that you’re too scared to do that.

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Why is it so hard to understand that the queue syncers are breaking the queues and ruining whole battleground instances by mass dropping and not joining?


Im 2k rated now, respect my authority.



Unless it’s rbg rating :joy::triangular_flag_on_post:

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No, No, I made sure to get it in Arena. I’m important now.

Looked like it was a thread reply not to a person, but I gotcha.