Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

I reached out on twitter to half a dozen devs. Works far better that way actually. If you want it done quick.

Will you come back and say as much if they respond “it’s not an exploit unless they’re using an addon to do it”?

Wouldn’t want to accuse me of hypocrisy and then do it yourself, after all.

Anyone in a group has to que with other people in groups only.

Never should a premade face a group of randoms. Will this make the que for premade extra long? Yup and thays s good thing


I couldn’t care less how or why. I asked them to review it and fix it.

I already stated your blah blah about the exploit nonsense was a red herring. That whole thing is a waste of my time.

Then blame OP like I have for refusing to talk about anything else. :person_shrugging: And maybe don’t drag me into weird side tangents about hypocrisy. Sifting through my post history didn’t do you any favors.

Like multi boxing, the full premades while not officially supported by BlizZard if it starts become out of control they will step in to stop it.

Like I mentioned earlier full preamdes that are casually formed up once a night, weekly or done for role play situations once in a while isn’t a big deal.

But when they run 24/7 and offer services that is when BlizZard step in.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


Says you, we are still gigging about it on discord.

If you have to assure everyone you’re in good spirits, you’re likely not.

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Snowpine Effect in action – Freud would call that projecting.

Would he? It’s not a secret this topic is irritating for me, now, I believe I’ve explicitly stated as much once at least.

Well, it’s less the topic and more the people. I’ve never liked petulant children.

Oh my, now on to the name calling. You are a bastion of maturity today it seems. Good form old chap, good form. lol

On to?

Brother, my discussion with Ravenas was just about how I’ve treated you all as subhuman. I’ve been calling people names.

I really don’t know what revelation you think you’ve made.

I’d tell you the same, because this blue post disproves your entire argument:

His entire point was that it is bad when addons automate this. Because that’s all that they can realistically target.


I don’t even have to look at what other people have said, because I already have. Not word for word but… read below:

You can have an opinion of whether you like it or not, but whether someone likes it or not is not the basis for whether it should or shouldn’t be allowed. And I can prove this with the age old:
“I don’t like you, therefore you should be banned.”

Thankfully the game doesn’t operate like that, and to quote YOUR argument:
“Pre-mades in the normal queue, however they are formed, are not something that we’ve ever been particularly fond of.”

We can really, REALLY dig into that statement and the insane problematic nature of it (since it eludes towards that ANY premade is frowned upon, meaning no playing with your friends) but even if we take it at face value … it literally just says “We will grumble about it, but it is allowed.”

Finally let’s dig into this and why you can pretend that you aren’t asking for bans … because you want to make playing with your friends (whether they are from a community or not doesn’t matter, quit pretending being a loner is an argument) not allowed. So what happens if you play with your friends? You break the ToS and thus will receive a ban.

There is no arguing around this. This IS your stance, that playing with friends, community members, randoms, etc., should be a punishable offense. That is the stance you and the rest of the folks who keep going “but look at premades” when we have, and we have dissected every single one of your arguments with official statements, deductive reasoning, logical conclusions, and rhetorical analysis.

There isn’t an argument. There’s just people’s opinions where people are upset that other people have premades to play with. That’s literally it, regardless of why said premades makes you upset - that is the only thing. You have an opinion that is shared with an ex-community manager who effectively said “I don’t like this but it is allowed.”

You’ve circumvented the systems in place, which is a violation of the spirit clause. Just sayin.


Precisely no one has.

The End.

Good thing you aren’t the judge in such matters. Objectivity and all.

Correct, I’m not. Blizzard is.
And my stance is the same as Blizzard’s repeatedly affirmed position in this: no one is circumventing anything.

Get a hobby that isn’t trolling on the forums. Pick up knitting, then you could knit yourself a troll rather than be one.

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A conquest geared player in qued PvP will literally obliterate a fully geared mythic raider due to the complete lack of versatility

We shall see. You can forum warfare all you like. You can’t stop the signal.

Looked into a mirror lately. Har.

This is a problem you’re creating. Penalize doesn’t mean ban. When you leave a BG and get deserter, you get a penalty. That’s what I’m asking for. I have made that clear.

Are you going to argue that Bloomsday isn’t a troll? There are entire threads about this player trolling and you want me to take them serious?

This is insane.

You continue to ignore the solutions I have presented while saying I presented none.

That’s how it was in the past. This was never a big deal. Running into a premade was a once a week at most thing or less. Now I see them multiple times a night.

That’s what happened with multiboxxers when they changed how nodes worked. When nodes had multiples taps, the multiboxxers took advantage of it and paid for all their accounts with tokens. It was a non-issue prior.

Raids aren’t allowed in bgs. This is being circumvented. This isn’t debatable.

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