Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

That has nothing to do with whether or not people queue syncing to get more than 5 organized players into content that isn’t designed to bring that many is cheating or not, though. lol EBGs are unique content, you can’t play a rated version of it.

Why should people who want to play EBGs pay a sub fee and be silent about people bending game design? These forums are designed for game discussion and feedback, are they not entitled to speak?


It’s not cheating no matter how many times y’all cry about it.

I didn’t say they can’t speak. I just said it’s not valid.

There’s a difference.

It’s exploiting the random queue system. If it wasn’t, people wouldn’t LEAVE the matches where their entire group didn’t get it.

Thankfully that’s just your worthless opinion.


Why are people like this still allowed to post?


It’s not an exploit or cheating.

Like yours is worth anything more than mine lol

I could say the same thing about you.

It’s the definition of cheating. lol Blizzard failing to police their own game design doesn’t change what things are.


By the very definition of the word it’s exploiting. A premade group is unfair. If it wasn’t unfair, people wouldn’t do them.

Where did I say mine was? You’re the one attacking nearly everyone in this thread.

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You basically don’t join rated content either, you can’t even get duelist.

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It’s not.

If it was blizzard would have done something in the last ten-fifteen years.

I don’t endlessly flame every single person in every thread.
You are extremely rude and flame everyone.
People like you are breaking the forum rules and getting away with it because there’s no mods.

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Makes sense to me. Sort of a weighted cross faction idea that tries one way and if not available then does the other.

Either way I think it would make the matches more balanced.

I would definetly just ignore Snoz though. :slight_smile:

Neither do I.

I’m blunt and don’t sugar coat things.

List what rule I have broken?

Because the last time I was flagged twice probably by you, and they were restored.

Pretty much. At the very least, if we did get cross faction queues, it would really speed up queues. Hopefully happens.

It’s cheap entertainment. :laughing:

Trolling. From personal experience, it doesn’t matter whether you think you are or not.


Cross faction EVERYTHING.
Not sure why it’s not queueable content.


I don’t actually expect there to be any resolution had, I’m just bored. The one thing he’s said that I do agree with is Blizzard has let this happen for over a decade, there’s absolutely zero chance they aren’t aware of it–they just don’t consider it worth their time to change (or basically disbanding EBG communities overnight would be a costly sub-fee decision, since I would imagine the majority of people who play EBGs are likely those players and would quit). So it’s a waste of time to discuss if anyone is actually expecting anything to be done about it.

I just disagree that since Blizzard doesn’t address it that the definition of what people are doing isn’t cheating.

To be fair to him, I think he’s been pretty unsavory and has a pretty inflated ego, but he hasn’t really said anything egregious enough to deserve a posting penalty, IMO.

‘Ur bad, ur XP is bad’ is pretty elementary talk for PVP players.


Sort of agree, but I think he has been rude to the point of going to far. That is a judgement call though.

Absolutely agree on the idea that it is an exploit and Blizzard is just bad at stomping them out unless they are huge and in your face. I think they have an issue on this that the honor system went so high that a lot of people only got there by farming honor this way so they are in a bind there.

I have been temp suspended for substantially less than anything he has said. It’s clear he’s trolling. I do hate how inconsistent the mods are though. He even went so far as to edit a post after openly attacking someone.


Mods can see pre-edited posts.

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There is no “basically cheating”, you either are going against blizzards ToS or you aren’t. Clearly running premades isn’t against the rules which means it is in absolutely no way cheating.

The word you are looking for is “unfair”. If you’re expecting everyone to play fair for you in gaming and not take every advantage they can get to win, especially in a PvP scenario, you’re going to be waiting a very very long time