Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

And to this I agree. My point has ever been that there should be either a way to separate these groups of players (raid groups into raid groups) or a way to mitigate it, like the aforementioned cross faction solution Mohz spoke of.

I’m not here to tell people they need to like facing premades when they aren’t in one. I just can’t see it as an exploit given all the information I picked up when I started in on this topic.

I mean for chrissake, Adroi tried to use RUIN Gaming’s name as evidence they were doing this intentionally to ruin other peoples’ experience. They’ve been around forever, and in more than WoW. I think there’s something to be said about it as a systemic issue rather than a player behavior issue.

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I created at least two posts of why people are complaining about large pre-mades, you just want to troll thus is why you are posting on a level 11 burner account.

Yeah RUIN has been around forever. I remember when they came to Darkspear, made everyone’s World PvP experience and EPICS miserable.

But back then it was just RUIN, I know of at least 4 very large communities that now exist.

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Bloomsday is well known troll for nearly a decade.


And any time someone tries to discuss it you challenge them to a duel or reference their character’s level. This only devolves your points and derails conversation.

Do you think anyone likes facing premades in BGs? You know what I do when I see I’m against a premade? I instantly AFK out.

The point of contention here that your side seems unwilling to concede is that this is not exploiting.

My character has only existed for 4 years lol. I’m guessing I’ve destroyed your arguments in the past or something?

I literally have no idea who you are but you seem to know me. That says all I need to know about this dynamic.

Anytime someone with higher rated achievements calls him out he resorts to “you bought your rating!!!” with zero proof.

It’s so predictable.


Either your reading comprehension is bad or you pick and chose what to read. This poster called another player bad, so I challenged that poster to a duel. That is how all that started. I was not the one rate shaming.

As far as exploiting, technically it is but it isn’t. From the blue posts I have read I understand that Blizzard doesn’t want large pre-mades but they also state it isn’t against TOS necessarily. I guess it’s one of those grey topics.

For me at least, I used to queue EPICS for fun or gaining honor, now a days it’s more stressful than actual rated content. I personally think if they just make queues where you can either be Horde or Alliance that it might lessen this problem.

I think a lot of good points have been made on this thread pro and con about large pre-mades. But I agree when people start rate shaming it takes away from the debate.

Pretending to not care enough to duel someone after bickering with them for over a day now is bonkers.


Actually not every time. If he actually thought honor level meant anything then sure but since he clarified I didn’t accuse him.

You on the other hand flat out bought your rating hence why you’re hard capped at combatant now.

Just stop it, you are borderline harassing people over a game.


You clearly aren’t all there. .

I haven’t made any excuse. I made one singular statement saying no because you aren’t worth MY time. My ego isn’t so fragile some 1600 hunter is going to hurt my feelings.

You’re responding to me my guy. You can’t harass someone when you’re the one engaging me.

Pot let me introduce you to kettle.

If you aren’t going to duel me and you aren’t going to stick to the topic, please stop.
“You clearly aren’t all there.”
I am not the one harassing people you either rate shame or tell others they paid for their rating. Please stick with the topic and stop being a bully.

And for the fourth time, I hit 2.1k.

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I’ll post if I want too. You aren’t arbiter of the forums. Nothing in doing is against the tos.

Stating facts you may not like is your personal problem. I’m not going to sugarcoat things

You do realize check pvp shows your highest ratings in each bracket right?

You have never broken 1800 in any bracket that matters.

Again no one cares or respects rbg rating.

He is a literal troll who just calls everyone bad and flames them.
If someone has higher ratings/titles, he just says they bought it.
It’s so comical that someone like this is still allowed to post, but I appreciate his free bumps on these threads!


I hit 2.1k in rated battlegrounds. You are the only one that doesn’t care. Like I said stick with the topic and stop being a bully. In another thread you called the majority of the player base dumb and ignorant. Like I said come at me or kept turn off your mother’s laptop and go touch grass.

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There is another thread that mentions if players should be able to make decisions on the game and he replies with saying the people who play this game are ignorant and should make their own game. Like this guy is next level angry.


I don’t call everyone bad. Just people that are bad.

I have told one person that they bought their rating which is you because my DF rating is higher than yours.

I’m allowed to post because I’m not breaking any rules.

You are breaking TOS though, you literally are harassing people.