Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

And that is why you are scared, like I said you are the coward in the movie. Leave the theatre and go watch another movie.

BTW, I don’t believe you about being at work, you seem to reply to all and any posts within seconds. In other words I have never heard of a job where you are on forums more than actually working, yeah I don’t buy it Ron.

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No, that isn’t how it works. For example, when I was younger if another classmate spoke ill of me we would settle the affair afterschool. This poster calls others bad, gets called out, then refuses to back up his talk. He states that same thing about 1600 rating over and over (even though I hit 2.1k in rated battlegrounds) yet wont back up what he says?

Same. You still don’t intimidate me. This isn’t the schoolyard. You’re an adult now. Act like it.

Not trying to intimidate you, simply telling you to mind your own business.
Nothing more adult than backing up what you say, if you call someone bad at basketball for example and that person challenges you to a game of 21, you have to accept or keep your mouth shut. That is all it is, really simple to follow, don’t talk trash if you can’t back it up, right?

I’ll mind whichever business I so please on a public forum.

You’ll have to get over it, like an adult.

Just because you tell others to act like an adult doesn’t make you an adult. It is okay to disagree, this is a forum but when people start calling others bad then get called out and refuse to back up their talk, it is an awful look.
I personally don’t know your skill set when it comes to PvP, but if I called you bad and you wanted a duel I would accept. I wouldn’t use a fake job or someone’s rating as an excuse, it’s weak and honestly it’s also trollish.

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Sure. Make a point.

And you might have a valid point if his rating weren’t something you can look up. You’re measuring gourds, as stated. You even had to compare it to your time as a child ‘fighting for your honor.’ I think ‘act like an adult’ is apropos.

I don’t PvP but if people are exploiting the game then that shouldn’t be allowed and Blizzard should do something about it.

Plain and simple.

That is all.


I have friends that have gotten Hero of the Horde and friends that haven’t passed 1400, and if they dueled it would be close. Point being is poster called me bad and then said others got rating because they paid for it or got carried. So by that logic I could say the same thing since the poster refuses to back up his talk?

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Which is a stance you’re freshly taking after telling me to stay in my lane.

Sure, you could tell him he paid for it. The same rules apply to all of us equally. I’m not Snozex’ keeper.

Based on your reply’s you could have fooled me. Here is my point, it is okay to disagree but once you start calling others bad and rate shaming it becomes something else, the word bullying comes to mind.

I see this in real life a lot where if two people disagree one will resort to name calling rather than sticking to the topic. And if you are going to call someone bad then okay but don’t back down when you have to prove yourself, right?


Not scared. Just don’t actually care enough about some 1600 player that wants to duel me because their feel feels got hurt.

I honestly don’t care what you believe. You clearly have zero understanding of how blue collar jobs work.

It’s $180 an hour for me to walk in the door. They don’t want me to only be there for 15 minutes and then leave.

I’m not going to deny that Snozex falls back on it often.

I will tell you, as I told Adroi, that despite verifiably not doing the level of content he does, he has never done this gourd-measuring with me. I discuss points, I don’t say “ah you don’t PvP you can’t have an opinion” or similar fallacious nonsense.

I’d need some convincing to say it’s bullying. When you mince details about what one person might experience, debating where those people fall on a bell curve is relevant. A duel’s result wouldn’t even prove anything in that regard.

As you said;

You are, you make excuse after excuse.

I have a job
My dog ate my homework
You don’t sit on the cool table
I have a cold
My mom said I can’t play

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Is this how adults behave?

He’s not making an excuse. He’s simply told you no. When someone tells you no, the adult thing to do is to respect it and move on.

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You seem like a chill person, so here is my problem with large pre-mades. By large pre-mades I mean groups of 15+. EPICs used to be a mode to mess around or catch up on honor, now it is groups of 15+ on discord going over strategies. Go look up on YT, perhaps type SAS Epic Battlegrounds and you will literally see how they call out queue pops and coordinate on discord.

I just feel that these communities have made a specific game mode not fun.


Yes he is and why are you posting on a level 11?
Yes he did say no while continuing to rate shame others, that isn’t how it works.
You can’t back down yet continue to talk trash about people.

There is absolutely a conversation to be had about this but you do not posses the maturity to have it.

I just did and I will ask again. Why are you posting on a level 11?

Because I can.

See, you’re more focused on the character someone posts from than the actual conversation about the pug BG experience. It would probably be best if you refrained from commenting on the topic and let people from your side that are actually capable of discussion do the talking for you.