Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

When things are against the CoC, the CoC ain’t havin a good time

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I think so. Would be good to have even if we ignore this issue. Players dropping queues often just leads to a bad experience for everyone.

Leaving a queue or two wouldn’t be a problem though. 4-5+ in a sitting should result in some penalties, though I’d have to see the data on Blizzard’s end to know what that number actually is.

Part of the issue is the imbalance between the factions which gives higher priority queues to one side. That makes stacking easier. Remove that and it would be slightly more difficult to queue premades.

Thanks for the bump!


Failure to accept a queue = 5m deserter, stacking up to 24 hours.
FF14 did it, we can do it too.


First one is a freebie. :smiley:

All downhill after that.


The CoC directly contradicts that. You may as well say heavyweights should be allowed to cheat on weigh in because they want to fight featherweights. I’m sure they do! That doesn’t make it fair or good for the game. That is why we have rules. To make the game fun for people playing fair and to stop cheaters.

They even make a space for premades to fight premades and you sit there and say people who want to play solo should be forced to do that…instead of people jamming premades into a random bg. It makes no sense and it is actively supporting people screwing up someone else’s game.

That attitude just sucks.

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He’s holding the hay/straw industry on his back single-handedly atm.

If that’s the case, why hasn’t anyone been banned for it?

Remember, you don’t decide what’s against the CoC and what isn’t.

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I am saying my interpretation of all their comments over the years and the coc. Right now they contradict each other. I makes no sense to allow queue timing and say it is unfair to have more than 5 people in a premade. They need to clarify.

Neither do you by the way but words have meanings. PUG stomps are clearly unfair.

I don’t find Dragonflight to be a particularly fun expansion. The only fun I have is playing Epic Battlegrounds. Premades are ruining that fun. When u zone in and see the familiar names on the opposing team, you are guaranteed to lose that BG. This happens all day everyday to the point where I don’t even play retail anymore. Thank goodness for MoP Remix


This may come off as rude, but your interpretation doesn’t really matter. It’s Blizzard’s game – not yours. They decide what the rules are.

Can you link them saying this?

What makes them unfair?

Why do you always block people that prove you wrong?

Its the forum version of sticking your head in the sand.

It doesn’t magically make you right. You’re still wrong and have been proven wrong multiple times in this thread.

Scroll up. Tired of relinking over and over again. They have both said that more than 5 is unfair and that queue timing is not an exploit. The two make no sense and I am tired of making the same point to alts over and over again.

I block people who swap to alts and are trolls. You haven’t proved anyone wrong, just a throwing up silly illogical drivel. Not worth talking to. Ugh I hate having to block people this way such a pain. Ok time to take the time to do it.


Bad faith poster has a thought.

Who’s bad faith?

Literally who?

Blizzard doesn’t allow you to queue as a raid for epic BG’s.

Every time they’ve weighed in on the issue they confirmed it’s an exploit to work around that restriction.

No they’re not. This is evidenced by the fact that you’re not allowed to queue for epic bg’s as a raid.

PUG’s have to deal with things like people who refuse to communicate, don’t want to communicate, and bots. Premade groups manipulating the queue to group as a party larger than the game allows have a massive advantage over PUG’s and it’s not merely a willingness to communicate. Match making doesn’t care about gear and a host of other factors.

Somehow I think it has more to do with how you don’t like a PVP match that isn’t unfair in your favor. Just like how PVP realms hollowed out the minute world PVP became completely optional. Just like how PVP was seriously under-populated in seasons where gear was relatively standardized so that the difference between a geared out player and a newbie wasn’t a complete blow out.

I’d also knock it off with the gaslighting. Wanting PUG’s to fight PUG’s and premade groups to fight premade groups is a lot of things, but a ‘victim complex’ it is not. Go to therapy, abuse isn’t tolerated on the forums.


Literally the same few trolls who keep responding.

Thanks for the bump.

True. I quoted just two of them a moment ago.

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My guy, you’re the one in the minority here.

What, no thanks for the bump? Did I strike a nerve?

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