Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

As you yourself said: “There is no way to be sure” when this is happening.

Does this give an advantage: yes.
Could this happen naturally by just playing the game: Also yes (unlikely, but not impossible).
Should something be done about it: Only if blizzard’s internal logs prove to blizzard that it’s happening after investigating reports.
Should this policy be changed in light of how the game’s changed in the past 12 years: yes.

But until something changes, the only thing you can do about this issue is to report people you suspect are violating it. Making threads on the forums does not lead to action being taken, reports do. It may, however, lead to policy changes.

(also, RBG is rated, so you can only queue for RBGs with a premade of 10 currently. Talking about BGs as RBGs is confusing).

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You have given no reasonings for why it would make RBGs better to allow raids in them.

Sure it does. Public outcry is a way to get eyes on the problem.

Random Battle Ground. Not rated battle grounds. When I say RBG I mean random. I call rated rated. Can see the confusion there though. That said a 10 man is still a raid.

They still only take account action based off internal logs. No amount of public outcry here will result in action being taken against someone’s account.

Reporting it creates a marker in said logs to make that instance of suspected misconduct easier for them to find.

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Which requires eyes on the problem.

It requires the eyes of the people who read reports instead of the forums.

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Blizzard is limited on how to address this issue as this has been a thing since Vanilla.

Given that battlegrounds are inherently group content, I suggest exploring other PvP activities if this aspect isn’t enjoyable for you, or consider forming your own premade group.

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It has to be flagged as an issue to be investigated to then be fixed. It got flaggee back in 2012 and they made an adjustment…then never came back. We are telling them the job isn’t done, and please implement some other changes to help.

Might work, might not. We want to try. No mystery.

They need to communicate with the PVP community more to start. They haven’t had a round table or a q and a on pvp in years. This is just one of many issues and they need to at least try and to show that they are or at least say they are.

It being group content has nothing to do with it. Telling people to cheat to counter a cheat is not a good way to fix anything. It’s a race to the bottom.

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Grouping up with friends to join battlegrounds as a premade group is entirely within the rules. It’s comical that you would suggest otherwise.

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Please read the forum post you are posting on before jumping in. This thread is about premade RAID groups, not 5 mans. It is about an exploit people are using to cheat and gain an advantage. Blizzard stopped that back in Panda but never put in proper checks to make sure it doesn’t happen via tricks. So people time their queue then drop queue if everyone doesn’t get in and repeat.

Then they go into a run with a FULL premade and pug stomp the other side.

This has nothing to do with rules follow 5 man premades. It’s about full premades that go around the rules.

Go up and read a bit on all the quotes and all the arguments. Tired of filling in people who jump in here and do this.

The point Caps have been trying to make, and continued to do even past when you asked this particular question, is the same one everyone has spent days telling you all:
It is allowed and trying to ban it doesn’t work.

What they then did was to refine every possible aspect that one can view the reasons why it doesn’t really work and how one could make it work … by doing the exact opposite of what you all want. Which you admit to here:

This hasn’t ever been a good faith topic.
It literally is just you, and everyone else complaining about it, whining about “oh we didn’t win.”

It being flagged and then not coming back to indicates that it has more to do with people’s perception of it, not that it is an actual problem. As has been stated over and over again for days now.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re in a group of five or a raid group of six. Playing with your friends isn’t “cheating.” I hate to burst your bubble there.

It would be a different matter if these players were using a bug or glitch, as that would be exploiting. However, calling them cheaters simply for queuing with friends? Get over yourself.

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I see the attitude of these people defending the grouping and it’s no wonder people don’t flock to PVP… we got sweaty boys pushing for an unfair advantage in what is supposed to be random.

Is it against the rules? No… but it will never be something that will improve PVP, only harm it.

They’re called random because you get placed into a randomly generated map. Imagine crying about someone defending other player’s who group up to do group content. It’s baffling to me.

You have the same opportunity to participate as anyone else. It’s designed to be accessible to everyone. If you find it challenging to play the game, form your own group or join a premade, that’s a personal issue, and it might be best to accept that this aspect of the game isn’t suited for you.

Battlegrounds especially are a team game - communication and team-play should be rewarded.


I’m sure you believe that’s that ONLY reason they’re called, “random BGs”

Yea, but that sounds incredible boring and unfair… I wanna fight randoms, at random. I don’t need or want an advantage to play the game. Sounds more like your speed.

OMG! Really! /sarcasm

It doesn’t stop being a team game when you have randoms on your teams instead of a group that is pre-coordinated… teams already formed will ALWAYS have a distinct advantage.


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I understand your frustration, but instead of blaming premades for your struggles, focus on improving your own gameplay. Start by enhancing your communication skills—actively engaging with other players in battlegrounds can make a significant difference. I’ve seen many random groups outperform premades simply because they communicated and worked together effectively.

Remember, premades have access to the same talents and gear as you do. They don’t have any inherent mechanical advantage. The key difference is their ability to communicate and coordinate. That’s why I disagreed with the notion that premades are exploiting the system. Their success comes from teamwork, which is something you can also achieve with better communication and strategy.

That is some low effort :troll:ing… too much cope.



I don’t see how I was trolling at all. Perhaps you’re referring to your own behavior?

A lot, I hope it keeps getting worse.
Let these “communities” only fight themselves until they get bored and quit.

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Don’t keep my hopes up… It breaks my heart to think we lost this due to community QQ.

Try actually reading the topic and what’s being done.