Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

That’s because even if you and I don’t agree on something you’re always civil and don’t resort to personal insults or bringing peoples families into the conversation


Yes let’s punish people who want to play with friends so people who don’t have friends can not complain about losing a random bg.

The main thing they did was to remove follow in PVP. But also I always suspected Blizzard to introduce Comp Stomp style bots in the BG’s. Some players do play extremely suspiciously.

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I don’t see it as a punishment they even get additional rewards for ranked. It can only be seen as a punishment of you group exclusively to farm new players…

Or people have 3 friends on and waiting to run ranked.

Pvp happens.

Your solution is never going to happen.

There are actually programs that will guide your character.

Example you use a WSG bot. It will mount you and run a specific route over and over again until it’s killed and respawns then it mounts and repeats the process.

I think in the end everyone wants something different, but it is clear there is something annoying going on with Premade Syncing.

On my end, I just want balanced teams when it comes to how many party is in each side.

I’ve played with the premade communities and they’re overall really nice folks. There’s Epic BG Drama and Lore that happens between the communities, challenges are thrown and wargames are played. I’ve been in a few and it was always a blast.

I don’t want anyone to get banned, I just want them to fix the Queues and Balance the sides with cross-faction.

The best PVP games are always premade vs premade, in any bracket. Coordination is key.

I’ve heard of some, but the big one always got caught eventually. Now we have probably some Macro bots that will interrupt and play for you and you just have to pilot the character.

You can play BG blitz if you dislike facing premades.

Everyone who says Go play RBGs or Blitz don’t understand the main issue.

I enjoy Alterac Valley. Like A lot.

It’s like telling someone who wants to raid to go do Mythic Plus.

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I don’t understand your counter point.

Honestly this is the biggest issue. The camping, farming, getting rolfstomped by premades is annoying and frustrating to be sure. But…meh. I’ve been on both sides.

The biggest issue is when premades sync drop queues. It causes pops for the pugs where one side ends up with half their team missing and the backfills don’t appear till it’s far too late (if at all) and the match is GG already.

Blizz needs to implement delayed match starts until both teams are at least closer to being equal. A match starting where one team has 40 players and the other has 20 is a freaking joke.

The OP never specified if these are regular BGs or Epic BGs.

If there is such an issue with Epic BG premades, Blizzard could easily make an Epic BG blitz mode. I would enjoy it myself.

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Then rated is what you should look into.

There’s no such thing as any balance in randoms. That’s why it’s called randoms.

I mean that’s a you issue.

I gave you an example of why some people Que random BGs. End of the day the reason doesn’t matter. If people want to Que as a group they are able too.

Don’t like it then don’t do random BGs.

Right… the point im making is they shouldn’t be able to not that they currently can.

Ooof. Though out of the epic BGs that one and wg are the better two.

People who raid at a high end are told to do
Mplus :crazy_face:

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I know

It’s a terrible point

And it should never happen.

I think the point people like you miss is that EPICS used to be for either gearing or queueing when you are bored. These communities have turned a game mode meant for gearing or messing around into a try-hard mode where groups are literally on discord.

I don’t get the aversion to ranked

No, you’re not going to take away my ability to play with friends just because you chose to play solo in an MMORPG.