Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Tons of SL S1 Hero players in this boat as well. Lol

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It’s cute people think blizzard might do something about this.

Simply adorable.


100% which is why I never take RBG rating very seriously.

I feel that way about every season of RBG players tbh. A lot easier to carry people in RBGs than arena.

Especially when you see a massive gap like 2k in rbg and 1400 in 2s/3s

It’s simply adorable that useless, lvl 10 trolls are allowed to post.

Change happens when enough people say something.

I’m am pretty adorable.

no they aint its group content dont que then

Why defend it. You doing it?

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I believe the action of posting was adorable, they referred to you as "useless and a lvl 10 troll) although the toon that posts, isn’t the highest level toon in the rack. Although I personally find Vulperas adorable.

It is pug or 5 man max group content. It is not raid content. It’s an exploit and against the rules set forth by Blizzard.

Don’t support cheaters by blaming people they cheat.


Hard agree with this

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grouping in group content - how horrible .

Youre not supposed to 40man group in 40man bgs. Wich crayon color do you eat for breakfast?


It’s against the code of conduct to go around the rules and do it especially in a way that degrades others fun. Raid queuing isn’t allowed. So doing tricks to get around that limit is an exploit.

It’s not that hard to figure out. 5 man all you want.

Why do people want to PvP and win if it is through a cheat or an exploit? What’s the point? The challenge of actually beating someone straight up is what PvP is all about. Cheating is for losers.

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Grouping isn’t the issue.


Because it costs less to do nothing and for some reason PVPers keep resubbing and buying expansions and nobody knows why, but it’s free money :joy: :joy:

Because people do random BGs to farm honor.

Nobody takes randoms as seriously as you do.

Admittedly a fix for this would be for Blizz to implement a separate solo que button for players, no grouping of any kind. If it continues then that would be que for Blizz to start hard banning people.

The people using discord to coordinate queues are taking it more serious than anyone. :man_facepalming:

They can just making harsher penalties for people dropping queues or leaving repeatedly. That would take care of like 90% of it.


Not really. Farming honor and HKs with the goal to win is clearly an issue for you.

Nah, just cheaters and the people that defend them. Bottom feeders, you know?

Imagine having to coordinate queues to get wins in a random BG.