Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

I play since Vanilla, PvP as well. Leveled a Alliance Hunter through PvP to 60 back then. PvP was fun back in Vanilla… mainly because you seen someone with Grand Marshal/High Warlord very very rarely as your opponent. Even people with Raid gear didn’t show up allot, they mostly played a PvP-alt.

Then in Burning Crusade it started. On my realm there was a Warlock with the best Arena gear running Affliction terrorizing people on the realm. He attacked low levels as well as max levels… as long as he knew they don’t have big Arena gear or Raid gear. He corpse camped with a passion. I met quite many people like that over the years, it is always the same, they seem to find enjoyment in bullying people that can’t defend themselves.

One thing I would wish, is if they make everyone wear the same gear in a BG. Add a interface at the PvP vendors where you can make choices in what trinkets and other gear you want, inclusive which gems and other enchants you want. Once you enter the BG or Arena you wear exact that.
The thing that always pissed me is the fact that in a BG or Arena the one with the best gear wins. That might be “RPG-ish” but it isn’t fair. But I doubt that will ever happen.

I rather play something like Overwatch when I want my PvP fix, at least there I know I didn’t loose because the opponent had the better gear.

No, I’m being serious. The more visibility the better. What would I be giving up on? Hello?

You people are worth fighting. You’re killing the game I enjoy.


Think this is one of those threads that lost sight of its goal.

My understanding is random (not rated) PvP battleground players are facing a problem wherein people are effectively able to form premades against people who aren’t forming premades.

I think it goes without saying that this creates an unfair advantage.

I should think it goes without saying that unfair advantages in pvp should be eliminated.

I also don’t know how you stop it if the players doing this aren’t actually violating TOS in any way and they’re simply using the queue system without any weird intervention


You can tell me you’re serious all day, but this thread has seen activity pretty consistently on a daily basis. My contribution isn’t just minimal, it’s genuinely nothing. GD moves fast. Not that fast.

I don’t even PvP.

Then what is your purpose in this thread? This thread is about PVP, premades in random BGs to be exact.


Yes. Youre assuming it’s against the rules when it’s not.

You and Androi should honestly learn what an exploit is so y’all can stop embarrassing yourselves.

The bottom line is they have take drhenstance that pvp happened. Deal with it or don’t.

Actually no where have they said it’s against the rules. So no they don’t contradict.

The only thing Blizz has been against is an addon doing the quing for you.

Other then that they would have addressed it then.

The issue is some players lost an epic bg and they are crying it’s the end of the world.

Everyone is looking for an advantage It’s pvp. This isn’t a fight fair game. If you want to fight fair go play in RBGs.

I can still form valid opinions on what’s going on with this situation.

Especially given the extra context that comes out every once in a while. The other thread went completely silent after Shiyo accidentally posted something that wasn’t as in their favor as believed.

You can just take a step back. Are they intentionally disrupting normal game play and purposefully gaming the system to have an unfair advantage? They are. That’s all this needs to boil down to.

There are a bunch of trolls trying to derail the topic. Some of these players are actively doing this. There are players that stream while doing this. They may even be earning money in the process. Regardless, it didn’t use to be much of an issue and unfortunately now it is.

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Ahh the gear excuse.

Couldn’t be that you’re just used to fighting bots and once you play someone that’s not awful and lost.

An uneducated opinion to be more exact.

It’d be like me taking advice in Elden Ring from QuantumTV

The irony of that statement coming from you.

Ahh… and you are, who?

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Plenty educated. Unlike you, I came into this discussion initially asking questions. I learned quite a bit from the answers I got, and I may still ask questions. However, at this point I do know enough to have formed an opinion.

Thus why I’m posting.

I agree 100%. I just genuinely don’t know how you fix it lol.

You can’t stop people queueing in a group, and you can’t stop people coordinating those queues.

Nothing that’s happening here is technically a cheat. How do you really fix something when no one is technically doing anything wrong?

Off the top of my head the only thing I can think of is putting people who queue in a group into a separate queue from people who queue solo. But honestly, that just sounds crazy when you extrapolate it

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Sure thing :troll: nothing you say on this topic will ever matter, you don’t partake in it.

One can be qualified to talk about the state of a game’s mechanics without being a consistent part of it. Nothing about the opinion I have requires me to be an avid PvPer.

It’s just hard to sympathize when 30% of what I was told when I asked for information were straight up lies and disingenuous technicalities. Deflections to “these people should just move on to rated BGs” and back and forth on whether or not they want people banned, because they know their argument holds no water if they have to settle on a solution of any kind.

But hey. Nothing I say on this topic will ever matter, because I don’t agree with you.

Don’t worry, Kaledin will be by eventually to pat you on the back and tell you not to engage with me. He will remind everyone he placed me on ignore, too, most likely.

I could teach you how to play Elder Scrolls games, no experience in them… but I could totally teach you everything you need to know, read a few things.

Yes, very comparable, and very related to what I just said.

I definitely told people I could teach them about PvP, and not that I had an opinion on this topic.

What a reach.

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But… I’ve know things about the game, I googled them! I know EVERYTHING! How dare you not take me at my word, experience means nothing.

There’s a couple of things wrong with this:

  1. isn’t the point of PvP to kill other players?
  2. what’s actually forcing them to leave?