Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

No they don’t and why are you posting on a level 23?
Random battlegrounds don’t give enough conquest to buy gear, that is why normal people with sense understand you do rated content. I have another account, but hey if you think I have no idea what I am talking about why don’t you find your main and we can duel?

Akita #11329

It isn’t because it is a waste of time (yet here you are wasting time trolling on forums) it’s because I would literally global you. It’s okay to be scared just stop pumping your chest like you are good at the game then when challenged make excuses of why you shouldn’t accept.

I was right you are the Ron Burgundy of Warcraft.

Because I can def duel at work rofl.

You are legit braindead if you think you would global me.

Your’e a 1600 pvp hunter try actually getting some respectful arena rating before acting like youre good at the game.

and You are clearly Brick

I am shocked at two things, one that you actually have a job and second that you are allowed to post on forums at work? Actually I have reached 2.1k but okay. BTW, I don’t need to be good at the game to global you in a duel.

Scared because scared.

I’ll do one better, if I don’t beat you I will delete my account. We can even record it and put it on this thread.

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LOL I own my own home a job is kind of required.

I have lots of downtime when I am required to be at a job for an hour minimum and I finish it in 15 minutes.

RBG rating isnt arena rating. Your highest is 1600 in arena

Youre confusing not caring to being scared/

Sure but if they have 2 queue drops they get maybe 3 premades a day before it makes no sense…at most. That’s the point. Super easy way to massively lower the issue. It doesn’t need to be perfect.

This would also help a lot for bgs that start partially empty across the board so it should be in there anyway.

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i wish i could ignore a player like ruthlessbro or one of the other premade leaders where the system will prevent me from being in any game with them. sure it might increase my wait time but i am more than willing to make that sacrifice.


1600 current > 0 current Like I don’t know why you’re the one trying to attack people over that.

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You can’t even get duelist, you have no right to insult other peoples ratings.

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I don’t know how many games their members usually get each night. It might be around 3.

Why are you obsessed with dueling people? It’s 2024 we don’t decide correctness on success in an unrelated challenge.

You cant even get rival

suddenly everyone wants to discuss rated?


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Pretty much.

Which is why I think WoW PvP is a joke.

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This ends up being the common trend now, it’s funny too cause you’ll join even a regular random BG and go against a premade and your healer is in PVE gear I’m like oh boy here we go haha.


Farming random players isn’t my thing.

Hopefully we can put a stop to it.

That’s why I made the multboxxing example. They turned a blind eye to it for years. That changed.

Just because not every issue isn’t fixed, doesn’t mean it’s acceptable.

Bailomos said the same thing about RBGs. He used every known exploit in the game.

The reality was the opposite. Players like him ruined the experience for others to the poing they would quit.

Their approach to the game was the same. They would bring low MMR players to their RBG groups so they could easily farm lower teams and avoid queuing into teams that shared the same rating. In a similar fashion, you guys stack teams for easy wins.

I’m glad you’re starting to reply here though. The arrogance of the multibox crowd is what eventually did them in.

Yea, it’s pretty known who these players are.

I had the EXACT same threads multiboxers defending their pay to win trash for years.
It only got fixed once streamers started streaming it, and casuals started posting it on twitter/reddit.

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Somewhat unsurprising that you miss the point of the issue here when everything has to be about ratings or nothing.

You have the same energy as a 40k veteran who blasts new players off the table on turn 1.

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Would be cooler if we did

It basically peaked with this thread.

Yesuna bragged at one point that she paid for all her accounts with tokens. They even went so far as to say they were good for the economy and good for the game. It’s funny how the premade cheats say the same thing.

Thinking on it more, it’s funny that she quit not long after. She was clearly broadcasting to multibox. Was awesome to see those players finally silenced.

They know what they are doing hurts the game. They don’t care. Less and less people are doing bgs because of it.

So many parallels.