Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Are you seriously arguing it’s only groups of 5? I honestly hope not.


Oof, you should at least understand what you are talking about first lol.

You can’t queue in groups larger than 5.

No they aren’t.

Anyone complaining about random BGs.

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Sounds like a skill issue. There is an easy way to solve this… Make a Pre made…

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Oh, so the random groups of 30-40 fully geared players isn’t a premade? Got it. A+ gaslighting response.

Than you’re part of the problem.

And exploit the game? Nah, hard pass.


So… let me see if I understand this thread…

Someone died in PvP?


It is not an exploit. Learn to play before you whine.

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Premades dodging queues and leaving teams starting 20-30 people down is pretty bad too. Epics are basically dead content if you aren’t in one of the communities doing this.


No, just highlight the fact that players are queue syncing and exploiting the game.

It’s an exploit. I can only take so much gaslighting.



What purpose do 30-40 fully geared people need to grind honor for?

Most of those people are undergeared players grinding honor.

How am I part of the problem? Only bad players cry about random BGs enough to make threads about it.

Why are you defending people that are exploiting the game? Are you actively doing it? Please be honest.

And you’re saying I’m bad for highlighting a known issue?


I just find it odd you are complaining about premades… they have been a thing since Vanilla.

Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse or manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim’s mind. Typically, gaslighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition.

Speaking the truth and saying you are wrong about something is not gaslighting. You just cant handle the truth of the subject. And the truth is, it is not an exploit.

And Just in case you need more “gas lighting”…

An exploit in the terms of a video game is defined as…

maliciously taking advantage of a flaw in a program.

Making a group and joining a random pvp is not exploiting any program or code in wow. This is purely evident in the fact that wow CAPS the group at 5. You can not have more than 5 people in a group for random battle grounds.

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I don’t think you’re understand what the issue is. This isn’t groups of 5 players, it’s communities doing queue syncing to stack teams with groups of 10-30+ players.

Maybe sit this one out if you’re ignorant to what the problem is.


Because they aren’t exploiting.

Nope if I need honor I generally afk BGs

It’s a known cry baby issue. If you want organized fair fights go do RBGs.

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I know exactly what the issue is. It is you and your lack of understanding of reality and how this game works since 2004.

It’s literally that. Anything else?

So stacking a BG and circumventing the queue system isn’t exploiting? Why are you defending this?

Got it. So you’re actively doing it.

Again, so stacking bgs with groups of 10-30+ players is good? Hello?


It is groups of 5 players though lol.

How exactly do you prevent people from queue syncing when they are using Discord to do it?


YOU CAN NOT, go into a random BG with a group higher than 5. Unless it is an EPic battle ground or rated battle ground. There is no option to queue, Unless you are on a classic server. Which YOU COULD back then. On retail you can not.

Because I don’t think you know what the word exploit means and it’s random BGs. Who honestly cares.

I know reading isnt your strong suit