Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Sure I can:

And we can also deconstruct what Vrak said:

  1. The ticket system only impacts things related to the game. It doesn’t deal with things like Discord or other common systems outside of the game.
    This clearly means that this is talking referring to what’s possible in-game.
  2. “Queuing at the same time as someone else isn’t considered cheating. If they are using other means to do so, that might be, but basically going… ‘One, two, click!’ has never been.”
    The statement here showcases that playing alongside another premade group (outside of one’s own) is allowed.

So unless you can demonstrate a way to circumvent this IN GAME, your case is dead. Like it has always been. Folks keep bringing up “but raid teams can’t join a BG”, correct. So if a raid team was able to join as a raid team then yes, that would be an exploit.

But no, queuing at the same time and accepting a queue at the same time is not cheating. It ain’t an exploit to talk and communicate with other people.
No matter however many times ya’ll keep pretending it is.

None of you have a leg to stand on, no matter however much ya’ll keep pretending that you do.

Ah why is your account hidden so I need to go through an extra 10 clicks to block you. I hate these forums sometimes. buh bye.

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This case is not dead because of a label on the situation. It’s hard to label a situation where players are acting in a technically legal way which other players are starting to find annoying and disrupting.

Call it what you want. The issue exist.


This content might just be dead in TWW. I just hope if I have to get sparks that I don’t get EBG quest or an RBG. Actually awful having to do that garbage for your weekly half of a spark.

Actually it doesn’t, and everyone that does it - uses an addon not saying ‘1, 2, 3, click’ to queue. The addon says which groups got a pop at the same time, which isn’t ‘1, 2, 3, click… then join whatever pops up’.

You’re the one that has no leg to stand on, not that you even PvP, funny how everyone saying it isn’t an issue doesn’t even PvP.


You’re getting more and more desperate. It’s lovely. It’s like you’re arguing with yourself at this point.

Is the experience of other players being impacted? Yes. Therefore its against the CoC.

Thanks for playing.

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I see why it’s an “issue” and I have more arena experience than most people in GD.

I also don’t believe I’ve seen any actual ideas that could rightly be implemented to solve the issue, unfortunately

A few have been presented. Moderating how many queues someone can drop is an easy fix. :slight_smile:

So, impose a debuff lasting for x minutes that stacks and prevents queues once it hits a certain stack, maybe?

To demonstrate the problem with your argument:
“I find you personally annoying and disrupting thus you now need to be banned from the game.”

Finding something annoying or disrupting isn’t enough. It actually has to be disruptive or otherwise negative for the game’s overall health. And we can categorically state that it has zero negative impact on the game’s overall health because this has been happening for almost all of the game’s lifetime.
If it had an overall negative impact on the game, it would’ve been fixed by now. And note that I say “overall negative” because … how would you fix it?

Ban all premades?
Ban players communicating with each other?
Start to investigate out-of-the-game social circules to ban people for merely talking with each other?
Make it so you can’t queue with friends all just to get at the premade groups queueing at the same time?
Do you ban queuing at the same time as another player?
Do you fake BGs and queues in order to separate players?
Do you make it a bannable offense to accept a queue at the same time and if so, how do you verify that happened?

None of these things would be a benefit for the game overall, and would negatively impact everyone, and target a group of people who is at most annoying. But making system-wide changes ain’t reasonable just because you or someone else finds someone else annoying when they are following the ToS and CoC.

I’m calling it what it is: a nonexistent issue.

Doesn’t matter. The basic principle is still that players communicate with each other to accept the same queue. Whether it is done via Teamspeak, Mumble, Discord, at a LAN, or heck even via a modem phone if you so want to … it is all the same.

I love PvP but I can’t stand people with victim complexes, not for long at any rate. Whilst this is a far more serious issues on the forums, sadly this is one area where the forum population behave largely just as badly as the population of people who actually play the game.

As a direct result, I play other PvP games.
Largely because ya’ll make it an unbearable and incredibly vile activity that just isn’t fun.

Cross-faction BGs


Did you Check the youtube link I posted earlier ?

Do you think queueing into these groups every day for 3-4 hours a day is not an issue?

That would 100% have a direct impact.

I’ve outlined many great fixes in this post.

The prevalence of these premades has only increased in intensity starting at the end of Shadowlands until the present.

In the past we could see 1-2 premade a week, because more players were participating.

With the player drop that we’ve seen in the recent years, we see premade every day during prime time and they can play for 3- to 6 hours every evening/morning/weekends.

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I don’t follow. Could you elaborate?

Of course not. There’s in total over 300 posts of people going “but mah feelings think it is an exploit therefore it is!”

Going “oh but this one random YouTube link is better than official statements by Blizzard in multiple Blue posts confirming that this isn’t an exploit” is the sort of logic that you see from conspiracy nutters. You sound like a flat earther when you say “did you watch this random YouTube link”; no, because they are completely irrelevant.

None of this matters.
That’s the full story of it. Ya’ll just refuse to accept it because you are mad you lost a random epic BG for no other reason than “oh my god, people are doing things that they are allowed to do!”

No. I genuinely don’t, because no one is doing that and even if folks were guess what … they are allowed to do it.

You can have an opinion about whether or not you like or not, but arguing that be banned (as folks are arguing it is an exploit) because they are doing something they are allowed to do is beyond belief stupid.

Not a single one of 'em “fixes” anything.

(Edit) I’m actually going to do you a favour and make a better argument for you than what anyone else in this entire thread has made so far:
“I want player-to-player communication to be banned because I think it is boring that people use that in order to queue together.”

That’s at least an argument one can do something with. Still stupid, but better than literally every other argument made in this (and others like it) entire thread.

You’re in denial if you think this isn’t happening. I’ve shown videos of ONE community doing it as an example. I know you didn’t watch anything, but I was giving proof that the communities are doing it now, and how they do it.

Cross Faction would fix this, by distributing the 5 man premade on both teams where instead of having 5 party join one side, 2 would be on Horde and 3 would be on Alliance. Now it’s premade vs premade.

Account-Wide deserter would help against players who leave games fishing for a victory. When they leave, there’s another poor soul that has to backfill for them, and then there’s a on-going backfill rotation happening where players keep leaving/joining/fishing.

Remove the Leave Queue button, to prevent Queue Syncers to drop the queue, then give a 1 minute, 3 minute, 5 minute, 10minute, 15 minute deserter for repeat offenders, which would incentivize players to actually take the queue, because the intention when queueing for a RANDOM battleground is to go play a random battleground.
They can still leave the queue through the green eye icon as long as the queue didn’t pop. Obviously this Deserter is also account-wide.

  • Larger Player Pool:
  • Cross-faction battlegrounds increase the pool of available players by including members from both factions. This reduces the likelihood of organized groups, or premades, being able to queue together and end up on the same team or in the same match, as the matchmaking system has more players to distribute evenly.
  • Enhanced Matchmaking:
  • With a larger player base to draw from, the matchmaking system can more effectively balance teams by skill level and composition, making it harder for premade groups to dominate matches.
  • Reduced Wait Times:
  • Cross-faction queues can lead to shorter wait times for battlegrounds, which in turn can disrupt the ability of premade groups to synchronize their queue times. When matches start more quickly, it’s harder for groups to time their queues to land in the same game.
  • Increased Unpredictability:
  • The introduction of players from both factions adds an element of unpredictability, making it more difficult for premades to anticipate the matchups and outcomes. This unpredictability can deter the formation of premade groups looking to exploit the system.
  • Balanced Team Composition:
  • Cross-faction battlegrounds can ensure a more balanced team composition by drawing from a wider pool of players. This balance helps prevent one-sided matches often caused by highly coordinated premade teams.
  • Promotes Solo Play:
  • By creating a more balanced and fair matchmaking environment, cross-faction battlegrounds can encourage more players to queue solo, knowing they are less likely to face overwhelming premade teams, thus improving the overall player experience.

They could, but they’re choosing not to and they’re allowed to make that choice.

That is perhaps the worst interpretation of the CoC that I’ve ever seen. This means that nearly everything would be against the CoC.

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Nah, because it automates/streamlines it. Much like automation/streaminlining isn’t allowed with multiboxxing.

Clearly not enough to do it.

Ironic, because you’re the one doing that. You’re advocating for PvP to be the least fun it can be because you already quit playing it.

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Aaahhh I gotcha. Now I understand and looking back idk how I didn’t pick this up to begin with haha.

Makes sense to me!

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They should just make it so that you don’t have to time queues like that. 40 man premade should be easy to make.