Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Wouldn’t making conquest gear free then having its appearance unlock after X wins solve this?

There should be zero gear gaps in PvP.

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IMO, Premade in 10-15 man Random BG’s already have a solution and it’s Blitz + Rated BG.

Premade in Epic has no alternative, I don’t want Epics to die, I want them to add more Epics even.

TM vs SS
Tol Barad
Arathi Warfront
Darkshore Warfront

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This is an mmo first. Gear progression is part of the game.

You act like buying crafted gear then honor gear then conquest gear is hard.

You wouldn’t have had a meltdown if t2 weapons were still a thing.

So the issue is a team joined and you lost?


They didn’t.

It doesn’t.



We need more 100v100… 200v200 More Massiveness to this Massively MO.

Ew no thank you.

Lag city lol

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They did in the blue post and they’ve yet to suspend anyone that has done it. This has gone on for 20 years.

It does, which is why no further comment has been made.

Sorry that you’ve chosen to not play with friends. You aren’t going to make that choice for everyone else. You aren’t going to force people to play without their friends in an MMORPG.

They didn’t.

It doesn’t.

The issue isn’t playing with friends. These dishonest replies are obvious to everyone.

It’s about stacking a group with 10-30+ players. Thanks for keep this topic alive though. The continued visibility will help get this problem resolved.


That are our friends. FRIENDS. In an MMORPG.

It’s been visible for 20 years and nothing has been done. That’s because no problem exists. No amount of visibility will change Blizzard’s mind, especially when said visibility is just showing how your arguments fall flat.

Definition of analogy

comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.
"an analogy between the workings of nature and those of human societies

It’s an apples to orange comparison if your two points are premades in a video game and robbing someone.

It’s a dumb analogy because the points of comparison are incomparable.

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Except they are. Ok not worth talking to you. There are so many people defending being unfair it’s sad. Pedantic weird arguments to defend ruining a game mode. No wonder we can’t have nice things.

Except they aren’t. One is a crime that people go to jail for. The other is people playing a game with their friends.

In no way whatsoever are these two comparable. It is nonsensical to even attempt to do so. Let’s have just a little bit of honest perspective here.

If you can’t make an argument without making a fallacious comparison, then you do not have an argument.

You don’t seem to understand how analogies work so I don’t think we can have a real discussion.

Analogies are comparing two things that are diacimilar in some ways and similar in other. Like nature vs human society. Robbery is about breaking rules to take something away from someone. Cheating is about breaking the rules to make a game unfair…and in this case take away people’s time and enjoyment for yourself.

They are very different in terms of level of wrong but they are similar wrong. Just like stealing a pack of bubble gum is theft of a small amount and stealing a car is theft of a large amount.

It is the basis of how analogies work.

It isnt hard its tedious and doesn’t belong in pvp. Ive hit elite a couple times i get pvp

And you don’t seem to know how to craft an analogy that offers a fair comparison. So agreed, we cannot have a real discussion if you continue to compare premading a BG with your friends in world of warcraft to committing the crime robbery, which is a FELONY.

Did you get it in RBGs?

Solo ranked forget my rbg rank haven’t played in years in that mode… 1800 i think?