Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

No one needs to be banned. However, players who frequently drop queues or leave in-progress BGs should get a queue timer, and if it happens more than occasionally, a lengthy ban (90 days?) from unrated PvP. They can do their rated play all they want, because rated PvP is what organized groups should be doing.

A ban from unrated PvP is an extremely simple fix that hurts no one and truly improves the community.


Basically this.

This “solution” certainly wouldn’t fix the problem, but it would help alleviate it. Account wide deserter penalties that hit for queue dropping multiple times is pretty much all blizz can do at this point.

At the end of the day, it’s not really an exploit. But queue syncing 40 man premades into a 5 man pug mode is most definitely not what blizz was intending.


I don’t think you understand the difference between refute and respond.

Just because you respond doesn’t mean you have refuted the points made.

And I’ll say it even slower for you.

The 2019 blue post that said people Que syncing via voice is not against the rules.

You shared an opinion. The opinion of a blizzard does not agree as confirmed by the blue post.

Blizzards stance is pvp happened in pvp get over it.

It’s not. You don’t work at Blizz and they are the ones that make the call if it’s exploiting which they have stated multiple times it’s not.

All you’re doing is continuing to throw a tantrum for not getting your way.

I wish Blizzard was more aggressive with banning.
Break the rules once? Perma banned, no appeals, nothing. Cya dude.
Anytime someone is breaking the rules, there’s a 100% chance they will rebuy the game. They’re addicted enough to break the rules, so they will 100% come back.

They are free money and revenue to constantly ban.

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Yea, thankfully that’s just your opinion. Your opinion which is completely worthless. Just because you don’t agree, doesn’t mean it wasn’t refuted.

It’s an exploit. Just because you don’t think it is doesn’t change what it is.

Thanks again for the continued bumps and helping keep this topic alive.

Ehh, there is a gray area in there. I’m fine with players getting a slap on the wrist. The problem is the inconsistency in how Blizz respects their own rules. The have CoC… enforce it… or don’t.

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A blue post isnt my opinion. Its destroying your point.

It doesnt matter what you or I think. Its what Blizz thinks and they have explicitly said its not an exploit.

It doesn’t though. 1 person queuing into another isn’t the same thing as 30-40 people doing it. Regardless though, the CoC is clear. Your opinion on it doesn’t matter.

Thankfully players like me and other who have posted here can continue to petition Blizz to take action.

Again, thank you for the bump.


i’m late to the party.

which rules are you interpreting as being broken?

The blue post specifically addressed groups of 5 man premades quing together.

Your opinion is irrelevant because Blizz has already made their stance its OK and not against the rules.

ANd you will continue to waste your time


Thanks for the bump!


there’s nothing in there which says what you’re implying.


…if it was happening on both factions, and they were attempting to queue into each others BGs, you might have a point.

So you don’t think players that are being farmed on repeat and forced to leave BGs are having their gaming experience degraded?

This is such a low bar to clear and yet here we are.


Pvp happened in a pvp game mode. You accept that possibility when you que.

Cool story. Thanks for the bump.


perhaps if fewer people botted in bgs, it wouldn’t be an issue?

a team of human players has the capability of discussion and formulating a plan… like “stop rezing”

yep, just like it’s been since forever.

so it seems odd that you’re suddenly having an issue with it.

are you complaining because the majority of the premades are on the opposite faction now, and it’s easier to stomp feet than it is to create your own groups?

Agreed! You can absolutley time your queuing…that seems pretty clear. Can you do that and drop queue and rinse and repeate until you get a full premade? That has not been made clear. That seems like an exploit given all the other blue comments on it.

The bottom line is it has been communicated poorly because Blizzard has not engaged enough on the topic. We have 4 or so posts from Blizz over time, including some reported in interviews. They contradict. Some say fine to queue time, some say more than a 5 man together is an unfair advantage and the COD says unfair advantages are cheating.

It needs to be cleared up, and if it is against COD, AFTER it is cleared up it needs to be enforced. I don’t think they should do retroactive bans, but I do think they should clear up the topic and re-engage with conversation on ALL issues in PVP.

In the end this is an issue of Blizz not being engaged in the community as much as they used to be and not paying enough attention to all forms of PVP. This is one specific section that they should handle at the top of the list because it involved fairness, and seems to scare off a lot of new players, or return players.

In the end whatever you think should or shouldn’t be done doing something to get an advantage and ruins the experience for others is on it’s face bad.

Bots aren’t the issue in regular bgs.

Stop rezing? So you just, afk? That doesn’t do anything to dissuade the people doing it.

No it hasn’t. The game has changed and the frequency of players doing this has increased.

Look man, legitimately no hate… maybe you’re troll… maybe not, but here is a very honest response from me. I enjoy PvP in this game. Have for ages. Have the achievements to show for it. I mostly like random games. I have a pretty odd schedule and playing with friends or groups is tough. So I stick to RSS, regular bgs, some epics, etc.

I have been doing some sort of PvP since BC. What I can tell you is what we have now isn’t what we have had before. It’s gotten worse… much worse. There are lots of reason for that. I have already stated them earlier in the thread. What was once a fairly rare thing is now potentially multiple games in a row.

I play both sides and see it happening on both sides.

Create my own group? In my view these players are cheating. They are clearly doing something to have an unfair advantage. Beyond the fact I don’t find it fun, I don’t find it challenging. If anything, I usually enjoy being on the losing side and making a difference. These premades don’t allow for that. It’s one team completely crushing the other because they have fully stacked it.

Anyways, if you want to defend players taking advantage of others, have at it. I think it’s wrong. Even ignoring the rules in the game. I think it’s wrong to grief other players. That’s what this is.

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“That you would go for me, the tangible issue in front of you, rather than the bogeyman I’ve told you to hate, speaks volumes.”

You can’t make this up.

Thanks for the bump!

You low level mobs are doing great. Appreciate you keeping this topic on top where it belongs!


The classic “I’ve given up.”