Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

That ironically is you.

You bought a carry and haven’t been above 1600 all of DF. In fact my DF rating is higher than yours lol.

I haven’t flamed anyone or trolled. I’m sorry you think refuting your very weak points is trolling.

You haven’t bruised anyone’s ego you just talk a lot yet wont back it up.
I find it funny that you truly believe you are the Eminem of Warcraft, yeah you probably go on Tinder and in your profile it states,

“Any player not 2.4k+ isn’t on my level and I wont give them the time of day. BTW, I enjoy long walks on the beach, knitting, and listening to Air Supply.”

There’s nothing for me to back up. What I stated is all factual information.

Never once claimed to be a godlike player.

Happily married with no need for tinder.

Yeah you’re not “mad” at all.

I swear you probably tell your friends (if you have any) how great you are at the game expecting them to be impressed and in awe. I wouldn’t doubt if you applied for a job that you would list your rating on the application and then wonder why you didn’t even get an interview.

I see we have moved to the “denial”stage of your anger.

Let it all out man. My feelings won’t get hurt

You are the Ron Burgundy of Warcraft.

Keep going. I’m hoping you feel better.

I bet you go to your grandparent’s home and list all of your Warcraft achievements like anyone really cares, yet they love you so much they refuse to tell you that they don’t care about a bunch of pixels and nobody outside the game knows or wants to know about a video game.

I take it in high school you didn’t get to sit in the cool table?

Hehe ok that made me chuckle

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My grandparents are not alive anymore.

Actually I did.

Are you feeling better now?

Show video proof.
I’ve been RBG glad and 2400+ arenas since probably before your account was even created.
Why making up lies?

You can’t get 2400 in RBGs and can’t even get duelist in arenas - these are facts.
You have no right to call anyone bad.
Why deflect?


lol my account was created in BC Al when RBGs didn’t exist.

And I made an assumption because you can’t even break rival in DF so /shrug

I don’t do RBGs and I’d have duelist if I hadn’t left the team.

Either way atleast I didn’t buy my ratings.

Why are you deflecting?
This isn’t about me, it’s about you.
You cannot even get duelist(you tried, and failed).
You cannot get RBG gladiator(you tried, and failed).

You have no right to call anyone bad, when you yourself, are a subpar player.


People often revert to insults or making stuff up when they can’t win a debate, I think that is what he is doing. I mean the fact that he wont duel me tells me maybe he is the one who paid for carries?

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I’m 2.6k rated in Epic BG’s. Rank 1 Tower Defender and Back Capper. No one takes towers like I do.


I’m not deflecting.

Actually it’s about random BGs not
Me or you.

I have earned duelist my guy. You clearly don’t realize that titles weren’t always awarded during the season.

Never actually tried. Ran an arena guild and pushed 2100 for fun.

The irony when in DF you have capped at combatant and I have hit rival is pretty lololol

I already won the debate rofl. That’s why you tried to duel me.

One look at my char sheet shows I didn’t need to buy anything. Multiple classes over 2200 and 2k and 1800.

I am a total scrub who is just getting back into pvp. I can still clearly read and understand words and see that Blizzard has labeled queue syncing as unfair, that unfair things are cheating, and luckily I learned cheating is bad a child and have empathy for people and thus don’t take advantage.

The whole get gud thing people push when being horrible is just another bully tactic. Would be awesome if being a good person was pushed nearly as much.


This also caused a mass exodus in Shadowlands when the entire dev team were booster sellers gate keeping gear from everyone while telling everyone to get good.


These Alliance premades have killed my desire for casual BGs. I haven’t joined many BGs because I’m up against Alliance farming us into oblivion.

And I thought that cross faction helped, but it’s not a faction issue specifically as I’m joining losing games or against essentially a raid group.

That’s fine in rated. Probably totally desirable.

Casual BGs. Break up groups. Or keep it under 4 to a group. Probably unpopular, but I’m tired of the slaughter by Alliance no contest GY camps

Especially on Warsong

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

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