Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

Your dismissal is ignoring the fundamental differences in how full premades and pugs operate and the advantages premades have against them. You’re ignoring specific context examples like IoC and the dynamics of premade vs pug groups. They’re able to deploy tactics that a pug group can’t.

You’re being obtuse and oversimplifying the issue by just saying “you only have yourself to blame.” and it doesn’t address any of the challenges that some pug players have to face lol


This guy must not get invited to a lot of parties, and refuses to miss the point that 5 man pre-mades are just fine, but when several groups of 5 queue sync and call queue pop that is cringe. Sorry, I have said it before and I will say it again EPICS are for two things
Collect honor for gear or
Queue up when you have had to much to drink or are really bored
and these communities ruined it.

I solo queued the other day and went against two pre-made groups one of my buddies who is Hero of the Horde queued up with me, it didn’t matter! We got destroyed what people don’t get even a Hero of the Horde and a 2k player (myself) can’t beat 25+ players and that is what this poster doesn’t understand.

BTW, I have challenged some of these community members to a duel and the few that do accept are TERRIBLE!


You need to stop making excuses


I’m not going to waste my time with someone that’s never broken 1800.

That guild has a known reputation for being filled with really terrible players.

Like I said. Not wasting my time dueling someone that’s never broken 1800

This is my alt. account look up Patronus-Coilfang or Stryper-Emerald Dream

It isn’t that you would waste your time, it is the fact that you would get spanked.

You remind me of the drunk guy in the bar that gets called out, then backs down because he claims he would knock the other person out, sure bro!

I never said premades don’t have an advantage. I said the results can be the same whether it’s a premade or not a premade.

I don’t know how to simplify it to the point you understand that if you are getting graveyard camped for hours it’s a you issue.

Replying to you is like talking to a brick wall, you don’t listen! Earlier I mentioned queueing up with a Hero of the Horde and it made no difference. Sorry but 25+ players would crush a Glad or Hero, you just seem to not understand that.

Lol your hunter isn’t much better. 1750 achievement and 1600 CR.

Do you know how check pvp works?

That’s a good joke if you think someone that’s never broken 2k in arena is going to “spank” someone that’s played above 2200.

Nah I just don’t care enough to prove anything to someone that’s never broken 2k.

Did you look up the names I listed, no you didn’t!
Tell you what duel me and if you somehow beat me I will delete my account and never play again.

I never claimed 25 people wouldn’t beat a high end player?

Like can you actually make a coherent argument or is that asking too much from you?

You did though, earlier you said if a group is getting GY camp then it is on them. BTW, you continue to criticize me on rating yet refuse to back up how good you are please Sensei show me!

Akita 11329

I did.

Your hunters highest record in solo shuffle is 1592.

Your highest in 2s is 1634 and highest in 3s is 1550.

Your priest is on sargeras not ED as the name Stryper on Ed comes up as a vulpera hunter.

Again I don’t waist my time in game on peoples that have never broken 1700 in arena.

That has zero to do with someone being hero or not.

If your team is so bad you’re getting GY camped then it’s a loss.

I didn’t criticize you. I said you weren’t worth dueling.

Yet to this day, I’ve never heard of a pug group deploying the same tactic RUIN pulled in IoC to another pug group. Reason being, not everyone will follow the crowd, they’ll do what they want and end the game.

You don’t need to simplify anything because you’re just being obtuse. It’s not someone’s fault that 40 players decided they wanted to queue sync to pugstomp, nor can you realistically expect them to plan for it ahead of time or something.

Your argument is basically “you should’ve queue synced as well lol”


No you didn’t, his highest rating is 2085.
Yes it does have to with being hero, in that 4-5 players can’t dent a pre-made of 25+. Like I stated before you remind me of the drunk guy who talks trash and when he gets called out uses every excuse to not get spanked. I get it you’re scared.

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This guy is really invested in EPIC communities, we should just give up on reasoning with him. He claims he is this PvP god yet wont duel this toon who has ZERO rating, yeah I call BS on this guy.


Just because you haven’t heard of it doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened.

Talk about a stretch.

The one being obtuse here is you.

People getting farmed in the GY happens in pug versus pug. That’s not exclusive to premades.

Your lack of understanding that you don’t have to be against a premade to be GY camped is sad.

Nah. I’m saying if you’re getting GY camper you stop spawning.

No one takes rbg rating seriously.

That’s just proof that anyone can get carried in RBGs when someone that can’t break 1700 in arenas can get carried to 2k.

No one respects rbg rating.

No it doesn’t.

I’m not scared of a carried 1600 hunter lol.

It hasn’t. Every complaint you hear about this in specific points to premades doing this.

And like I said, people getting farmed in the GY in a pug versus pug is fine. In this scenario, yes, it 100% is that person’s fault and they have themselves and their team to blame for it.

It’s a different story when it’s premades vs pugs though.


I have already stated I don’t participate in epic bg communities. I just afk random bgs.

I also never claimed to be a pvp god.

Just search me on check pvp

Whoops mispost, going to other thread to post it.