Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

All of this is just weird ways to find things that won’t help when obvious ideas that work for other pvp are sitting there looking us in the face. Attack it head on. Queue dropping is problematic on its own and the Achilles heel of this whole issue.
Queue drop penalties
Game quitting penalties that go up after a certain number.

Problem solved.

If you make two separate queues, what ends up happening is the premade queue dies first because they don’t want to fight each other; they want to fight pugs. Then, they would do the same thing they are doing now with the solo queue.


From what others have said, you can pretty reliably get multiple groups in the same BG without needing to dodge queue.

I gotcha big dawg. Thanks for the advance.

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Yep yep. In the end, these people want easy kills. They want to farm players. They enjoy ruining the game for other players.

If you make exceptions for them, like allowing raids again, those players won’t do that. That ruins the experience for them.

It was like after they did the ilvl rework and twinks died over night. The players weren’t looking for a challenge. haha… They wanted easy kills. That WAS the fun of it.


I mean, if you don’t like people participating in the discussion, then why have a thread in the first place?

You do know if Blizzard even removed the ability to be in a party to queue for any BG’s, players would still be able to manually “sync” queue to try and get into the same Battleground together.

Like, when people manually sync queue, whether in a party or whether solo, they have every right to, because it is not exploiting. When there is a way of automation that it gets done, then that is when it should be reported.

Then maybe wow should do what most other matchmade pvp games do, and include MMR in unranked modes.


You say that like it is a bad thing.

You are correct. It was not at all even a noticeable problem. I forget when it got going. Late in Cataclysm I think. Suddenly coordinated teams started showing up in random BGs and roflstomping the normal folks. AV was completely hosed half or more of the time.

I pretty much quit random PvP around that time. Tol Barad wound up being fine obviously. Then Assran was not fine. Had to be the worst “open world” PvP experience ever created.

What gives ordinary single players and groups of 2-3 friends a pleasant time in unrated BGs is something other than facing team after team of experienced PvPers who are on voice chat.

They (including me) just want to run around and get some HKs, win some fights, lose some fights, coordinate via keyboard chat, and all that.

This is not a complicated thing to understand, nor is it hard to understand how it would have broad appeal, just like it did, fifteen years ago before people came along and screwed it up (and Blizzard said “meh.”).

Blizzard went to quite a bit of trouble, starting in BfA, but especially in DF, to bring back old patterns and items that had been unceremoniously discarded in Cataclysm. This had no game play or gearing or power goal. The only result is that people who wanted to look at, craft, and sell old gear got to do it again. The goal was just to (I know this sounds crazy) add fun to the game.

Perhaps Blizzard will, some day, go to much, much less trouble to penalize repeated queue drops and /leave so that people who just want to pew pew and guard flags can have some of that fun again.

Why not put any account that has more than 5 rated PvP matches in the current season into its own queue (that will never pop obviously)? We’re talking about people with MMR vs people that have no MMR.

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Woah. Are you saying that premades dominating the scene in content that wasn’t designed for them, led to you quitting said content??? I’m shocked! Shocked I say! :crazy_face:


Ok? Honor levels mean absolutely zero.

I’m starting to think you bought 2400 because no one that’s earned 2400 actually think honor levels mean anything.

i mean , if you dont pvp but are trying to dictate on how much a pvper would know about the pvp topic :dracthyr_tea:

you know i already KNOW all of this . I have experience with some of the popular epic bg communities . You dont need to explain to me HOW it works . Im pretty SURE I KNOW already .

um, im not sorry what in the flying azeroth ? That is LITERALLY exploiting .


if this was true , there wouldnt be so many games where my team is down so many ppl its always a 13 vs 40 scenario .

To be fair there are some pvpers that don’t have a clue about it either. Just quing into BGs doesn’t mean anything.

Blizzard has literally stated it’s not.

Never heard of a job or employer that allows their employees to surf the web or troll people on forums.

RBG rating is rating, period point blank!
Look take the loss, exit the theatre and go watch another movie.

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It doesn’t even matter if Blizz has said it or not. They go back and reiterate on the game all the time.

This is one of the issues that needs to be rethought out, and they need to punish the people who participate in these communities.

This is an example of a portion of the community actively making an aspect of the game miserable for another portion of the community.

The fact that anyone defends it, regardless of what Blizz has said about it, is honestly ridiculous.

There is no other example like this in the game. No group of players in PVE or elsewhere gets sanctioned and defended for actively ruining the experience of others.

And that’s the crux of it: it doesn’t matter what Blizz has said in the past. People are fine knowing that they’re ruining others game time and experience in the name of lulz or trolling, and that speaks volumes about the people who do it.


First, stay in your lane.
Second, it’s esports and much like real sports when someone calls another person out or bad they settle it on the court or pitch. In this case this poster has called me a bad player, not my view point on the game, but as a player poster called me bad. And the way it works is if you call someone bad and they challenge you, then you accept, if you don’t your words are worthless.


Yea, prior to WoD, I rarely saw them. I mentioned earlier that way back in BC I did some games with a premade group and found it pretty boring. That said, there were obviously way more players back then.

Then WoD hit and both premades and multiboxxers started becoming more common. By BFA, the problem was pretty noticable for both, though multiboxxers were definitely the bigger of the two issues.

I know it’s a bunch of different reasons for why we are seeing so many, but the main and most concerning reason i can see is players actually quitting. As in, the groups doing the premades aren’t really growing (though I’m sure they have), but it’s that they are more concentrated with less regular players doing bgs.

We are at a point where players are actively quitting PvP or possibly even the game.

I’m aware that honor level doesn’t translate to skill. The point I was making is that it was OBVIOUS it was premade.

I have two hunters that are 2400 atm and I am working on my third one. It took me 20 matches in RSS to hit it on my alt. I have done very detailed posts about this and outlined ways players can best optimize their chances for hitting 2.4 or higher. My highest rating was on my enhance at 2.7+ in RSS. I have had multiple specs above 2.4 and have played half the spec to 2.2 or higher in some form of PvP.

You are not in a place to be throwing shade at anyone’s experience.

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I have to stay on a job site for a minimum of an hour because we bill the job by the hour.

If I fix an issue in 15 minutes I have 45 minutes of free time.

Hard concept apparently.

No one respects rbg rating. It’s super easy to get carried especially as a hunter.

That’s why you’re hard capped at 1600 in arena.

Brother, you do not remotely intimidate me. Spare it for someone who cares about your gourd-measuring fetish.

So your ego is bruised.