Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

If you mean that one from Vrakthis, that was as vague as it gets.
The 2007 one was clearer.

Both do not address the current situation adequately.

Wrong. It was crystal clear. Queueing at the same time as others has never been considered cheating.

I’m not sure what else you would need from the bluepost. They very clearly explain that this has never been considered cheating. There is nothing more that he could add that would make this any clearer.

It’s a matter of scaling. It was never this bad.

It’s clear it’s not considered cheating by Blizzard at the moment, but they can change their minds on this at any time.

And my question remains: if it’s permitted and a valid way to play, the game UI should support it.

It’s been 17 years since this first popped up and nothing has been done about it in-game.

This tells me that while they did not consider that cheating, at the scale it was being done, it wasn’t exactly considered “cool” to do either.

They can play rated if they like premades. The difference is Blizzard designed on for premades, not the other. Stop telling the victims of an exploit to fix the problem.


Let them kill it.
They’ll get bored and quit, I’ve seen it happen in other games.

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Players are asking for a change today.

It doesn’t matter what Blizzard stance was on something at this point.

It is bothering their player base.


Would that not be the desired pvp experience?

For many years it was almost always a fair fight

There are many behaviors that aren’t cheating that make the game experience suck.

The random BG experience in WoW at the moment is in my view, intolerable. Blizzard should either remove randoms or address the problem.

Anyone saying “well that’s just how randoms have always been” is either, pardon my bluntness, either ignorant or straight up lying.


It’s not clear. The COC doesn’t match up with Blizzards statements, and their statements about more than 5 is unfair don’t match up with the statement that queue timing is ok.

They need to clarify on this point. Right now we have two completely contradictory statements from blueposts.

The root issue is lack of engagement in the pvp community and lack of communication. One post every 7 years on these things is not good enough.


They are responding in bad faith. They know as much.


Their arguments are so pathetic at this point.

“Well the game isn’t fair to begin with, so players making the game intentionally unfair is clearly allowed…”

lol. Amazing logic.

I think it’s more like telling someone who wants todo regular heroics to go do M+. Total different experience and expectation. Randoms are fun because they are random. I don’t think the people disagreeing with us grasp that.

Then do RBGs. :slight_smile:

That doesn’t make it fair.

It doesn’t address the issue. Stop saying it does.


It’s literally defending a system they know is bad instead of asking for Blizzard to make it fair. At best they are saying Blizzard wants this to be unfair and not as fun as possible for the most people. They are basically defending bad design. It’s very strange.

Just because everyone CAN rob someone else, doesn’t make robbing someone else good or legal or right. Everyone can cheat, is a silly argument for cheating. It just means the problem needs to be fixed and the guard rails are weak.


Yes it was. Premades have always exist and will always exist.

Playing with friends doesn’t make the game experience suck.

Nah, I’ll stick to BGs because Blizzard said it’s okay.

Yes it does.

Yes it does. He addressed the exact complaint that you have and has said it’s not cheating.

No one is robbing anyone here.

Another nuh-uh guy.
No good counter points huh… ok.

Like Adroi says, thanks for the bump.

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When someone resorts to making things up, that’s the best response to have.

It’s been bumped for 20+ years now. This isn’t the first time someone complained about premades and likely won’t be the last. Nothing will change because the game is fundamentally about playing with friends.


Well they are taking time and fun away from someone. It could fit the definition…snoz.

I think we have Snoz 3.0.


The fun thing is that they really think stomping solo players by exploiting a design flaw in the queue system is ok because “the game is about playing with friends” and because Blizzard might actually condone it now.

Oh well.


Someone else not having fun is not the same as robbery. Are you going to have a serious conversation here or not?

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In rated sure. In randoms no. I just want to farm my honor and move on to rated the fastest way possible.

The amount of cope in this thread by Kale Androi and Alpha is super cringe