Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

If the person brings it up in a way that comes across as just trying to start an argument, that’s reason to blame them.

It’s not that you’re bringing this up, it’s how you’re doing it.

Oh give it up already. This is so ridiculous.

Look at the initial responses. You guys were actively defending a troll who was openly attacking other players. That you can’t call out that person and are instead focused on me and the players agains this exploitive style of play says a lot.

Again… are you going to deny there is a problem?

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So you’re just knowingly using an example that makes no sense in this context? Okay then…

Wrong. The issue was NEVER the prevalence of them. Blizzard only cared about the AUTOMATION used.

There’s nothing to change in this scenario. No automation is happening. You’re just unhappy that others put more effort into the game than you do.

I outlined the context in the 6th post in this thread.

If you want to comment something, at least TRY and make some effort to see what the actual context was.

It was a prevalence issue.

It became a massive issue. I linked one of the threads that blew up just a bit ago. It’s obvious to everyone that played during that time that the problem had grown out of hand.

Yesuna made this post BECAUSE of the constant threads bringing up the issue and it completely blew up in their face.

That you have to lie about something so many players experienced is just sad. Quit lying.

Except it’s been clearly stated by the only entity who’s opinion the rules matters (blizzard), that this specific way to achieve that outcome is not an exploit, and has been allowed for 20 years now.

So the only ‘problem’ I see is you lying about what the rules are, because you disagree with them.

I’ll continue to use the english word as it was intended.

It’s funny… even in this instance I’m using it describe what they are doing, not defining the action itself and you’re still mad about it.

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The 6th post in this thread offers no context that makes your bad comparison to multi-boxing any less bad.

Just because both things make you feel the same way does not mean they are the same thing.

For YOU maybe. For Blizzard, it has nothing to do with prevalence. Blizzard didn’t ban multi-boxers because of their prevalence. They banned multiboxers that USED AUTOMATION.

So I ask you, what type of automation are premades using? I’ve asked you this once already but you dodged it. That is because you cannot answer this question. And instead of being honest about the shortcoming and flaws of your argument, you continue to flounder around like a fish.

That’s why you aren’t convincing people. That’s why this conversation has gone so poorly.

I think OP just doesn’t understand that blizzard’s opinion on what the rules say is the only opinion that matters.

Or for that matter that name calling is against the rules here on the forums.

And we are done. You are such a troll. Good bye.

I didn’t say they were the same thing.

Can you trolls at least get the basics correct? Anyone reading this thread can grasp that. You don’t understand that your inability to at least be correct about things that people can verify with their owns eyes invalidates anything you say after.

It was thanks to the 1,000’s of players who spoke up that was something was done. The issue had been going on for years. Without player input likely nothing would have changed. The prevalence, the frequency of the problem is why so many players spoke up.

Based on the replies here and the action the post has gotten, it’s clearly resonating with lots of players.

This makes you angry and that makes me happy.


Not without cross queue’s which we don’t have. Alliance is always on alliance side, horde on horde. So they know what team they are on.

It’s a shame really. This conversation could actually have some potential had there been honest and competent participants on both sides.

Making a comparison at all between the two literally doesn’t work. That’s why you can’t answer my question.

Yes, but the people that were speaking up actually knew the rules. They could actually point to the automation and argue their point.

You have failed to do that, which is why you are getting no where.

What action? You mean the arguments you put forward that have been systematically picked apart? You mean the quotations from Blizzard employees that clearly outline how wrong you are?

You think this has gone in your favor? This has unfortunately done more harm for your cause than good.

Well, that’s a projection if I’ve ever seen one.

As I said, it’s about the mentality of the player. Me first. They don’t care about the experience of others.

Thankfully that’s just your opinion and I and many others here disagree with it. You’re not the majority.


I’m legitimately stoked this topic has gotten so much traction. Haters are appreciated.

But, when it’s started by calling people cheaters/exploiters, you aren’t trying to start a productive discussion, you’re trying to start a fight.

This is why everyone sees you people for what you are.

It all starts with someone openly attacking the other players.

Everyone can see that.

Now, you’re attacking my language. They are cheating. Everyone knows that. They are exploiting the game in the very real and literal sense of the word.

Anyone outside of this forum or game would see that and understand it. That you want to twist the meaning of words does nothing for you.

Indeed it did:

No, because you do not get to decide what is and isn’t cheating. Only Blizzard gets to decide that, and they have clearly said that 1, 2, 3, queue is not cheating.

It’s cheating.

cheating: act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage


You can keep trying to say it’s not and I can point to what the word actually means. You don’t get to decide what a word means. What they are doing is unfairly gaining an advantage. You can act like a clown all you want and say that it is fair, but it’s not. Everyone knows that. If it were fair, they wouldn’t do it. They WANT the unfair advantage.

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they broke the addon because they didn’t want people to use addons to facilitate the queue process.

Neither do you. It’s Blizzard’s world and they decide what is cheating and what is not cheating.

And they’ve made their decision on this.