Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Nah, it would still divide people up on each side based on ilvl. So even if you added a group in there, the system would just average the ilvl of the group and then divide the players up accordingly.


If you took our current system, ignored factions, and just divided people on two sides based off ilvl, queue times would be exactly the same. If anything, they would be faster since we are ignoring factions.

Not going to happen.

Because ilvl on x dps is the same as y healer.

ignoring factions will probably never ever happen.

Not sure I understand what you are saying here. Unless you are breaking up the teams wouldn’t it be the same? So right now they get a few teams, and all queue, and coordinate if they accept the queue.

If we make it cross faction how would that stop a group from doing the same thing but with half of their groups on one faction and half on the other? It might give a lower chance I guess because of the queues but they could still do the same exploit that way right?

Not sure I understand what you are saying here.

Either way I think cross faction would help because it would lower queue times by evening out characters queued and that could offset any gains from putting in group restrictions. So I am for it, but not sure I get what you are saying on how it would solve this problem.

In WSG yes that works but in IOC it doesn’t. Since you don’t even play epics let me explain it to you. The premade will sit there for hours whether you res or not. They will allow the enemy team to capture the resource nodes so their numbers never go down. That doesn’t happen in WSG.

I have no interest in replying to you further though since you don’t even play the content and have no idea what’s going on in them. I prefer to engage with people that actually understand the content and play it.


This situation is trash for sure. I would recommend new players to do bg blitz though. It scales up your gear so you are less of a hindrance to the team.


Works everytime I have done it in IoC.

Premades in epics arent a new thing. Its very clear you have zero idea what you are talking about.

Agreed Berry, they really need to incentivize it even more to get those queues down. Sometimes Blitz seems to take forever.

Cool story bro.

They would obviously be figured separately. Again, changes nothing relative to queue times.

The majority of content is now cross faction. Saying it will never happen is hilarious.

Two separate issues.

If two groups que’ed up on horde and alliance and the system split players up based off ilvls, you would calculate each group like an individual player. The two groups would verse each other. The current system supports stacking BECAUSE it respects factions.

The more you restrict things the more time its going to take which wont happen for randoms. The new rated solo que? sure.

The only content thats cross faction is non qued content. Everything that can be qued is not cross faction and Blizzard has stated they arent going to change that. Considering that merc mode is already in the game.

It’s not a restriction…

You’re only adding a sort function to the team building.

And people said the same thing about cross faction content prior. That changed. Cross faction bgs would fix a bunch of issues.

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The premades do need to go, but also:

  1. Remove party sync
  2. Normalize damage in leveling BGs. No single hit should ever do more than 20% HP.
  3. Cap the number of specs allowed in normal BGs.
  4. Add Tol Barad and SotA to the rotation
  5. Make all vehicles NPCs.
  6. Increase the numbers on all leveling maps, make 10s into 15s, and make 15s into 20s

Ah I get what you mean. They couldn’t tell which side they are on when they get the time queue pop so it would kill that possiblity. They would be in the same game but who knows the side.

Ok yeah that should definetly be added in there.
ilvl comparison
some adjustment to ilvl for grouping to level out grouping a bit
cross faction pvp queues

Then if that doesn’t work
10 minute penalty to queue if you skip more one a day? or something similar
Finally some actually enforcement of bans or penalties for using an exploit.

Sound like a decent plan?

If you limit teams by what both teams ilvl will be it is a restriction.

Blizzard has already stated that qued content will not have the faction restriction removed.

Sounds like some thing someone with zero clue about what they are talking about.

Its funny how scared you are to join rated content

Why do you keep bringing rated PVP and people’s rated XP up over a discussion about unrated BGs?


Just ignore them. Trolls are gonna troll. I put them on ignore a while ago when they started just calling people scared and mocking them instead of talking about the issue. Pretty typical forum troll stuff.

Because all the things these people are seeking is IN rated BGs.

Just because you cant refute facts doesnt make me a troll.

Well, if they removed factions relevance and did ilvl balancing, that would make any kind of queue syncing irrelevant.

The thing is, you could make the system so it still respected factions relatively speaking. In most bgs, likely only a few players mind need to be swapped around to make both sides balanced around ilvl. Groups would cause a little bit more shuffling to happen, but it would still work simply enough.

Don’t do drugs kids.

No man, it’s not a restriction. Nothing is being restricted. It’s a sort function. You’re literally just dividing players up based on ilvl to make it more event. This would changes nothing.

That’s cool man. Thanks for sharing.

Your opinions aren’t fact.

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A perfectly ilvl-matched team can defeat a premade.

The issue is often that one side has a lower ilvl than the other. Or, the non-premade side team has players who leave early. Or, that the non-premade team doesn’t counter any of the premades strategies.