Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Yep and it blew up in your face.

Because you can’t refute the points and trying to discredit me also blew up in your face.

It’s called taking an L

Correct. Because the tool only looks at what exploits people use in-game. Communicating with other players outside of the game isn’t an exploit, therefore it isn’t cheating.

Thank you for agreeing with me.

We don’t have to interpret what Vrak (or the blue post from 2007 referred to) as we have the context:

It is clear as day what Vrak was talking about, and considering it is the same question and answer as the older blue post … it is the same question.

They know what you are talking about, and they are very loudly telling you that it is allowed, not an exploit, and it would be ridiculous to even try to classify it as an exploit.

Most reasonable people will conclude that 17+ years of precedence and multiple blue posts affirming it makes it very cut and dry. It is allowed and not an exploit, no matter however much ya’ll want to pretend to read between the lines and find the National Treasure between words that doesn’t exist.

Yeah, because that ain’t allowed.
What you are allowed to do is to make a 5-man group and go inside of a M+, and you are allowed to have multiple groups do that at the same time. You can even organize it so each key begins at the exact same time, you could probably even create an addon to make that happen.

At no point does that make it an exploit. The difference is that in M+ that means each one is separate, in a BG some (most likely most of 'em) will end up in the same BG.

Nothing about this suddenly and magically makes it an exploit. If you however managed to group up ahead of time and queue as a raid then yes, that would be an exploit. But that’s not what folks are doing, and what folks are doing has been affirmed again and again that it is allowed.

No matter whatever your feelings are about it.

You keep showing random articles of people’s opinions, and we show blue posts affirming official stances.

This nonsense of a thread is devoid of logic as ya’ll just keep going “but mah feelings, please ban people because I lost a BG because of premades.”

LOL do you know what checkpvp is?

2k on retail lol. Why you lying?

Your highest arena achievement is 1550 and your highest rbg rating is 1200.

Inb4 my “other account”

Do you think someone that lies about their pvp experience is honestly going to use any logic?

It’s pretty telling he’s lying as a way to give home some sort of credibility

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Yeah, I stopped doing random BG’s, something I spent all my time on all the way up to BFA, outside of in early expansions because they get ruined by people who make premades and refuse to play in rated but would rather just try and stomp on uncoordinated pugs.

I’m excited about the new system, it should fix most of the issues with battlegrounds such as premades, a lack of rewards, and with MMR hopefully you can avoid the people who don’t do objectives once you progress a little.

What is with you? How many times do I have to post the solution in this thread? How much more entitled can you get?

Before you typed that, I had already added the solution to the original post. But since you need help…

From 11 days ago…

This isn’t even all the times I said this.

Is this a joke? I have been talking about the solution the entire time. What the hell dude?

Because you are a liar. I have been talking about the solution since the beginning. You want to ignore that. But to make it worse, you have to lie about me saying banning was the solution. I never said that. You can’t just correct that. It’s so easy.

I didn’t twist anything. Your words. You’re trying to argue with a player’s opinion of the game. Their feelings. Literally an impossible task and yet you’re trying todo it. You’re actively trying to tell someone what they think.

It’s the height of arrogance.



That would be you. The CoC is clear as day.

I was saying it’s not a simple fix to stop premade raiders. They’re hidden among all the other PvPers in the bg queue.

Serious countermeasures to stop premade raiders would also have repercussions for all PvPers, such as longer queue times.

I have shown the official Blizzard stance on the matter from 2012, proposed a solution, and didn’t ask for bans:

Improve your reading comprehension, please.
No wonder you find nothing wrong with Snozex.


I’ll just quote this small part, once again, just to be sure you all get why this topic even exists:

Daxxarri (Blizzard’s CM in 2012)

What is true that there’s been an increase in pre-made groups disrupting the PvP experience for other players, though. Pre-mades in the normal queue, however they are formed, are not something that we’ve ever been particularly fond of. It had become more of an issue of late, so we addressed it accordingly.

Not a single poster in favor of the premade bs going on has bothered to counter this

I already muted this thread so I’m not gonna bother re-addressing the same strawman bait arguments that repeatedly keep getting leveled at me by Nobully and Shadybolt. They both appear to be hell bent on trying to misconstrue what I said, then argue against something I didn’t, all the while vainly attempting to twist vraks words to suit their biased narrative.

Take this utter perfect example of strawmanning:

Its clear this guy simply refuses to face the truth on the matter and will continue to use bad faith arguments to try twist vraks words to suit their bias. At this point, we’re just dealing with someone who lacks critical thinking skills and so any further engament will simply be akin to bashing one’s head against a wall. Best to just put such people on ignore and move. That’s what I’ve done.

But I thought I would chime in one last time to say that a thread was made about this issue on the CS forum in response to this thread, but unfortunately the usual critters came out of the woodwork to brigade the thread with the exact same strawman gaslighting. I was tempted to flip their arguments back on them which would show how hypocritical they are, but I know I’d get suspended for it even though I would not have said anything different than what was said to me. That’s kinda how it goes in the CS forum.

So it appears until someone over at blizz finally weighs in on this matter (since they haven’t yet), the quote from vrak from 2019 will continue to be twisted to fit the narrative that it is perfectly fine to bypass the intended gameplay design by blizz by queueing in raid teams into multi 5 man content.

Not much else us reasonable folk can do here at this point of the conversation. The irony here is that I’ve repeatedly said that I too am a member of a few pre-made teams. So I’m literally on both sides of the fence on this. But at the very least I thought some semblance of critical thinking and introspection was warranted given how glaringly obvious it is that what us pre-made groups were doing runs counter to what blizz intended.

Welp. As the old saying goes. Exploit early and exploit often. Carry on my fellow premades. Let’s farm some plebs! :crazy_face:


The PvP devs were clear they don’t want premade raids in random bgs. They explained it’s unfair to the other players and it drives them away from PvP.

In their explanation, Blizzard acknowledged they hadn’t punished premade raiders:

Unfortunately, that’s all that really matters to some players — ban or no ban.

Blizzard literally told them they’re ruining bgs for others and driving them away from PvP, but their takeaway is no ban means it’s ok.


I’m rude when people turn a topic into a circus of what it should be.

I get it. This isn’t my most civil, nor my kindest showing. It’s quite hard, however, to be civil with someone as disingenuous as this. He has the gall to call me a liar.

I can’t abide people who place blame on others for a perceived mistake on Blizzard’s end.

There is no perfect solution to any problem. Searching for a magic pill is always a fool’s errand, but if you listen to nothing but your own view, you will solve nothing.

You’ll notice I’ve only come down on very specific people.

Adroi’s “talking about the subject” has boiled down to…

(top of thread)

(middle of thread)

(bottom of thread)

Even in the instances where he comments on people offering discussion for his side…

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Because that eats up time that would otherwise be productive? How about all the time wasted queuing into a full raid and not having a chance to do anything?
I’d take longer initial que times vs having my time constantly wasted sitting through a complete stomp and having to re-queue anyways.

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literally everyone has.

do you see the part where it says “we addressed it accordingly”?
…or does that part simply become invisible because it’s not what you want to hear?

the line was in direct response to an issue which was resolved 12 years ago.


Today is today, the game has significantly changed. The past isn’t relevant.
It’s simply a red herring.

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And for the record it was addressed. By me. By Shady. By Snozex.

Granted, I think that took place in the other thread, but no one just ignored it.

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Hey Snow, whats the definition of hypocrite?

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Hypocrites spout the virtues of an act but don’t take that act themselves.

Go ahead, try and make a case. This should be interesting.

Na i’m good, was asking for a friend.

…Right. You know that’s not hypocrisy, right? I will abide the consequences of my hostility, if it comes to that.

They did. Back then. Regarding the rampant addon usage to empower it.
The means chagned, the issue has not.

Yeah, which is why I even made a CS topic asking for updates.
Their non-answer and topic closure was enough.

You know what, I give up, everyone in favor of this either can’t read or is acting in bad faith, lose-lose to discuss it further wither way.

Anyone who has some common sense, and can read and interpret text correctly knows that this situation is borderline exploiting, and was frowned upon by Blizzard itself, at least in 2012, and they aren’t giving us an updated answer now since PvP is largely ignored overall AND this must be one of the worst live service games to ever exist when it comes to developer interaction.

Maybe BG Blitz was their “good enough” answer, do I idc anymore.
Hope you premade lovers knock yourselves out farming people until there is no one playing the mode anymore.

Also, muting this, there is no point in further discussion, as evidenced by the CS thread I made.