Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

this is a lie. Most of the people are fully geared. The season is coming to an end.


This is a blatant lie. You get honor geared in like 3 hours doing any BGs, people don’t need these scum communities to get their gear.

They also make sure half their games are 60 minute honor farms, and are the worst conquest/hour possible.


If you queue battlegrounds from 67-70 you can attain enough for a full honor set.

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Graveyard camping and other dishonorable actions against the opposing side are not bannable, even though they arguably degrade the game experience for other players, which I agree with. Blizzard has already stated they will not take action. In other words, if you do not want to be griefed in PvP by the opposite side, then don’t PvP at all. If you choose to participate in PvP, then you’re subject to such behaviors, and there’s nothing Blizzard can or will do about it.

Where has that argument been brought? Who is asking for bans? We are asking for a fix that prevents them from doing this. The fix is simple. Prevent players from excessively dropping queues. I get leaving a queue or two from time to time, but continuously dropping your queue AND leaving matches that are already in progress is the root cause of the issue.

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This thread is freakin hilarious. Who needs PvP in game when they’re so good at forum PvP! :joy:


Well, you linked the Code of Conduct and mentioned that GY farming degrades the game experience, which goes against the Code of Conduct; therefore, it’s subject to a ban. So, I’m telling you it’s not. Otherwise, what’s your intention in linking the Code of Conduct?

I don’t man, how about you read the thread. No one is asking for bans.

Still didn’t answer my question. What’s the point of talking about the Code of Conduct if it’s not about handing out bans then? How is it relevant to asking for a fix for something? That something is not ban-worthy then, so I guess the Code of Conduct has no relevance, that’s why I’m asking what is the relevance of the Code of Conduct here.

He’s not going too. He’s been refuted and corrected multiple times

Ignores it

Then repeats the same drivel over and over.


Because the CoC outlines the conduct that’s allowed in the game. That isn’t me asking for players to be banned. It’s pointing out that the behavior goes against the spirit of the game and the CoC that’s allowed in the game.

Bro, it’s clear in the CoC what is and isn’t permitted. I get that players like yourself have to actively exploit the game to have any fun, but lots of us are over it.

It would be great if you all got banned for it, but we’ll settle for making it harder.



nuff said

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Yes, players who are actively exploiting the game should be banned. No one here, including me, has asked for that though relative to the current issue.

That you would rather argue with me then go after the people ruining the game speaks volumes. I’ll assume your one of the people doing this.

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Ahh more goalpost movement and deflecting because you can’t refute points

Oof asking for bans because you can’t refute points.

This didn’t age well

Here we go again. What point wasn’t refuted?

You won’t say what though.

No one is the thread was asking for anyone to be banned. The people defending this garbage are the ones that did. If you want to ask me directly what my thoughts are, yes, people who exploit the game should be banned. You’re one of those players.

Wait… did you swap to your hunter because so many people had you on ignore? lol

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We’re aware this is true. The fact that it’s true doesn’t make it any less objectionable or despicable. Nor does it mean that the people who find that this behavior severely degrades the game experience are going to stop complaining and campaigning for change, even if it takes another decade.

Like I said earlier, I used to play BGs for hours and hours and days, to >120k HKs, and I can’t freakin’ stand the experience now. Something is not right there.

What’s wrong is that these tools are ruining the game for other players. I don’t care whether you call that “exploiting” or “acting contrary to the benefit of the community.” Lawyering a repugnant behavior doesn’t make it ethical.

Oh one of these days they will listen and fix it. It’s a trivial change that’s needed – as other people are suggesting, simply (for example) put a one hour queue timer on any account that drops a queue more than 2-3 times in an hour, and likewise for any account that leaves an in-progress BG more than once in an hour.


You mean every point you have made? There have been multiple posts of a blue post from 2019 stating that people in voice quing together isn’t against the rules.

No one is exploiting and that’s the point you can’t seem to comprehend.

Nope I don’t care if people have me on ignore. It means they lost an argument and don’t have the intelligence to refute points.

I always post on whatever my main is. I’m maining hunter in War Within so I swapped.

Those people need to realize no change is ever going to happen.

Blizzard has made their stance crystal clear.

You just did. You claimed that no one in this thread is asking for anyone to be banned for those who “exploit” the game.

You then explicitly stated your own opinion that people who “exploit” the game should indeed be banned.

There is a contradiction because you denied that anyone else is advocating for bans, but then you clearly expressed your own support for such measures. Therefore, what you’re saying is inconsistent in terms of what you’re claiming (no one asking for bans).

Buddy, I’m asking you reallll slowly this time.

What point have I not responded to? If you can’t ask that, you have no argument. I’m telling you right now I will respond to ANYTHING you post. So tell, what will I not refute?

I responded to that with the CoC which premades clearly violate.

It’s exploiting. That you think it isn’t doesn’t matter. The majority here have made it clear that it is. That you keep arguing this makes it clear that you have something invested in this.

No one in this thread WAS asking for anyone to be banned.

Yes, after the fact.

No, it’s not inconsistent. No one was asking for a ban. Since you guys want to keep pressing this though, I think you cheaters should be banned.
