Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Whether or not it’s a ban (you have implied as much over and over; you know what happens to “cheaters” as the term you have repeatedly used) your solution is still social policing, when the issue is that Blizzard hasn’t done anything to mitigate it. They’ve condemned and stopped addons making coordinated queueing simple.

You’ve been trolling in this thread, should I cast out everything you’ve said because of your incessant “thanks for the bump” garbage?

I was pretty close to doing so, to be fair. No skin off my back.

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He doesn’t need to accept them. Post your views for the other nearly 4k views this thread has gotten.
This dude isn’t the gatekeeper of what gets done. He’s literally poster #230498 rando and has no power all all over what happens.
Stop trying to convince and win over nobodies that can’t be turned.

That’s a losing battle. Lay out a case here so when the devs get this thread outlined, you have solid well thought out reasoning and suggestions for things you would like to see implemented as fixes.

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I have never implied that that’s what I wanted. You’re the one suggesting it. Quit lying. Everyone can read this thread and see exactly what I said.

I’m not trolling my own thread. Again, people can read.

That you expect me to give a serious response to bloomsday of all people is a joke. That guy has been suspended multiple times.

I will continue to respond with “thanks for the bump” to trolls. That you don’t think the obvious trolls are actually trolls is on you.

For sure and you’re right. The issue is new people come to the thread and they read what he says and don’t go back and check. I get it. 1200+ responses now is a lot to scroll through. It’s just irritating he continues to say I didn’t post a solution and yet can link 10+ times I did.

I’m sure Bloomsday has trolled. I know you have, too. The point is that he made fine points while here. I don’t really care what happens outside this thread unless it’s related to the topic.

I’m not going to explain this to you ad nauseum.

Over and over and over and over and over. Just hit Ctrl+F and see how many times you say some variation of “cheat.”

What does Blizzard do to cheaters?

“Quit lying” my rear.

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Blizzard does nothing. That’s why the mantra with Blizzard has always been “exploit early and often”.

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2 months ago i quit b/c of non-stop, game after game vs the same ebg queue sync premade. then i came back last night and…it’s that same friggin premade 4 games in a row again. this is getting boring tbh.


Why do all of you insist on not take the whole statement together. Do you think when he said this last line that he only meant if you got around the queue limit via add on? They can stop it via requeue delays for multiple reques. Banning is not what most are calling for, stopping is what most are calling for. Even those calling for a ban want it said clearly first not a retroactive ban.

How does doing it with an add on take away from people experience more than of it is done without one?

This post is the definition of cherry picking. You even quoted the part you ignored.

Right, you have to resort to being disingenuous to maintain that I’m a liar.

Still laughing in Discord and having a good time, I trust?

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cherry picking, aka only fight battles you know you’ll win. Read your Sun-Tzu

That shoe fitting has nothing to do with me

The shoe doesn’t fit.

If your shoes don’t fit, get a job. Lazy

Also soloQ is ftw, this is a new era.

In fact, soloQ all the things. What is it you kids all like to say. We want choice, and more choices is never bad, right?

As I’ve already stated, I don’t care about any “CM answer” from 10+ years ago. The reality is you even posted your complaint in customer support and a forum agent still shut it down after everyone basically agreed it’s not against the rules.

We’re standing on the only leg that matters, Blizzard’s. And they’ve told you for years now that this isn’t against any rules. That’s why these threads have been ignored and/or straight up closed. You not being able to take no for an answer does not change the answer.

It’s over Arrowlad. You are spamming now.

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I think a queue delay after the first 2 or 3 queue drops a day would be better. It would also fix the issues with starting without in pvp. I think you would see extended queues at first then would just drop back to normal. Premades would go from tons to one a day

Sure. Solo Q sounds great.

Are you implying I have, at any point, suggested otherwise?

so you’re all for a normal random bg soloq? Zero grouping possible as a seperate q?

Yes. This is not even my first time saying as much.

Just make it xfaction ques already . Make it if one person drops q then the whole group gets the debuff and its account wide .

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You’ll have to forgive me, there was 300 pages of people pointlessly bickering at each other to skim through. I probably missed the finer points.

Oh right, you are perpetuating that.

Multboxers crossed the line because they started to disrupt too much of world servers and instanced servers. A blood DK multi boxing and abusing the phase tech between Ashran entrance and flight hubs was too much for BlizZard to overlook.

BlizZard never officially supports full premades from Tichondrius, Dark Spear Emerald Dream, etc. But if they are casual about how they play and meet up they really don’t care to be honest.

But when they offer services and run non stop that is when BlizZard will halt that activity. It was an issue for rated arena in the first season of systemlands and BlizZard had to step in.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Surely. Not OP, despite me quoting multiple potential solutions directly at him only for him to call me a liar again, as predicted in the very post I quoted said solutions in.

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