Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Do you understand how it works? Penalize people that continuously leave queues.

Join one of the communities. This isn’t difficult. Or just google it. Please stop responding when you don’t even understand how it works.

You care enough to defend it. It’s circumventing the random queue system.

Defending cheaters seems to be yours.


The level of delusion and entitlement in the op is quite frankly staggering. I do not think you will be able to convince them of the facts.

They only leave when not every group manages to get in lol.

Then head over the BG forums and tell all those players they are delusional.


Discord communities do not matter and have 0 affect on the fact that you simply can not queue into a random battle ground in a raid. Which is any group higher than 5 people. It will not let you press the button.

My guy, please stop responding and first go learn how it works. I’m not going to explain a known exploit here.


Because bad people complain about anything and everything.

They aren’t cheating.

Maybe stop taking random BGs so seriously

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I see a problem and say something. I was doing the BG weekly quest. I ran into two premades in the process. That you want to defend this is pathetic.


There is no exploit to explain. And people who spread misinformation and lies should be responded to and told they spreading misinformation and lies.


Then tell us all how groups of 30+ are getting into AV together. Please share with details.


They are not. And if they are it is purely by chance. Also you have absolutely 0 ability to tell they are a premade. There is no way to tell if they are in a group and no indicators of it. THere is no markers. There is no groupings on the leaderboard. Nothing. Just the people in the battle ground, their names, and what server they are from.

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Getting rolled by premades is the main reason I stopped running random BGs. It’s not fun to get gy camped for 10 minutes and then get no honor or conquest. Hopefully BG blitz is a better solo Q experience.


So you not only don’t understand how it works, but now you’re saying it’s not even happening? What is your problem?


I am not saying that people are not getting into groups of 5 and then queueing. Which they are, and it is allowed by blizzard to do so. I am saying that it is not possible to jump into RANDOM battle grounds in a group more than 5.

The only place you can do that is in classic.

Cordinating queue pops and such is not exploiting or against the TOS.

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Point of order: Multiboxing is not banned by Blizzard. Multiboxing with banned software (input forwarding) is banned by Blizzard.
Also there has yet to be an explanation in this thread regarding how groups larger than 5 can be identified as premade.

Even if Blizzard wanted to take a stance against queue syncing there’s there’s the gaping question of how? They’re not going to punish people who happen to match with their friends repeatedly because it may just be coincidence (when I queue RBG late at night I once matched with the same player 5 times in a row by sheer luck). They could try to manually review suspicious behavior but that takes man power and they might get more fallout from false positives than benefit from correct punishment. They could adjust matchmaking to not match accounts who played together recently but that would hurt everyone’s queue timers and could be circumvented by large communities.

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Solo Shuffle doesn’t allow premades, and Rated BGs (next expac) will not allow premades. These will be for you.

In unranked, let’s just say they haven’t changed that in 20 years. Your post isn’t going to be the one that leads them to the light, nor do I believe they should fix it. It’s an MMO, make some friends yourself and beat them premade to premade if it’s that important to you.

They are actively leaving queues to stack groups. It’s actively exploiting the game intended functions. If they wanted players to be able to get into groups with 10-30+ players, they would just allow for raids to queue. They don’t.

The post above yours touches on it.

They can just prevent people from constantly dropping queues pops.


it is not exploiting to choose when or when not to take a queue. Now you are just being silly.

These “communities” always ruin every game mode in every game they touch.
It’s just someone with a huge ego that wants to lead people around.
I don’t know why people are so dumb to follow them, it always ruins the game for everyone not involved.


The people multiboxing said the same thing. Players making constant post helped push the issue and it was eventually dealt with.

My guy, you said it’s not happening. Now you’re saying it is happening, but it’s not an exploit?

Can you answer my question? If Blizzard wanted people to stack BGs, why don’t they allow raids to queue?