Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

The only complaints I see are from players that take random BGs too seriously.

The result is the same thing. Either way if you’re getting camped stop spawning.

Considering that 1 I don’t partake in epic BGs and 2 if you want competitive play go play rated.

Your points are terrible as always.

Haha woops put this in the wrong thread i think. Weird.

Really? Because part of the complaints are from people who are genuinely new to PvP, be told they have to gear up through random BGs, and on top of being at a gear disadvantage, also fight against full premade groups and feel it’s unfair. But I guess the average new player is someone taking random BGs too seriously I guess.

People aren’t complaining about solely graveyard camping. It happens, people understand that. It’s who it’s coming from. If it’s coming from a pug vs a pug, it was simply a matter of not playing it good enough. They sucked, and got camped against another pug. They can learn from this experience and understand what went wrong.

Again, it’s a different story when it’s a premade vs a pug. There’s not much to learn for an individual player or a pug group when they’re fighting against a premade who has a ton of advantages over them. Your argument again is pretty much boiling down to, “they should’ve sync queued as well.”

You can buy the crafted gear now. I literally have farmed 0 honor gear and just bought the crafted gear.

I just don’t have the time for 20 minute shuffle ques.

Here is the reality check. If you want “fair and competitive pvp” you play rated.

Randoms have never been fair because it’s there for random fun/gearing up

This is irrelevant. This is coping and blaming something or someone else.

Again irrelevant.

You don’t play epics but you are responding to every post about a problem in epics. If you don’t even play the content then you definitely do not understand what is going on in them or what the problems are.


The argument isn’t about gear; I only included that as part of the new player experience some of them have to go through.

You really don’t need to explain to me fair and competitive PvP man. I do WPvP mostly, and I’m not fair at all. Doesn’t mean I don’t recognize when something is wrong though and should be addressed.

It’s not irrelevant; the topic is about premades.

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Let’s stop arguing with trolls that want to keep the status quo so people can farm/exploit and work on solutions. Here is my list of what I think could work and how they should try to fix it. Should be a slow roll that they tighten bit by bit and monitor.

There are a number of fixes Blizzard could implement.

  1. Include groups in the match making system so it takes into account the benefit for a team
  2. Groups have to be matched. So if you queue as a 2 man, then the team you are playing will have one as well and so on with more groups.
  3. Penalize queue skippers with a delay for requeue
  4. Announce it is illegal to do this then watch for groups doing it and ban/warn them. Probably have to make a specific flag for premade raids.

I think do 1 first, see if it levels out, then 2 and see if that levels it out. If it doesn’t take more extreme measures.

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Are you new to how forums work?

I dont need to play the current epics to understand premades that have been a thing since Cataclysm.

You clearly arent on the level needed for this conversation so I bid thee good day.

You used it as an excuse.

There isnt anything wrong.

The complaint by players who got beat isnt magically a valid complaint.

Just because you cant refute facts or use the word exploit correctly doesnt make a troll.

LOL none of that is going to be added to random bgs.

1 - MMR is for rated gameplay
2 - you would kill que times, not to mention this game is based on group content and punishing people for playign with friends for the antisocial players isnt a good look.
3 - isnt there already a minute penalty called desserter?
4 - they havent announced its “illegal” because it isnt

You should stop thinking.

This alone would solve the majority of the issues. I do think more balancing could happen though. I wouldn’t want an MMR system though, but something that would take gear ilvl into account. That wouldn’t impact que times at all, especially if factions were ignored.

Thats what rated is for.

Thats what rated is for.

It would kill que times lol

I think there technically is an MMR system that takes that into account so was thinking grouping could just add to that. Like a 10% ilvl kick to anyone grouped up in the comparison system? I am not really sure how it is currently implemented but I know there is a number in the chart in there so figure it could be used to mitigate.

Just something to slow down queues for groups. I n the end it would likely just be implementing my second idea though with matched groupings…which I think would work better.

It wouldn’t change que times at all.

For sure, I just like the idea of randoms being basically random. That said, the ilvl of both sides should be relatively the same. If they removed factions, this would be easy to accomplish and wouldn’t impact queue times.

I think it would…but only for groups. I think that would eventually kill grouping quite a bit for anything more than 2 or 3 mans…so we might need to have a lower limit. Like no matching unless it’s more than half the group or something like that.

Not sure. There are tons of ways to make algorithms that could figure this out and make matches at least more fair and try their best to mitigate extra queue times.

I would take 25% longer queues for never running into a premade again.

Queues would be the same. It would just divide people up based on ilvl. Nothing changes from the current system beyond you potentially playing on the other faction.

No, it’s pretty clear you have no idea what you are talking about.

I mean you suggested that in an IOC gy farm they everyone should just not res. By even suggesting this idea it shows you are so out of touch to what is going on in epics. This suggestion wouldn’t work in that case and only those who play epics would understand why.

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Actually…I bet they could exploit that as well. Just need half your premade to be from horde and half from alliance and you might still be able to do it.

Yes it would

Which punishes people for having friends and in a game based on group content that wont happen.

I actually know exactly what I am talking about.

Pro tip. If your entire team is getting gy camped and people stop spawning people get bored. This is how people stopped getting farmed before WSG had a timer.