Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

You could queue as raids in Vanilla. Not the same problem.

There are simple ways to address this that won’t impact your average player at all. These players repeatedly drop their queues or leave active matches.

It’s not about group content. Groups of 5 are fine. Groups of more than 5 and syncing queues isn’t.

You’re not understanding the problem.

No one here is asking for bans. The people defending this exploit keep saying that.

Good faith topic? Man you trolls are some of the worst people this game has to offer up.

If they wanted raid groups to queue into randoms, they wouldn’t have removed that option. Get over yourself.

Yea, they have the same response each time. Oh, you don’t like getting farmed? Well that’s your problem for staying. Why are you crying about? Get good. So on and so on.

So that’s why these queue sync premades make it not random?

Do you even read what you type?


See? It’s the same thing every time! lol! get good!

These players don’t have real arguments. They just attack the other players.


This attitude by boosters during Shadowlands created a mass exodus to FF14 that nearly killed WoW.

It’s not just superior coordination on voice chat.

Premade raids can also select their team’s comp. They can stack healers. They can stack meta specs. They can stack geared players. They can stack experienced players. These people play together all the time. Etc.

When pugs join random bgs, they accept whatever’s currently available in the queue. Few healers, random specs, ungeared players, new PvPers, this might be the first time they’ve ever met so they’ve never played together before, etc.

If you compare a premade raid team vs. 40 random pugs, the premade raid team will have many advantages not even including their voice chat.


Don’t forget consumables

Rumor has it you paid for all those ratings.

One look at my check pvp shows that not to be the case.

Whatever helps you cope though lol

Blizzard has stated bringing more than 4 friends along…ie a 5 man creates an unfair environment in pvp. Code of conduct says doing anything to gain an unfair advantage is cheating.

So tell me how it isn’t cheating according to what Blizzard and the code of conduct states?

I would say victim blaming is trolling.

They have these inherent advantages.
Number of players on voice chat
Recurring work together, ie experience as a team
Setup of loadouts, specs and classes
More time to communicate on all of this…ie they did it before the match started

There are numerous reasons Blizzard has listed it as unfair. The issue is…they have already said it is unfair. So arguing that it is not to us doesn’t matter on wether this is a cheat or not. The rules are set, and Blizzard has stated it is unfair…that makes it currently a cheat.

You can disagree with that, but you have to disagree with Blizzard.

They also said (much more recently in fact), that everyone clicking queue at the same time is perfectly fine, and is not cheating.

I get that you’re likely to minimize this, as it doesn’t fit the narrative you’re pushing, but it’s still worth mentioning.

Where have they said that? Also, did they say leaving queue and requeuing until you got into the same match was ok? That’s the bigger issue, not the timing. The drop and requeue is also causing damage to many matches by having 30+ people disappear in the qeueu while the other side is full.

So as you have said many times, source please.

Post that’s 7 years after your article.

Quote from that thread.

Continuing the discussion from Is this cheating?:

Sounds like timing ok, but requeuing cheating to me.

If declining a queue is cheating, why is there a button on the UI to decline the queue?

That sounds like an explicitly supported action.

I get it you like people taking advantage of a system to get an edge. I don’t. I think it’s cheating. I find it hilarious you followed me to my thread trying to get actual answers on it, then quoted it as soon as it came in as well.

It might be that Blizzard is ok with it. It’s still not fair and I will still push for it to be changed.

Dropping a queue is not there so you can try to get a premade in. It is there because sometimes you decide to do something else, or are in the middle of something.

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I don’t think punishing people for declining a queue is a good solution (unless you want to also remove deserter) Once you get into the BG, there’s deserter. But for simply being AFK when the queue pops, or declining because you forgot you hit queue and it’s taken too long, that’s going to cause other issues.

3 free ones a day per account then an escalating delay after that per day. I think that would be just fine for 99% of people and most people would never run into it.

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Yep, this totally fixes it. Not possible to work out a bypass for that in under 30 seconds or anything.

Also, When Vrak mentioned ‘Other means’, that read to me as some form of 3rd party program that was operating outside the bounds of the addon sandbox.

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How? How would you get past that other than having tons of accounts? FYI, that wont’ work is not an argument against trying to stop it.

I read other means as…other means. It’s an inclusive term so you can read it however you want, but it doesn’t change the meaning of the actual words. Maybe they misstated it but that is not what those words mean.

Blizzard has explained why they don’t want premade raids in random bgs. It’s against the spirit of the game, against the spirit of fair play, and it drives players away from PvP. Those are bad things.

I think experienced PvPers would agree with Blizzard. The advantages of a premade raid on voice chat that plays together all the time over a team of random pugs are significant and obvious. Premade raid vs. random pugs almost always results in a win for the premade raid (e.g. ~95% win rates). The games are usually completely one-sided. It’s a very poor PvP experience for pugs.

For whatever reason, Blizzard hasn’t outright called it cheating and started banning premade raiders for circumventing restrictions to gain an unfair advantage over other teams. Maybe Blizzard doesn’t want to devote the resources required to clean up the problem.

If Blizzard wanted premade raids in random bgs, they’d let players queue for random bgs in a raid group. You have to go through some mental gymnastics to believe that Blizzard wants premade raids (ignore their explanations how it harms the PvP community) and that’s why they want you to sync queue, drop queue pops, and requeue until you get synced queue pops, ruining multiple games in the process.

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Useless pointless comment, randomness vs organized just open a gate for ppl to try to take advantage, which is never a good thing idc if it’s not rated


This thread is ridiculous.