Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Who said you can’t play with friends you can group up with as many as 5 in all?

Some of us have more than 5 friends. That is quite a low amount of friends to have in an MMORPG.

Pay close attention to how he has responded to other in this very thread.
I don’t even see his posts, just his quotes, and that’s enough evidence to support my claims, in my view.

The thicker your skin, the less he will bother you though.

Also, no, bots aren’t even significant in BGs anymore.

1 hour to form, 10 seconds to disband.
Just like most pug raiding activities.

You either get success on the first try, or lose the day.


EPICS is a mode that shouldn’t have several groups of 5 calling out queue pop, it isn’t fair especially in a mode that is supposed to be fun/for gearing.

If you have more than 5 friends then Rated Battlegrounds exist?

That’s nothing new. Epics have always been a mix of mess around gearing or try hard depending on the person. That’s also not exclusive to epics.

Because that’s the mode where it’s supposed to be an equal fight designed around competitive play.

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It is now heck it’s been like this since Shadowlands.

And someone earlier brought up a great point, if these players have so many friends and are so great at PvP why aren’t these communities forming Rated Battleground groups?

Wrong. Epic should have several groups of 5 calling out queue pop.

It is fair. Everyone can do it.

All game modes in WoW are supposed to be fun/for gearing. All game modes in WoW encourage grouping. Why should this be any different? Because you personally dislike that others can play with friends?

We’d rather play in Epics. If you have a problem with people playing with friends in BGs, then BG solo blitz exists?

No, they shouldn’t it is cringe. Everyone can also camp low level players but it doesn’t make it right. No, not all modes are for gearing. And how are you playing EPICs if you are only level 23? I get it you all bad at regular battlegrounds so you have to feel better about yourself by pre-made groups of 25+.

It’s always been like that depending on the person.

You don’t seem to realize that epics haven’t changed.

The excuses have but the type of bg hasnt.

Maybe they like AV

If everyone can use a certain exploit, does that make it fair?

The final call is on Blizzard though. They are the ones who decide if anything is a “clever use of game mechanics” or an exploit.

As an example, we have the former common Azure Vault skips and the current Nokhud Offensive ones.

One has been fixed, the other hasn’t.

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No it hasn’t, pre SL it was rare to run into a 20+ man pre-made for EPICS.
Or maybe they can’t handle Rated Battlegrounds?
I have dueled a lot of these players and trust when I say they wouldn’t be able to handle Rated BGs.

Playing solo is cringe. We can both make nonsensical statements like that.

Blizzard allowing us to do it makes it right. Period.

All modes reward gear. All modes are for gearing.

This isn’t an exploit.

They’ve decided already – this isn’t exploit. Queueing with friends has never, is not currently, and will never be an exploit.

Moving on.

They have always been common my guy. Even in Cata they were very popular.

Oasis pvp

Are just two I remember being extremely active.

Lol rated BGs are where people get carried. When your rbg rating is higher than your arena rating I don’t recommend flexing.

Rated Blitz is the main TWW feature I’m hyped about. Then I might dabble in Epics once in a while, but I’ll most likely spend all my time in Rated Blitz.

Yes plz. That would be crazy with queue times. Rated Epic BG Blitz XD.


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Queuing with up to 4 friends is fine and supported by the UI.
Syncing group queues to form pseudo raids isn’t.

It should be easy enough to adjust this, but they haven’t on way or another.
The real reason is they have NOT decided whether this is valid or not, just like they were not decided on what to do regarding multiboxers.

It’s a grey area, and the topic creator, myself and many others are against the status quo.


You can keep repeating this as much as you want. The blue post in 2007 and 2019 have proven this incorrect.

Wrong. The bluepost has already been shared multiple times.

You mean the 2007 one?

Just like they have always said nothing was wrong with boxing either?

No, the one from 2019. Try reading the thread.