Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

It really is the issue that breaks most of their logic. They both claim it means nothing go do the meaningful stuff, and defend the extreme coordination to get around a simple rule meant to increase the likelihood of competitive fun games.

It’s really simple. The rule on this is about competition and fun. Any argument for allowing it is an argument against competition and fun.

It feels like this thread highlights exactly why we can’t have nice things in this world.

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Yep. Likewise, they tell people to leave if they don’t want to get farmed… meanwhile, if the premade doesn’t get their full group in they leave and ruin the bg. So either way, they ruin the experience for solo or even group players.

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It’s like they don’t get that what we are saying is people are taking away other peoples fun…and that is wrong. I don’t see how you can defend that in any way.

I get the defend yourself argument as well, but you have to acknowledge the issue first.

It’s kind of eye opening. It really feels like a “she shouldn’t have been in that neighborhood”, time warpy, weird sort of thing. Almost disturbing how people are about casual…admittedly very low level…cruelty for fun.

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Just had a thought about the cross faction thing. I wonder if that would just move these guys from premade mowing to premade/split throwing games?

It’s a hard problem.

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What’s crazy to me is how Blizzard does not moderate any of their games or websites at all. You’d think with such negligence this entire game would be a hacked hellhole where everyone is POS/speed hacking and botting everywhere, but for some reason it’s not?

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Yea, that’s why their arguments are nonsensical. In the end, that’s the goal. It’s not about farming HKs or getting wins. That’s easy. They want to ruin the experience for other players.

Let’s say it’s not that even. Well, the players KNOW that’s what they are doing and are unbothered by it.

I don’t think so. At that point, just doing 5 man groups in 10-15 man bgs would be your best bet. That would still give you a good advantage. I’m just one player and I still have a decent amount of sway in 8-15 man groups. I think my overall win rate is 61-62%. Been awhile since I have checked, but if you have 5 people, you can definitely dominate, though it would actually take some effort.

They do, but it’s just a fair soft touch. In some instances I understand why, but in cases like this, I don’t.

By acknowledging a problem before a fix, they put themselves on a timeline. Silence is often the best answer and then they have nothing to be held to.

What I mean is if splitting the groups onto each side would stop exploiters because they wouldn’t know if they were on the same team…they would still be in the same BG. Then they could just have a fall back of tanking one side or something along those lines.

They could just use the same system they have but they would tank whichever side had less of them.

Just trying to think around the edges of how exploiters would get around blocks on it is all.

I get that. But then you’re going 50/50.

In the end, it would be a strong deterrent. Right now it’s just free wins with every little inconvenience. Most of these players would quit with even the most minor push back. :slight_smile:

I can see that. Just think we need a bunch of things to really clean things up. Hope they implement a bunch of it. Anyway, enough over thinking:)

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Do these PvP “”“”“”“”“”“”“”““communities””“”“”“”“”“”“”“” also openly ask for donations?

Hrm. It’s a good question.

Some of the people running them also stream, so there may be incentive for them to stack their communities as much as possible. I’d rather watch paint dry than watch any of their streams though.

In bitcoin?

Because all Arena is one death game over and humping pillars, no thank you.

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You see you keep putting others down and basically calling them bad but when called out you use excuses like the drunk guy at a club.


Hey! Some of us need to get through college and humping pillars is the only way to make ends meet ok! :slight_smile:


I haven’t put anyone down. I stated observations based on the people complaining.

I’m pretty sure Eminem doesn’t respond to every no name person that calls him out :joy:

I don’t t waste time dueling booster rbg players

Sounds kinda hot.

Fact Check: False

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He’s a blatant troll. He calls people who have been higher rated than him in every PvP game mode “Bad”.
You are not supposed to be able to post on forums if all you do is flame people and troll.

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Yeah you have, stay in your safe space and talk trash but when you get called out make excuse after excuse like the drunk the guy in the club that tries to save face.

Man I just have really bruised your ego for you to be this mad.

I’m not sorry for not wasting time on 166 random bgbheros.