Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Dishonest per usual.

The multiboxing problem was massive. After they restricted the use of the third part addons, the problem went away. I haven’t seen a multiboxxers in ages. I went from seeing them everyday while farming, working on quests, bgs, etc. It was a massive problem. Some of the largest threads ever in GD were about it.

As I said, the problem was fixed. The problem was the frequency. When multiboxers were a rarity, no one cared. Even when they were bad in Ashran, it was annoying but it mostly affected a small group.

Same applies now. Premades weren’t an issue and they are now.

Man you’re dishonest.

Yea, they are cheaters. That’s what cheating is. Cheating is doing something with an unfair advantage.

You really are a child that this needs to be explained continuously.

The multiboxers made the same argument. How did that turn out for them? :rofl:

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If they successfully sync queue 30+ “solo” players in an epic bg, they do control their team’s comp.

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The exact same way as the pre-mades. Still allowed, provided you a certain way.

He is literally unable to stop himself. You could convince me he’s an AI chatbot if not for the time it takes him to respond starting from the moment he starts typing.

Yea, and the rest of us will to it that changes. If you want to abuse BGs by continuously dropping queues, you’re going to get punished.


No because that group would be split across two teams unless a large portion is alright with losing.

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Could just be an AI chatbot where the owner isn’t paying for the 4090s, and so is running it on a GT1030 instead.

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No need to accuse me of what you’re doing.

Weird cope.

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See, now I really am starting to think you’re AI. What are you even talking about now?

Why would they be split across two teams if they all got synced queue pops? They’d be on the same epic bg team.

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I was talking about making it so you could only queue unrated solo not in groups so they couldnt control teams.

Yeah, but even if you make everyone queue solo, these premade raids would still sync queue 30+ “solo” players to get their premade raids into epic bgs.

Right… sorry I keep forgetting unrated isnt cross faction yet. Pretend its cross faction for my example to work.

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I think Blizzard should also add a hidden MMR to help separate pugs from premade raiders.

Plus cross-faction teams.

Plus stacking, account-wide deserter debuff when people miss/drop queue pops.

Randoms dont get MMR lol

Well that explains you quite well. Are you admitting to being intellectually dishonest finally?

That’s… just not how the world works. You’ve never heard of someone being neutral? You’ve never heard of someone not caring?

I know, it may require critical thinking to envision a world with more than two options, but it exists and it’s the world I and Blizzard live in.

If people haven’t made enough noise in the 17 years this has been a thing, then perhaps they never will.

Welcome to reality.

Not to me, nor blizzard, which is why they have not changed anything.

Um… you do realize multi-boxing is still allowed, right? They only made it so that multi-boxing via automation is against the rules.

Is any automation happening with bg queueing?

Then you need to do some work on how to give effective and constructive feedback.

You have to show an understanding of the rules in questions, and so far you’re yet to do so. It’s getting to the point where it looks like your misrepresentations are made knowingly and willfully.

And, if you truly believed that this was exploiting or cheating, you would not be discussing how to do it on the forums (which you have done multiple times), because that is very clearly against the forum rules.

Well, it is if you’re talking about a computer. Data is either a 0, or a 1.

My idea to fix this is to allow teams to surrender.

If they made it cross faction and ilvl balanced, this issue would be fixed instantly.

Hopefully they go that route. That would also make queues much faster for both sides. Would be an absolute win/win.

Yes, we all know it’s still allowed. The issue was the prevalence of them. After the rules were changed, the problem went away.

Nah, I’m good thanks.

Again, the cheaters always argue like this.

Blame the person bringing up the issue, rather than acknowledging there is a problem and seek to remedy it. The massive outcry clearly shows there is a problem. If you wish to deny that, than no argument you make is worth listening to.

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