Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

You are scared, if you weren’t you would accept a duel, but whatever keeps you up at night. Second, most people don’t care about Arena or pillar humping so I think you got it twisted. Love how you put others down and talk all big but when push comes to shove you hide under a desk.

Nobody here is talking about 5 man pre-made in RANDOM battlegrounds, people are referring to EPICS where 5-6 pre-made groups queue together, my god I feel like I am talking to my 3 year old nephew.

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Im not scared at all.

Sorry but you need at least a 2k achievment in arena to make it even worth wasting my time.

You are delusional. No one respects RBG rating and most people prefer arena. Hence why theres an AWC and zero live events for RBGs. RBGs is where bad players can get carried easily.

I just state facts.

Not wasting my time against someone that cant even break 2k.

I never mentioned 5 man premades, can you read?

Thats better than what I am talking too

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Code of conduct says you can’t exploit. It is against their exploit rules. They label it cheating
" Cheating

You are responsible for how you and your account are represented in the game world. Cheating in any fashion will result in immediate action. Using third-party programs to automate any facet of the game, exploiting bugs, or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating.

Exploiting other players is an equally serious offense. Scamming, account sharing, win-trading, and anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties."

So this is literally cheating according to them so the original argument I was going against is totally false.

It is also unfair. I have said it many times, it doesn’t matter what the word is. It doesn’t matter if Blizzard labeled it cheating and exploit or just rude…it’s bad for the game. In this case it is very clearly an exploit to work around a block that Blizzard put in place, and that is very clearly labeled as cheating according to Blizzard.

So stop with those arguments. They are completely wrong. You can argue it’s good for or bad for the game. If you think cheating makes it better fine…argue it. If not, support stopping it and come up with ideas or support someone else’s.

I don’t expect people to play fair which is why I expect Blizzard to stop cheats. Stop using pedantic arguments to try to support people who ruin the game for others.

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There’s nothing to win from beating randoms in epic BGs all day long.
Except the biggest loser award, I guess.

If thats your definition of “openly attacking someone” you are pretty thin skinned.

And im still here which means nothing I said broke ToS.

Farming honor and HKs is what they win.

If it was an exploit Blizz would have done something about it period.

Just because you define it as an exploit doesnt mean they do.

Yet they havent done anything because in THEIR opinion its not cheating or an exploit.

Ok and premades in BGs have been a thing since basically the beginning. The only problem being once they added RBGs they should have removed any possibility of queueing as a group into random unranked battlegrounds but they chose not to. It’s been years and they have still chosen not to do anything about it, as well as knowing when they developed RBGs that not a single developer working on the game said “hey, now that we have this let’s remove the ability to queue as a group for random bgs”,

I can’t imagine that are that stupid or incompetent to not even have that thought. But here we are, which tells me there is nothing against the rules for it considering nobody is getting banned for doing so.

At the end of the day, you can complain about it all you want but the reality is these people queuing together and stomping your teams with ease will continue to do so and you will continue to get mad about it

You cannot in an MMO ban players for grouping up together to do content, it’s literally the whole purpose of an MMO. It’s up to blizzard at that point to either disable queuing as a group, or allow it. They have made their choice

You are basically saying…yeah it’s in the rules but they are not enforcing them so that means that it is not in the rules. Then why haven’t they changed the rules?

The truth is it is just neglect and failure to properly moderate things. They did remove the ability to queue as a raid. People found a work around and the moderation team at Blizzard has failed to implement a way to stop it from still happening. That’s it. No mystery.

So I return it to you. if they wanted to allow people to queue up as more than a 5 man in a random bg…why can’t they just queue up as a raid?

It’s such a ridiculous argument to make. It’s like saying if someone didn’t want you to break into their house they would have bars on the windows not just a locked door.

This is where you go from debating to just being kind of rude man. It’s bad for the game so why are you defending it?

I’m not defending the game, I’m defending the fact that complaining about it won’t change anything.

If anything me not participating what so ever in any form of PvP in WoW is a more effective strategy. It’s been years of hearing PvP players complain that blizzard does nothing for PvP in the game and that PvP is “dying”. These elitist PvP players complain yet actively kill their mode doing stuff like this and wonder why nobody wants to play it. I’m more of the approach of I’m not going to slam my head against a wall complaining for years about a video game hoping for a fix that may never come, and instead will save my sanity and not participate in it.

If enough people abandon the mode, changes get made or it dies. At the end of the day I’m not going to be the one sitting there wasting my time hoping they figure it out

It’s no more ridiculous than stepping in a pile of dog crap, turning around and going to step in it again to make sure it was dog crap like you do with battlegrounds

Sorry, I do care about arena lol.

I do agree with the rbg sentiment you’ll find duelist in rbg and they end up stuck like at 1400 in 2s or 3s with like 37% winrate. Happens super often specially if they are mist weavers lol

Why not abandon the mode and complain if you want it fixed? If nobody complains I doubt they will fix it faster than if a bunch do.

I won’t stop complaining about things that need fixed. That also makes no sense. I have seen Blizzard come around in the past, but it usually takes a lot of noise.

So how about you don’t waste your time telling us to stop complaining and instead just don’t participate in this thread? I mean what’s the point of that?

Look…I get it. Blizzard often let’s things languish. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t complain about it. Also, I have been trying to offer solutions more than complain on here. I think we have come up with a number of good ones. Hopefully someday Blizzard will put some time in it.

A lot has changed with there management so who knows. You can be pessimistic, optimistic, or somewhere in-between. I vote in between. Point out issues. Live with the current whatever way you can and hope for change. If you don’t’ want to…cool. Don’t post about any of this then.

Because rated battlegrounds came out in 2011, which is 13 years ago and they still haven’t fixed the premades in unrated battlegrounds. That’s a long time to be complaining and dealing with this problem to think they even remotely care what you have to say.

At some point you have to pick and choose what battles are worth fighting in your life

It is more ridiculous. I am not stepping in the poop on purpose. I am just trying to enjoy a game. Whether you realize it or not you are actively defending cheater here by just saying hey walk away it’s your fault for showing back up. The problem is the people ruining things for others not the people trying to walk on a side walk, have a safe house, or enjoy a battleground.

It’s sad that people have gotten to this point. Don’t complain. Just suck it up and walk away from what you want to do. The cheaters win.

Oh you are just snoz again! Got it. Go play a different mode and protect yourself!

ie put bars on your windows you don’t get to do what you want you have to do something different that is protected.

No! I don’t want to. END OF STORY. I should be able to play the mode I want without cheaters.

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You’re actively queuing into content you have a problem with and getting upset about it, so yes you are.

No different than real life, we are all told to follow the rules, meanwhile the ones telling us to follow the rules are as corrupt as it gets and benefit off of the ones who do.

You can say what you want, exploit early and often, and abuse everything you can that benefits yourself because if you aren’t, someone else is and reaping the rewards from it while you get left behind whining about it.

Conflating walking down same sidewalk you once stepped in poop on with actively trying to step in poop. Nope, hoping for a clean sidewalk. Sometimes I find it sometimes I don’t. When I don’t it is a bad day, when I do it is a good day.

There it is. Defend yourself or you deserve it. Don’t try to fix anything just deal with it. Pretty sad outlook.

If you don’t think feedback helps. That’s fine. I don’t care. I will continue to do it, and you haven’t said anything that anyone doesn’t already know. It has been a problem a long time…OP said that to start. It makes it more egregious not less. Just walk away man. If you don’t care, why are you here?

I do care. I like coming up with solutions and hoping companies will fix their issues. If you don’t fine, go give up on doing what you want and adjust and I will continue to do my thing.

When you come here and tell people they are whiners and mock them for getting stomped over and over by teams and such…that’s where you go wrong here.

No reason to continue this conversation unless you want to add to the solutions.

It’s exploiting the game. This isn’t debatable. If they wanted groups larger than 6+ to join they would allow raids to join like they did in the past.

Exploiting is creating an unfair advantage. They are doing exactly that.

These tired responses are getting old. There have been known exploits in the game that have lasted for years, multiple expansions, before they were fixed. Because something in the game HASN’T been changed, doesn’t mean it doesn’t break the rules.

That this needs to be explained is absolutely beyond me.

But change does happen by players voicing their concerns. Just hop over to the BG forums. There are tons of posts on this topic. Sometimes multiple a day… It’s an issue.

L take.

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Premades are not entitled to pugs. If the only thing supporting premade meta is the ability to steamroll pugs, then it’s a design problem. Do not throw pugs under the bus to patch what is a design problem.

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