Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Yup. In fact, almost everyone is, but you guys have been too busy calling premades cheaters/exploiters to see that nearly everyone is in support for improving pug BG experiences.

Sadly, the people leading these discussions have just completely lost the plot.


Actually I did.

I’ll recounter it for you.

Saying they aren’t “fond of it” is not admitting it’s against the rules. They realize that there’s nothing wrong or it they just don’t like it.

Also the post in 2019 is more recent and has higher standing.

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Merc mode already exists and they have already stated cross faction isn’t going into qued content.



Okay bud. I can show you tons of threads talking about Bloomsday being a troll.

I’m not going to address someone who has a history of being suspended for trolling.

Dude, you keep inserting your own opinion in here.

You could have been honest and just asked me… “what do you mean by penalize?” That’s it. Instead you immediately went to “Op wants to ban people.”

They don’t ban them guy. Most of the times they announce their intentions and that’s it. That’s all that happens. The people that get banned are the ones who CONTINUE to do it after the fact.

You’re so incredibly dishonest. You’re doing it again. I didn’t call for bans, I asked for a fix.

You are. You said something I didn’t. That’s lying.

For sure. All of that happened because of the node changs and introduction of tokens. When the multiboxxers could start paying for all their accounts with in game stuff, it was easy for them to maintain 5, 10, or even 20+ accounts. In the weeks prior to them making the announcement, a certain female panda was bragging about how they paid for all their accounts. Unsurprisingly it ended after that.

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Ok, this obsession you have with me is bordering on creepy now. Do you want a Bloomsday cookie or something? I don’t even really remember ever talking to you. I have no personal qualms against you. If you feel slighted because I’ve refuted your arguments in the past or made a silly joke thread, it’s time to get over that.

Yawn. I’ve never been suspended for trolling. You have no idea what my account standing is and what sanctions I’ve received or haven’t received. Any ideas you have about that are entirely based off speculation with zero grounding in any sort of reality. Just because you dislike my posts doesn’t mean I’m violating the CoC.

Now, are you able to have a serious conversation about the BG pug experience or are you going to continue to devolve the conversation by calling people liars, trolls, and cheaters?

Yes we can but your rebuttals make no sense. I solo queue and play with friends, difference is if there are more than 5 of us we queue Rated Battlegrounds. No all modes don’t reward gear, stop playing! If you want fast conquest you queue rated content.

BTW, how do you queue EPICs as a level 23?

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No they haven’t my guy. This started to gain traction in Shadowlands.
If I was carried that means I am no good at the game so we can duel?
Akita 11329


“Am I out of touch? No, it’s everyone else who’s wrong.” You got caught in a lie. Just say you misspoke and we’ll be done with it. You claimed the OP wanted to ban everyone involved in circumventing game systems- which is actually completely in keeping with Blizzard’s TOS and they’ve done it before so it’d be completely warranted- and when people bothered to look at the OP they found nothing of the sort. You instead found that the OP wanted these people to be treated like multi-boxers. Which is to say, people who were told that if they didn’t stop, they’d get banned.

They stopped doing the thing, they didn’t get banned.

You specifically invoked multi-boxers. After Blizzard announced they were banning multi-boxing, people who stopped multi-boxing didn’t get banned. This is the ‘something’ the OP was talking about.

Am I the only person who remembers the times Blizzard decided they didn’t care and just banned people? Who remembers the World First contest for ICC Heroic? That one raid team that got banned because they were accidentally exploiting a bug with regard to a specific engineering explosive?

I don’t think Blizzard should ban people over this but it’d absolutely be keeping with their past behavior.

The 2019 post was about how two people ending up in the same epic BG isn’t a reportable offense.

You’re trying to justify 15-25 people ending up in the same epic BG when the queue doesn’t allow you to queue as a raid.

These are not the same thing. It is against the rules to circumvent this obstruction. Otherwise they’d just let you do it.

Because it’s an exploit. It’s categorically an exploit, and instead of owning up to what they’re doing some people want to fall all over themselves to excuse the behavior.


This is in the original post.

Do the bare minimum. You can follow anything I quote back to its source. Do so.

The ‘dropdown’ will also show you the original post in full and highlight what I’ve quoted.

What they mean by the penalize, is like a deserter debuff for missing a queue too many times. Not actual account action I don’t think.

Well I mean yeah, it is a bit of a way to exploit getting in more than 5 people into BGs. There’s a bunch of in game communities to coordinate it. The problem is when they feel attacked, they respond in much the way you have as well. Which is why I was trying to help things along here, it can be hard to be completely civil if you have especially more than one person saying the same/similar things.

Eh, that’s like saying Multiboxxing was addressed even though it continued to grow into a larger problem IMO. Just like when they had to break another addon, but it does feel like Blizzard doesn’t care to break addons like that anymore. (Even the guild spam/invite ones run rampant whispering thousands of people all the time)

It would be nice if Blizzard would not take the oddly lazy route of just closing threads related to the topic and actually comment on it, reiterate it and confirm that using an addon and other methods to get 15-40 people into BGs via these methods as ‘a-ok’ for now or comment that they’re trying to figure out how to handle it at least.

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Just for the record, nothing blew in my face and you had no “points” to begin with. No one needs to “discredit” you, you do that yourself.
And don’t bother answering, because I won’t read it. Have a great day!


You lie so much you can’t even keep track of them.

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Which would be grand, if not for all of the posts I’ve quoted ad infinitum now showing that he refers to them as cheaters. You can prattle all day about how you don’t necessarily want group a to have x done to them, but if you’re comparing them to group b that has had x done to them, you’re either asking for it indirectly or confusing everyone who has the will to read your entire point.

I’m going to tell you what I told Adroi.

Are the semantics worth the effort in trying to argue it?

Blizzard determines what does and does not break CoC. Not me. Not you. Not Snozex. Not Adroi. Not some council of PvPers on the forums.

So why die on this hill, if the goal is to improve BGs? Is there ANYONE here against improving BGs? I haven’t spoken to or about them, if so. Aside from maybe OP, who at best takes a blase and at worst argumentative stance against any potential solution.

You seem to want me to take him seriously, and to engage with him in good faith, but he is incapable of doing so.

This is his MO. It has been his MO. This is not a sudden shift.

I can see that yeah, it’s just their opinion that it’s considered cheating (via how they interpret the rules) and it’s hard to really correct them since Blizz doesn’t feel like commenting on at this time. It is a bit of an ‘unfair advantage’ to stack premade groups imo.

Yes, and the forums is to try to get them to change policy and things within the game.

I think there is, yeah. I saw quite a few over on the BG forums.

Yes, they could do better about not arguing so hard against potential solutions - but I imagine it’s hard to accept solutions you may feel don’t solve the problem when you just want to be able to enjoy BGs without premades. Sort of like how people wanted to enjoy BGs without people that turned off their XP to get the best gear and Blizzard seemed to make the change to put them into a separate queue.

I do think Adroi and others (myself included, sorry for my earlier comment that lumped people together) need to find ways to be less inflammatory towards others and just try to work towards solutions and not try to push out others.

Well Blizzard has said it’s not an exploit. And when it comes to Blizzard games, I’ll have to go with what Blizzard says over what Shantarin-Kel’thuzad says. It’s not Shantarin-Kel’Thuzad’s game and Shantarin-Kel’Thuzad does not decide what’s an exploit and what isn’t.

I don’t even mind inflammatory. I mind being called a liar when my point has been so misconstrued that people genuinely thought I was against a very basic, purely positive PvP change in the Solo Q coming in TWW.

I cannot stand people who are dishonest to such a degree. Everything needs to be explicitly said, if they are to be condemned, but they can extrapolate your meaning to their leisure. I can’t be friendly toward these sorts of people.

Once Adroi posts whatever vitriol or half-truth he’s going to post next, I’ll address the point in his OP, and see if he remotely gives it the time of day. Just for your sake.



This is how lazy you are.

Just 6 posts down I clarify what I mean.

You can’t be bothered to read just 6 posts. That’s it. 6.

I made it very clear why I compared them to multiboxxers.

You didn’t do that. You’re such a bad troll man. Do the bare minimum? Really? You couldn’t even read to the 6th post in this thread?


More lying. 6th post. I made it clear in the sixth post.

Everyone can see you for what you are bud.

I understand your point, but I will always respond in kind. If someone wants to say I’m lying and make no effort to clarify with me first, I’ll just call them out for what they are.

Snowpine could have just asked me “what do you mean by penalize” and instead he just made up whatever he wanted. Now on multiple points he has mischaracterized or straight up lied about something I said.

Sure bud. Fix your lies.

Hello Darkness My Old Friend…

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I said I don’t remember talking to you, not that I never have. Our most recent interaction was months ago.

I have 11k posts. I don’t remember every person that talk to. To me, this means that our interactions didn’t really stick out to me – it was par for the course really… to clarify, your obsession and issues with me are completely one sided.

Honestly Adroi, you’re gonna get what you give. It’s unfair for you to insult them, there’s no reason for the part above that.

It’s the same thing right above there, please. The conversation, and as a group it will get nowhere doing that.

It’s not cool to interact with people like this even if they get on your nerves, Snowpine is honestly quite a good person and it’s uncalled for. I believe there were some misunderstandings early and you really shouldn’t carry on this vitriol.

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