Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

I wasn’t aware there were rated epic BGs. I don’t know why you’re talking on the subject for something you don’t actually do or have experience in. Pretty sure the person you’re trying to argue with has actually posted many various stats before and has better understanding of what causes win/loss ratio. Even a 2 man premade into BGs absolutely boosts win rate (see BG blitz)

Why? Seems reasonable to want people to not steamroll pvp content.

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He is running out of excuses for bad game design which allows randomness vs organized

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Good thing I don’t care what your opinion is.

They aren’t brewing the rules.

Do you even read the sources before you post them?

The article you listed literally states that while they don’t prefer it’s not against the rules.

Do you have a ping to saidnpost so I can save it please.

Clicking on the link should take you to the original.

you don’t care but you are responding? make up your mind lawl


How are they going to get gear then? Epics are the best way for a player to go and get gear because usually that is the place where they are less of hindrance since there are 39 or 29 more players that can cover for their lack of gear. They can get in a turret etc in the ones that have vehicles. In a normal bg they are dead weight. Even in blitz with gear being brought up they have 0 vers. Obviously not shuffle or actual arena. We are talking about potential new players or people coming back to the game. So one of the first pvp experiences might be going up vs Ruin graveyard farmed in AV lol.

Not an actual fix any new player coming back player in TWW will not be able to participate in rated solo q since there is an ilv minimum for you to be able to q up. Also there is no way that a bunch of 1400 at 36%ers are going to beat Adroi in a 1v1 he basically almost counts as two people in a bg so he can literally make up for one undergeared.

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It tried to link it and it it goes straight to the forum page.

I can not care about your opinion and still respond when replied too.

Huh, when I click on it it takes me here:

Hmm weird.

I tried to post it in another thread and the quick link went to the forum page

They don’t have real arguments. :man_shrugging:


Caps literally posted a blue post in 2019 that obliterates your argument.

They never will have a good argument… it’s just who and what they are, seeking advantage at every moment because they’re lacking themselves.

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It literally doesn’t.

One person queuing into another person isn’t the same thing as 30-40 players stacking an AV.

Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.

Behavior that intentionally detracts from others’ enjoyment (such as griefing, throwing, feeding, etc.) is unacceptable.

It’s LITERALLY doing exactly the above. If you don’t think camping players for hours in an AV GY is degrading the game experience, then I’m honestly not sure what to say to you.

Yea, of course not. In the end, these players are getting their enjoyment by farming other players. That’s it. That’s their fun. To say this isn’t detracting from other players isn’t possible. It clearly is. That can’t be argued. The rules are very clear.


In the past premades were matched into other premades. It’s a very obvious fix.

If people want to do group content in a group, they should queue for RBGS.


Just tried a couple more to see if first was a fluke. More of the same. Y’all have fun with that. We can just merge this thread with the ones about how pvp is dead.

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They still are.

Most people doing those premades are gearing because you cant get into rated bgs without gear.