Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

I think Blizzard should because if they don’t make the customers happy the game goes down, also you won’t have people to play against.

Really this kind of attitude is the whole reason we are having this discussion in the first place. People who don’t care that they are ruining a bg for someone else as long as they get theirs. Greed and selfishness require so much work from others to clean up.


Farming honor in a community.

It’s a reach.

If you want fair go to rated.

The forums are filled with players asking for changes. Blizzard makes changes based off feedback. Not all, but some, so why say nothing? It takes such a small amount of effort.


Weekly quest for alt I’m gearing. I don’t do bgs much, but every time I do, it’s into premades. Seems like something should be done.

They refuse to acknowledge that if blizzard wanted you to get into BGs with groups of 10 or more they would just allow raids to queue, but they don’t. Any group getting into a BG with more than 5 is exploiting the queue system.

And yea, not sure what else they want to call it.


Someone has to lose.

It’s a game. The fun is in the playing at the competition. If you stack the deck you are not playing and thus you are greedy and selfish. Nothing at all to do with someone winning and losing. That is part of PvP.

Premades are basically cheating because you are stacking the deck in your favor. You are still technically risking loss, but doing it so lopsided you are just ruining a game mode to farm honor. Just admit it.


If you want competition go to rateds.

Your feelings on what is “basically” cheating isn’t actually cheating.

The majority of players in randoms are either bots or so bad the bots would be better.

There is no Rated Epic’s. So the only competitive Epic’s are in Random Epics.

At the expense of non-syncers.

30+ players on discord vs random pugs. Guess who wins? Why they win?

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It’s quite literally cheating the system.

If blizzard intended for groups of 5 or more to queue, they would have allowed raids to queue up, but they don’t.

That this needs to be repeated is beyond me.


Sometimes rules need to be changed. They are usually because of people who are selfish and afraid of real competition. The world is littered with “winners” that only got there by bending or breaking the rules.

FYI cheating doesn’t mean breaking the rules

  1. act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or an examination

It’s cheating if it gives you an unfair advantage. In the current pairing system it does give you an unfair advantage. If it didn’t then premades would have the same win loss as non premades and we all no that is not the case.


Epics aren’t competitive and they ever have been.

Ok and?

That you keep crying about random BGs is beyond me.

“Competitive epics” lolol

No one is forcing you to respond here. You’re the one defending people exploiting the system. Pathetic.


You guys haven’t played Epics in the current environment. Come queue during prime time see how casual it is.


Whatever helps you cope at night my guy.

Is that your excuse for never breaking 1750 in any bracket?

Both sides have options to premade. If one side doesn’t then that’s their decision.

Did I go into a WSG with 4 other duelist level players that’s also an advantage. Your definition doesn’t apply.

People still do premades?

Oh, this is for Epic Bgs lol. Yeah, I see them from time to time.

Honestly, it’s the easiest way to get your win of the day in.

I just get my daily win, and pretty much don’t touch them after that lol.

They are good for honor farming, but little else, and you don’t need honor anymore once you’ve graduated to conquest sets/weapons.

I’ve played a few epics this entire expansion when I was farming honor and wanted to earn the daily payout.

As soon as I didn’t need to queue for them, I stopped. Know why?

Cause 40 man bg’s are terrible.

There isn’t competition. The winner of these is whichever side actually knows the mechanics of that battleground.

If you want competitive, you go rated. This isn’t even a discussion


Epics are random BGs. They are and have never been competitive. It’s always been one side dominant.

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Sad, but true.

Most people that are in them are clueless noobs to PvP.

I spend a lot of time in Isle of Conquest telling people what to do, because I see them running around like headless chickens.

I kinda wish there was a rated epic battleground queue, that’d be cool. For more serious epic battles.

Or, at very least, an in-game guide like how PvE stuff has.


I’m never said anyone was forcing me to do anything.

The fact you’re still crying about random BGs is a joke at best.

Haha typical response. Don’t defend your actions at all just try to talk trash. Defend your position or go away. Don’t try to put people down because they don’t play rated anything.