Premades have completely ruined the PvP BG experience. Do something already

There are 4,400 posts in this thread. My apologies, good sir, for not reading the last 4,399. Where is the link?

edit - Nevermind, I see. It’s from 2012. If this was an issue Blizzard would have fixed it in the last 12 YEARS. lol


Just know the links are there. As well as others that show it from bluetracker. We’ve referenced dozens of times at this point but you guys just keep pulling this crap. If you care, you’ll find it.

And there we go. Immediate dismissal despite the fact that the raid restriction is still in place.

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It was an issue. They acknowledged it. It was a small issue back then. It’s a substantially larger issue now. The sentiment doesn’t change. It’s not ‘more’ acceptable now.

Obviously Blizzard didn’t care since you linked something from over a decade ago that Blizzard still doesn’t care about. It’s a non-issue to them just like it’s a non-issue to almost everyone else.

Despite that Blizzard doesn’t care about this after more than 12 years ago, yeah, non-issue.


Boy, it’s a real good thing we have a representative of blizzard here to tell us what blizzard thinks and cares about. Thanks Evilira, blizzard developer. Since you have declared blizzard likes raids in bg’s, I will now organize a raid to que in game.

Edit: Nevermind. It’s still blocked. Obviously they don’t condone it since it is still restricted.

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Their silence is louder than words.

Obviously it’s not an issue since I’ll be premading some pug stomping this evening.

How dare you! Multiboxing was fine and a great way to play the game!!! I didn’t bother anyone in my Multiboxing Mythic+7 in Legion!!!11

Ahh those were the good days.


Another for the list but here it is:

On one hand, they say blizzard is fine with raids in bg’s because they haven’t done anything yet. Despite the restriction still being in place. Their silence is a stance according to these posters.

On the other hand, the fact that it is still restricted in game means nothing because… “trust me bro.”


The same way Blizzard choose vague wording for “Streamline multiboxing”, I think they give themselves leeway for each issue.

They could uphold the CoC in the case of premade sync.

Their intention for blocking raids from queing was clearly made. “We don’t want pugstomping in randoms.”

If we’re supposed to conclude that any blizzard inaction is evidence of a stance, then their choice to leave the restriction in place would have to be considered evidence that the original intent hasn’t changed.

You can’t have it both ways.


Just to draw a picture here with fake numbers:

In the past (before shadowlands), we had 300 players in Premade communities fighting in a pool of 6000 PVP players.

Today we have 300 players in premade communities fighting in a pool of 700 PVP Players.

Those numbers are only used to explain what is happening at high level, and why we see the presence of premade suddenly seems to have increased.

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Maybe manually queue syncing wasn’t an issue for the last 12 years.

Maybe it’s now become an issue.

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It’s just assuming the conclusion, a logical fallacy called begging the question. I’ve never been ticketed for driving 10 mph above the speed limit therefore it must be legal.

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I mean at this point, it’s a wonder anyone takes what that person says seriously. The more they comment, the more they show how little they seem to care and are simply here to stoke the flames.


Obviously the clear and simple thing to recognize here is if they have no issue with the raids in bg’s, the restriction wouldn’t be there.

There is zero logic in saying,

They want our raids in there but they just don’t want us to be able to que for it in-game.

^^^ that is the common denominator in every premader’s argument on this topic. And it is illogical. They resort to semantics and irrelevant subjects(achievements and etc). They also claim that the only stance that was verbally made in regards to raids in randoms(and not the method they use) was from 2012 and thus irrelevant.

Again pasting a ticket response from 1 year ago(april 2023):

Dear ,

Issue ID: #91348178

A Game Master resolved your ticket, and left the following response:

Greetings ,

This is Game Master Agecmor. ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

I just got the chance to read over the case about some concerns with some players who seem to have been able to make full raid premades for epic battlegrounds. I can understand how this can be quite discouraging to go against, especially since you can normally only queue for battlegrounds with a maximum of 5 people.

In this case, the best option would be to submit a bug report for the World of Warcraft games team to investigate further. If there is any exploits or bugs being used that allow them to queue with more than 5 people in a group, the only ones capable of investigating or making changes to the queue systems would be the developers.

Why would it possibly be an exploit or bug that more than 5 are getting into the bg’s if it is allowed?

This was my april 2023 ticket:

I do not see any other option to report this but when are you going to address the problem of premade raid groups in epic bg’s? Regulars also.

You have the 5 man restriction but these communities are bypassing this restriction to get a full raid team in. This is really becoming a common problem. It is a coinflip or better that you will be facing a premade raid group.

This is making that aspect of the game not worth queing for. Just look at how many are fleeing these bg’s to see that the amount of players affected negatively far outweigh those benefiting. And they are benefiting by doing something that is curtailing your own long-time rules and positions.

Can this game really afford to lose more and more players queing? That will lead to the likelihood of facing premades even more likely. And it will be a downward spiral.

I get people just like to complain to complain but this is becoming a real problem. It must be difficult to weigh the situation but the position has already been stated over a decade ago. “Do not use methods that give you an unfair advantage in casual(pug) bg’s.” These communities openly brag about it on your forums and even attack people trying to give feedback on this issue.

My wife and I have been with you guys for a long time and don’t want to leave but this spiral only leads one way. Downward.

Please do something. At least make it clear that it is frowned upon so people will stop leaving so much!

She hasn’t played the game in approximately a year. I’m still here trying to get something done about an issue that is destroying the game mode. A clear stance is needed that says raids getting into bg’s is fine, or not, and not just vague answers that are referring to their method of getting in. If it is fine, then remove the restriction.

But do something.
pokes with stick
cmon, do something.

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100% agreed.

I think the fallacy in several arguments here is the deliberate, willful ignorance of this particular characteristic. If Blizzard wanted premades in randoms, they would adjust the queue system to allow for it.

The fact is that they don’t. If they did, the current system would support it, but they similarly can’t punish people for playing the game by the rules. It’s not against the rules to queue up at the same time as another group, and it’s not against the rule to drop a queue. They are technically playing by the rules.

But I don’t see Blizzard’s inaction on that part as an endorsement of premades in randoms. Rather, I see it as “They’re technically playing by the rules, so there’s not much we can do about it.”

Which kind of leads us to where we are now, which is: Blizzard needs to do a revision of their policies and institute some sort of penalty for consistently dropping queues. It would appear to me that the issue is far too pervasive to the gameplay experience of BGs, so something should be done about it.

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The GM was very specific…

And no one is clicking the queue button with more than 5 people in a group.

Premades are multiple groups of 5 people, communicating that they are clicking a button.

definitely not an exploit, people just can’t handle seeing others succeed where they can’t though

If a heavyweight boxer got into a ring with a lightweight boxer, then I think the lightweight boxer would be reasonably frustrated to call into question the validity of them being there.


When I was in school I lived on the other side of a notoriously bad area I often drove through to get home. Everyone drove 20, 30 mph above the speed limit so I’d do 5 above in the right hand lane. I’m coming up on a guy going well below the speed limit so I move over, he does as well. No problem, must be turning left but when I moved back he almost caused an accident to get back in front of me. We come to a stop light and I’m in the right lane, he’s in the left.

Since I drove it every day I knew there was a surprise speed trap on the other side of this hill about a quarter of a mile ahead, so I punch it and he does as well trying to get back in front of me. My car was faster but I kept him at my side, we got about 30 mph above the speed limit but when I hit the hill I hit the brakes and he kept going. I cheered when he was pulled over, I managed to slow to the speed limit right before the top of the hill.

That’s why I say you should be careful with this line of reasoning.