Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Okay, boys. Kiss and make up.

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This guy calls others bad yet won’t back it up with a duel. I and others try to get back on topic and he continues to troll.

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And make up.

Which are worthless and no one cares about.

I also specified arena rating.

I’m not being a bully.

Actually I said the majority of the playerbase isn’t good at the game and their opinions should be ignored.

Don’t start lying because you can’t refute anything.

The irony of you acting like a child :joy:

Lol I’m not angry at all. I’m not the one resorting to childish insults

I’m not harassing anyone.

I reply to people to reply to me.

You can’t be harrased when you’re the one choosing to engage with me.

No, YOU don’t care about Rated Battlegrounds. Like I said stick with the topic or turn off mother’s laptop and touch grass.

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Masculinity is men bickering to each other in a thread about the size of their PvP score rather than hugging it out and talking about something more productive.

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Actually the majority of people consider rbg rating a joke and it’s never been respected by most pvpers

I also specified arena rating.

I’m standing at the bottom of a ladder making sure kids don’t climb on it while
My helper unclogs a drain in a ceiling.

I’m just killing time.

By majority of people you mean YOU! Like I said turn off mother’s laptop and go get an ice-cream or something.


Hokay then.

You are just killing time? You are literally on these forums 24/7. In other words you have nothing to do because you have no job or responsibilities.

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Nope. By majority I mean the majority. Eve solo shuffle rating is respected more than rbg rating because of how easy it is to boost people in RBGs.

Someone’s super mad and acting childish

No, by majority of people you mean YOU!
For real, go find an actual job and do something with your life.

I’m literally at work right now. Not everyone is in your situation that you’re clearly projecting.

Stop with the lies, you have no job. No employer in their right mind would hire someone as negative and lazy as yourself.

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Nope. Stay mad your rbg rating has zero respect attached to it.

Currently at work and will go home to my family afterwards.

Not a lie.

You should stop projecting lol

Not projecting just hitting you with the truth. Never heard of a job where an employer lets you chill on forums, you are literally here 24/7 and all you do is insult people.

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But it’s not the truth.

I’m not actually here 24/7. I post when I have downtime from my cell phone.

I haven’t insulted anyone. That’s literally all you have been doing to me in this thread.

Definitely a hypocrite.