Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

More often it’s which team has the strongest premade and most games end in reinforcement battles. 30-50minutes long BG’s and whoever has the best healer/dps win.

It’s nice when it’s 2 premade facing each other, but not when it’s a roflstomp because it’s premade vs pug.

No one is crying. I enjoy the game being fair, you don’t. Pretty simple.

Also, you don’t have the experience to be attacking anyone else.


Don’t bother, dude thinks Rated PvP is the majority even though that’s never been the case.

Classic Era/SoD PvP is alive, and ratings don’t even exist there.

Folks want a fun gameplay loop, not bragging rights.

Nobody really cares how good someone is. They want to have fun themselves.


Defend what actions? I’m not participating in any of the premades.

I have defended my position plenty.

You said you want competitive play but refuse to play competitive pvp.

Which means you don’t want competitive play. You just don’t like getting beat.

Cope harder.

He’s heading deep into troll territory at this point. If he thinks cheesing pvp battles for honor is fine and good then whatever, that’s his opinion. Just don’t tell me I don’t have one because I don’t do rated pvp. That just makes no sense.

Every form of the game should be built well and all pvp should be as fair as possible. That is what makes pvp fun. Close games, and real challenge from similar skilled and geared opponents. Letting a group turn it into a farming session and waste people time sucks.


The game never has been fair outside of rated pvp.

Want fair pvp go do rated.

Your highest experience in shuffle is only 200 points higher than my experience in actual 3s

Well you have proven you are exactly the type of person I said earlier tends to ruin things. I have no problem getting beat in pvp against people who didn’t cheese the system to gain advantage. Grow a pair and fight fair or at the very least realize you are making other people have a bad time just to gain honor faster. The greed and selfishness are just oozing out of you at this point.


Yet you refuse to do the actual game mode that allows you to do that.

Oh and uhm…no you haven’t. YOu have said everyone outside of rated pvp is just a whiner, but have not made one point on why it is better for random bgs to have premades than not. That is the discussion here. Is it better or worse?

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Shuffle? My xp in 3s is 2.4. My xp has been 2.4 every season this expansion. 2700+ on my enhance.

You’re average at best and you’re attacking other players. Again, pathetic.


And you have proven you’re actually scared of competitive pvp.

So why don’t you do rated?

What part of “I don’t participate in the premade s” did you not comprehend?

The excuses you have is astounding.

And my highest is 2353.

I never claimed otherwise.

I haven’t pushed past 1800 for mogs in who knows how long.

Dude, we are not talking about rated at all. We are talking about randoms.

Why are randoms better with premades? That’s the whole topic. You can divert as much as you want, but literally nothing in this topic is about rated.

You keep saying rated does this so go play that but are ignoring that people like playing randoms and want them to be fair.

So again, one last time, why are randoms better with premades than without? Why?


So don’t attack the experience of other players. Has nothing todo with this topic.


Actually I have. If you can’t read and understand that’s a you issue.

Which is true.

If you want competitive pvp go do rateds. You don’t do rateds because you don’t actually want competitive pvp.

Actually experience and refusing to play rateds while demanding competitive pvp are relevant to the topic.

Honest question. Are you able to read? Because I have replied to this 4 times and you still aren’t understanding the point.

If you want competitive pvp go do rateds. Hard concept is hard.

Dude, Blizzard has quests in this game each week. Whether you enjoy doing rated or just casual play, people enjoy doing BGs on occasion. I do them on my main from time to time because it can be fun. What’s not fun is going up against players who exploit the game to stack a BG in their favor.

Why are you defending this? Are you a bully irl?. Is that what gets you going?


No you really haven’t I am blocking you and moving on. You just keep saying the same bs about rated being fair so go there. It’s idiotic. You are basically admitting it is unfair but it’s fine because another pvp section is fair. Like the concept of all PvP rulesets should be setup to try to create fair matches is some crazy idea. No point in continuing with such silliness.

He’s just a troll I think. Considering what he is backing here it’s not really surprising. Fair PvP is not something wild to hope for.

Anyway, I hope they tweak the point system to include groupings. Think it would make for a higher percentage of fun challenging matches.