Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Would be curious how many other players are in that same boat.


Honestly don’t know. I liked casual BGs of the past.

Now, they are simply no contest matches for easy honor.

I’d rather go back to pre max level

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:


I’m not much of a PvPer, but have to say I was put off when I did try a RBG recently. Started out ok, but within 30s chat started up about other side being premade, and in less than a minute it was over. We were being farmed at our graveyard. Not much incentive to queue again.


That’s the biggest issue. People just starting out getting rolled so hard that it makes them not want to queue again. It’s an issue that shrinks the community.


It took them years to come down on multi boxers and they eventually did.

It’s the same as doing 60 in a 45mph zone, and saying just because you haven’t been pulled over yet your not breaking the law.


Please show the rule that says its breaking the tos

I wonder if they pitted the premades against one another if that would help.

So if 2 five person groups que at the same time the system divides the groups evenly. So it would be 3 randoms on each team and 5 people grouped up on each in an 8v8 with 2 premades for example. Also, if you que with 5 you have to wait for another party of 5 to que in order to get a pop.


I thought this as well. My thought was just that groups should have their formats matched completely. So if you have a 5 man on one side the other gets one as well. It would likely slow down group queues but I think cross faction would mitigate that, and it wouldn’t have to be perfect just weight to try to do it.


I mean there was that one guy who won a 1vs40 in AV, so not if they are good.

If he’s using input broadcasting software/hardware (which is now against the rules), I’d believe it, although I think there’s some strategy that a team could use to counter it (not like 40 random people are going to follow any strategy at all).

If it’s just 1 guy manually tabbing between 40 clients, no way he won.

Regardless of that, is it good for the game?
Premades should go against other premades, unless you want to shrink the PvP community even more than it’s already shrunk.

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In theory, sure.

But how much of an impact on queue times would you accept to reduce the odds of an occasional 1 sided match that you believe (afaik, there is no way to get hard evidence from the other side) was a pre-made?


Or make it cross faction to level out the pools, and mess up the chance of those groups getting a full premade. Then implement some other measures to decrease the chance and maybe end up with same queue times or close to it.

I mean…with all the number you could figure out the amount of queue time increase that would essentially be the same after taking out the farming games.

edit: also how much have times gone up because less people are playing

I can always rely on you to be reasonable, Caps. Thanks.

(For the reference, Shiyo accidentally posted a VERY enlightening thread in the other GD thread on this.) So I actually know a bit now.

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I’m still not sure there’s actual hard evidence that these 1-sided BGs are pre-mades, and not just just a wide skill gap in the mode without MMR. Some times the other team is just better on all fronts, and I suspect that people who are complaining are too proud to admit that sometimes happens, so blame pre-mades.

It’s common knowledge in another PvP game (this one 5v5) that you should only expect to be the deciding factor in ~20% of your games. 40% you’re just going to loose. Someone(s) else just gets dunked on. 40% you’re going to win (assuming you can avoid messing it up) for the same reason, but in reverse. 20% you’ll be the deciding factor in win/loss. And that’s for 5v5. I imagine your agency is even lower on 25v25 or 40v40.

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Oh come on man. Really? When one team steam rolls another to a 150 to like 5 hks and you think it’s just random? There are discord groups all over and talk about the communities. It was bad enough early on that they discontinued raid queuing.

Are they all premades…no probably not. That doesn’t mean there is not a strong pug stomping community out there that does this. Denying that by saying it’s not proven and get me proof is disingenuous at best.


In a mode with no MMR, or restrictions on who can queue? I have no trouble believing that outcome will happen.

Back when I had to grind Blood of the Enemy in BFA, I was pretty reliably able to know who would win a match just by looking at the HP of everyone on my team. If too many people had low max HP, we’d loose.

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LFR times are pretty good so…

15 minutes - 30 minutes for a fair game is way better than instant queues for stomps.
Current average Q time is 3-10 mins for alliance.

But it will soon not matter/matter a lot less with rated BG blitz.


Alright, sorry, my post was a brief mess because I got caught in the middle of something while writing.

I have no doubt that sometimes groups are doing this, and apparently there’s some scheme going on in EU specifically to keep some dude rank 1 in something, but the premise that every game is a case of “all 40 of the enemy and 20 of our team are in one discord together” is… nothing short of ridiculous.

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Nor does the existence of 1 group that’s doing this in any way indicate that it’s a common occurrence.

But for unranked modes, blizzard should just open the floodgates TBH. You should be able to play with friends, no matter how many or how skilled, in unranked play. Ranked obviously should have separate rules for competitive integrity.

But, in the unranked, for fun game mode, I can see no good reason to block the ~15 player raid team from doing some BGs together after raid if they want to.