Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

The word is what it is.

It’s clearly unfair.

What a fun thread lol.

Over 1400 posts of people arguing over what can be summed up as, “Daddy Bwizzard, pwease make the mean queue syncers stop, UwU.”

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1400 posts of the same six lines of dialogue rehashed, rephrased and Reforged™

At this point, Adroi’s either using AI to fill in his responses, or is desperately waiting for everyone to stop shutting him down so he can continue patting himself on the back for coming up with “let’s make a deserter queue before the queue” all on his own.

I await his predictable response to my comment.

Some premades are pretty chill and want to have fun. But others take it too far.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


It’s been a minute, but back in the days of the Rampage battlegroup, scOrn X-realm PvP premades were some of the best fun I ever had in this game.


Some games can be fun and some are frustrating.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Im 2k rated in 2s now. I still want Epics to be fixed.


If you add a surrender option, it’ll ruin bgs. It’ll result in players fishing for a winning team.

After the first team fight, the losing team’s chat will get spammed with “Vote Surrender!”

Random bgs will end very quickly as players surrender asap to go next until they randomly end up on a winning team.


I do both rated and unrated content. Both have their fun and have their place.

Would also result in players just giving up.

“Please surrender so I can requeue!”

It’s like the M+ players who leave the second anyone dies.


How is this remotely comparable?

Often something going wrong can be the end of a key. Most people are there for vault and rating, not the chest.

From first hand experience its usually 2-4 . you are lucky if u get more then 3 games because each game consists of multiple groups of 5 forming and counting down to sync qs . therefore they are lucky of all get in in a game . usually they drop several + ques just to all get in . This can take up to 2-3 hrs per 1 game .

imo i dont see how this is fun for anyone involved .


because most ppl q to win or expect wins therefore they leave the first time they die or the flag caps etc , without realizing the team can make a comeback 50% of the time .


Yes. This is not the case in M+. If a key is bricked, there is no unbricking it. It isn’t a push and pull, dungeons are fairly static.

Seems like queue drop rising penalty would just end it then.


The surrender idea would introduce a ton of ways to exploit and not fix the issue. There are so many much simpler ideas that don’t require people who are not trying to rig the system to do anything.


i was referring to the pvp aspect , but its not like you couldnt do it again just get a diff key again

was also referring to when ppl leave the min they die in a m+ because they didnt trust un the process of making a comback after 1 wipe .

or adding xfaction pvp qs

1 person dying doesn’t brick a key, but some people don’t like continuing. Same deal. Some people quit when you’re just slightly behind in a bg.

Not sure why you have to start finding issue with everything I say. This is a pretty simple comparison.

Yea, I don’t think they need anything like that. The game already has that functionality baked in to some bgs. Needs to be added to all the bgs. Just like capping all the nodes is a very fast win, they could incorporate something similar in AV. That said, I would rather they find better ways to fix the issue than that.

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A different key isn’t the good outcome. Score is pushed per dungeon.

Because depending on the level of the key and which dungeon, one wipe IS a bricked key.

This is how discussion works, Adroi. The comparison doesn’t make sense, so how can someone discuss earnestly from a foundation based on it?

What doesn’t make sense to you?

People throwing in the towel. That’s the comparison.

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