Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

The players they stomp on the other side, and the fact that bringing more than 4 to a bg has been clearly said to be unfair seem like very good reasons to me.


If they want a competitive mode, they are free to queue up for ranked soloqueue.

Now this old point makes sense in a world where ranked soloqueue doesn’t exist. But (starting in TWW), it does.

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IF they want to queue as a raid they are free to queue up in ranked.

They are using a trick to get around a rule, and we get the same bs argument from another person. If you don’t want to play by the rules go play a different part of the game. Don’t break the game for other people then say they should play in a different set of rules.

The rules are clear. Blizzard has flat out said it is unfair. Why should people not getting around the queue rules be the ones to leave?


Tell me how you queue ranked in a group of 16 people?

Citation needed.

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It’s a 12 year old engadget article about the then PvP guy’s tweets.

For the record, saying they solved the issue. “Unfair” was the context.


Those restrictions make sense in a world where there’s no alternative queue.

Now that there is, it’s time to re-evaluate what purpose they serve (if any).

Hard evidence? Some of these people stream. They have communities. These players in these communities are all in the same games. Forgive me, but this isn’t difficult to figure out. We know exactly who these players are. They are spamming Tich chat all day.

Measures against them isn’t going to impact queue times. These players are actively ruining games by exploiting how the queue systems works. They even leave matches they weren’t able to stack… ruining even more games.


Do you do bgs at all?

Raid groups used to be allowed, now they aren’t.


Worst decision they could have made imho.

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Cool. Disagree. If you want to do group activities, go play against other groups.

It made sense 12 years ago, when there was no competitive solo queue mode.

Now that there is, it no longer does.


If they hadn’t changed that, it would be.

No, they changed it because it was just raids farming new and under geared players.

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You don’t need to be in a pre-made raid to farm under-geared players in BGs.

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I didn’t say you had to be, but there are premades who enjoy doing just that.

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And I’m saying that you can get a pretty good idea of who’s going to win a random BG just by looking at which side has the most low HP (undergeared) players.

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Okay, and? Who was asking?

Are you here to defend the people exploiting the game? Are you one of those people?

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It undercuts your blaming of pre-mades for these 1-sided BGs, since you can tell who’s going to win just by looking at gear discrepancies a lot of the time.

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As an aside, do these premades have any relationship to the constant Illidan server MC groups that have been infesting the legacy raids section of the group finder for the last 6-12 months? I feel like they’re staging grounds to get all their 5 man groups together before disbanding to sync queue.

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Is there a point you’re trying to make?

Yes, understanding which side might win is somewhat possible, but players like me usually ignore that. All things equal, I’ll win more often than not. Premades disrupt that. They aren’t random and they take advantage of the system and stack games with groups larger than 5.

Good question, but not sure. Most of these groups are just forming in discord groups. Calls/invites go out in the communities and then people head to discord. That said, I’m sure they are grouping in different ways. =/

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I’m not doing this again. It’s been talked about in this thread multiple times and in the other thread as well.

Go here

Then search for Engadget to read the original post on how it is considered unfare.

Also this is another quote from old twitter threads on it.

The fact people need any of that to know it is unfair to get around the 5 man queue on purpose and that a premade gives an unfair advantage is beyond me.