Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

For all those who think this sort of thing is an exploit, here is a hint, it is actually not.



I think it’s mostly an issue of how would they even reliably detect and prevent this.
It gets to be a blurry line when you’re in a pvp community that isn’t trying to sync up.
Even if people aren’t doing a countdown, if you just have a community of 40 people all solo queueing for epics without making any effort to sync up, you’re gonna get a ton of them in the same BG constantly. That happens all the time in the regular horde BG communities.

Would be nice if the epic groups kept it to wargames, or at least didn’t dodge games constantly and leave pugs starting games with less than half a team.

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What a naive comment



I have responded to this a bunch of times already.

It’s simple. These players constantly drop queues or drop matches already in progress. If you do that, you should incur a penalty. Dropping a couple queues is fine and normal. Dropping 10-20+ or more in a week or maybe even one sitting… isn’t.

The blue post linked here isn’t giving the green light to 30-40 people stacking a bg.

There have been issues, but my statistics are the reality.

I don’t do rated bgs. The last time I did them with any level of seriousness was in MoP and that was 10+ years ago. The RBG community got destroyed because of cheating.

Nah, I speak for a growing mass of players who is tired of players abusing the game. You can say it doesn’t matter, but that’s your opinion. I think it matters and I am posting about it. Based on the responses here there are FAR more people that agree with me than with players like you.

It clearly goes against the CoC.

It’s an exploit. That I have to keep linking the definition is getting old. Quit trying to change the definition of a simple word.

Exploit: use (a situation or person) in an unfair or selfish way.

This is obviously unfair to any honest person. Saying otherwise just shows you as a liar.


I went from seeing them everyday in Legion and BFA to now never seeing them… EVER. They were a massive problem. Yes, a few players still try to make it work, but its nothing like it was. You know this…

Massive groups of players dropping queue is a pretty easy way to see it happening. Fix that and the issue will mostly go away.

He assumes a lot and does mistreat people regularly. I’d say he is dishonest himself.

I’ll conclude with my previous statement: at the moment, he is not worth talking for, nor he ever contributes to anything positive in any topic whatsover, from what I’ve seen of him.

I’ve said enough, the point of the topic is not to talk about other players.


Imbalances can and should be treated, which is why we (should) have frequent balance hotfix passes in the game.

It’s not allowed by the UI and for good reason.
Bypassing an intended limitation is classified as an “exploit”, by definition.

We finally have BG Blitz for that, so wrong again.

The world is open and thus naturally, and by design, imbalanced.
Instanced PvP isn’t. The very maps are created and tuned with balance in mind.

That’s from 2007, when it wasn’t nearly as rampant. Just like Multiboxing.
And if isn’t an exploit, why does the game makes you jump to so many extra hoops to enable it?

It’s like Trustlvlfour posted here:

If we get a recent post confirming it, might as well quit random BG PvP, specially epics, since it wouldn’t be much a game anymore for anyone not partaking in this clown show.

I have already posted a simple solution.


I was clearly being sarcastic in my “Let’s push the limits of what is allowed”.

It would be easy to break Epic BG queues, I could take 40 accounts every day just queue and drop and queue and drop and queue and drop and sometime join. If only I was as rich as I am petty.

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This is a pretty spot on assessment. Another person I have had some disagreements with is Hpel and they are always civil.


What have I made an assumption about and been wrong?

Is that because you can’t refute the points I make without resorting to personal shots like making comments on my family?

Is it an opinion that you make comments about people’s families and it’s ok because you said it?

That would fall under mistreatment more than anything I have said.

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ROTFLMAOBBQ at the idea that random BG premades are made up of “friends.”

“Co-conspirators” maybe.


It’s not naive when there’s literally multiple blue posts backing up and confirming that.

it’s rarely a fair fight in randoms.

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It’s close enough in many instances, except for premades.

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Yeah no lol.

Most BGs are filled with bots

Again, you’re asking me to cite something to refute something you think you have as being backed up by a blue, except you don’t. Vraks post does not support your argument. Neither of us have a blue post to support our arguments. You’re gonna have to come to terms with that. So I suggest you accept the fact that all you have is your own personal opinion on the matter as well.

Until you can show me a blue quote that explicitly mentions bypassing the 5 man group limit to sync queue multiple teams/effectively a raid into such content, you have zero backing from blizz. Vraks post in no way suggests this is allowable or even intended gameplay.

If you’re still unclear on what I’m saying, I’d suggest you reread when I quoted myself pointing out that fact.

For now, it increasingly looks like the same thing that happened to multiboxers will eventually happen to these premades. Time will tell depending on just how disruptive they become to the general playerbase.


What’s your source on this?

Btw nice mog.

Idk why a few people keep saying this. I am not near Snozex’ level, and Snozex has never been rude to me that I can recall.

This is despite how argumentative I can be.


You are behind on blue posts by about 12 years. THey said this. Then they said it is unfair, then they said it’s fine to queue sync.

My reading is they have a contradiction in what they have said. It’s unfair and ok. At best that means 1 2 3 click is fine, but mass dropping and requeing is not…which makes no sense really. If one is bad they both should be or if one is fine they both should be. You can’t have a little unfair be fair…that’s not how words work.

So, we need clarification because the two don’t work together. Blizzard has dropped the ball on communication.

Now besides that. It’s on it’s face unfair and bad for the game. If the games are fun for only one side because of a trick…it’s bad. Sometimes you will just have a bad game, that is unavoidable. This is avoidable.

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Fair does not mean even. Look as sports. Blowouts happen all the time without cheating and that is fine. If there is cheating though, then it is an issue.

In the end Blizzards job here is to make it as fun as possible as often as possible. Stopping premades in randoms is a low hanging fruit to do that. All the other arguments are pointless past that idea.

It would be more fun, for more people, more often in this tier to stop this.

I only have anecdotal evidence but every bg im in I see people doing the same paths that bots typically take running into mid.

Then I see some people that’s are so bad I wish they were bots.

It’s always been an issue and I doubt anything has been done to alleviate bots.

Thank you. I wish they made a blue quiver that would match.

Need moar quivers Blizz!

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It just seems like a easy fix. Make it so you can only solo queue for randoms and keep premades to ranked.